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    Our Prophet (saas) said: Gabriel (AS) would always recommend miswak to me, I even fear it would be obligatory for me and my ummah.

    1- It is the sunnah that our master the Prophet never abandoned.
    2- God will bring the consent of the righteous,
    3- It improves bad breath.
    4- It brightens the eyes,
    5- Soothes eye pain,
    6- A proper and harmonious speech develops in the language of the person who uses miswak.
    8- Makes the tone beautiful,
    9- Prevents tooth decay,
    10- Prevents receding gums,
    11- It gives strength to the palates,
    12- It analyzes the sputum,
    13- Increases intelligence,
    14- Delays old age,
    15- It is a cure for every problem except death,
    16- Relieves hemorrhoids,
    17- He hurt the devil,
    18- He pleases the angels,
    19- It facilitates the suffering,
    20- It reminds the word of witness,
    21- It causes people to go with faith,
    22- It makes the face beautiful,
    23- It strengthens the heart, stomach and eye nerves,
    24- It facilitates digestion,
    25- It opens the mind, makes it easier to memorize,
    26- The prayer performed in miswak is better than seventy rak'ahs performed without miswak.
    27- Imam-i Awzai pledge. Using a miswak is half of the ablution.
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