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  • Hazrat Mahdi will definitely come, but not in this century
    Product features

    NUMBER OF EDITIONS: 1. Printing

    Language Turkish

    PAGE NUMBER: 256

    SKIN TYPE: Hardcover

    PAPER TYPE: Şamua

    SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm


    After endless praise to Allah, and unlimited salat-u greetings to Rasulullâh (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) Q and his companions!

    About fifteen years ago, I made a speech about Hazret-i Mahdi (Aleyhi'r-Rıdvân) in a social gathering and made a promise that I would compile a treatise related to this subject. Then there were people who followed this promise and asked me about it. However, the intensity of my other book copyrights, the multitude of my illnesses, and all the disasters that happened to me during the February 28 period have delayed my stop on this promise to this day.

    But thanks to my Lord, this statement made me successful today. Although Adnan Oktar, the pen name Harun Yahya, directed the matter to himself by falsifying the hadiths about Hazret-i Meh-dî (Aleyhi’r-Rıdvân) and there were no hadiths that fit him:

    His delusions as "one hundred hadiths obey me", and even worse, the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi and Salam) slammed this issue by stating that there is a hadith that the Doomsday will be broken at one thousand five-percent a year. caused me to buy.

    It is not clear where his unlimited material possibilities came from, he gave a day about the coming of Hazret-i Mahdi (Aleyhi 'r-Rıdwan) and when he did not appear when that day came, this person who endangered the belief of people and made children enemies to their parents. This work, which was compiled to defend his ideas, has a great value in terms of its sources and is of great importance for the use of today's Muslims in all respects.

    Himmet and effort are from us, and î'âne and tawfiq are only from Allah.



    Preface 5

    First part


    Evidence from the Quran Indicating that Hazrat Mahdi will Appear 11

    Hadiths mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim, indicating that Hazrat Mahdi and Acirc will appear in any time 17

    What It Means to Help Hazrat Mahdi 23

    The Process That Will Result With The Help Of The People Of Khorasan, Starting From The Exodus Of Hazrat Mahdi ... 28

    The Period Extending until the Exodus of the Dajjal after Hazrat Mahdi's Massacre of Sufiânî 40

    Hazrat Mahdi from Jesus (Aleyhisselam)

    Previous Conquests 49

    The Prophet of the Antichrist and Jesus (Aleyhisselâm)

    Time Between 60

    The Residence Period of Hadrat Mahdi 91

    The Period from the Descent of Jesus (Aleyhisselam) to the Death of Hazrat Mahdi 97

    Second part

    HAZRET-İ MEHD'S AL ve Acirc; METLER 99

    Hadrat Mahdi Will Appear At The Beginning Of A Century, So That It Will Not Appear In This Century 103

    What Will Be The Names of Hazrat Mahdi and His Father 109

    From Which Child Of Our Prophet Hazrat Mahdi Fatima To Be Coming 111

    Some Features Related to the Birthplace of Hazrat Mahdi, the Land of Migration and the Period of Mübârek 114

    The First Sermon of Hazrat Mahdi in the Kaaba 117

    Where and Who Will Pay Allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi .... 119

    The Future of Sayings from Heaven to Introduce Hazrat Mahdi 123

    How Goods Will Increase During the Time of Hazrat Mahdi 127

    Hılye-i Şerifesi of Hadrat Mahdi 129

    Some of the Moral Characteristics of Hadrat Mahdi 131

    The Period When Hazrat Mahdi Will Appear

    Some Features 132

    Some Virtues and Miracles of Hadrat Mahdi 145

    The Different Signs of Hazrat Mahdi 153

    Third Part

    IM and Acirc; M-IRABB and Acirc; HAZRET-I MEHDÎ IN THE LETTERS OF NÎ (Kuddise Sirruhu) 165

    Volume 1, Letter 209, 169

    Volume 1, Letter 260 of Volume 174

    261st Letter of Volume 175
    67th Letter of Volume 178
    68th Letter of Volume 2 184



    The Names of Companions Recounting Hadiths About Hazrat Mahdi 201

    Imams and Acirc who count the Hadiths about Hadith about Hazrat Mahdi as Evidence; limler 203

    Saying that the Hadiths of Mahdi are Mutawatir and Acirc; limler 222

    What It Means of the Hadîs-i Şerî, which is a Significant that there is no Mahdi other than Isâ (Aleyhisselâm)

    The Denial of the Exit of Hazret-i Asa (Aieyhisseiâm) and the Exit of Hazret-i Mahdi Will Cause the Danger of Faith 230
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