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  • Leech Therapy Book
    Product features

    Cover Paperboard Color Cover
    Size 14 x 20 cm
    Number of Pages 205 p.
    Leech Therapy Book as Content

    In recent years, old methods have been used to get rid of the side effects of drugs and allergies. The biggest attention is to put leeches (Hirudo therapy, Hiroda therapy, which is one of the methods used by our ancestors) for the treatment of medicinal leeches. Today, modern doctors do not have enough information about leeching method and its benefits to the human organism. However, we hope that today the side effects of drug therapy increase and the complaints that remain unresolved will make it a necessity to investigate this treatment. The inclusion of these will cause these types of treatments to be evaluated once again. In some countries of the world (Russia-Germany-America-England-France etc.), some studies are carried out in order to give the necessary importance to this treatment method. Despite the studies, unfortunately, there are gaps in some medical information-parts so that these treatments can be performed properly in our country. This can be perceived as the lack of a positive response to leech therapy to health. It also causes deficiencies in the reliability of the treatment.For this reason, we made researches on the subject and compared some information with those of other authors. If we take a look at the subject and give an example, some expert authors have applied the leeching method only in the painful area and have been satisfied with this. If we look at the Turkish society in the past, leech therapy in both traditional and modern medicine has attracted the attention of the public. Both positive and negative rumors have emerged in societies that have used leeches in treatments. Regardless, if we look at the treatment history of leeches. It is seen in medical sources that it has been used for more than 2000 years. Leech therapy is one of the oldest treatment methods, according to one of these sources. In many countries, as a combination of traditional and modern medicine, clinical studies and optimal leech therapy are combined in hospitals and private places. The main topic of this book is leech therapy. In addition, successful medical leech therapy applications, situations where it will not be applied, will be synthesized and presented. In addition, many issues such as biological analysis of leech secretions and quality reliability will be examined.
    (From Publicity Bulletin)
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