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  • Don't you want O Omar World To Be Their Afterringer - Dr. Arif Arslan

    Product Specifications :

    • Publishing House : Sena Publications
    • Author : Dr. Arif Arslan
    • Cover Quality : Paperback
    • Page Quality : Imported Paper (2nd Dough)
    • Number of Pages : 477
    • Language : English
    • Size : 13.5 x 21 cm
    • Weight : 436 gr
    • Barcode : 9786056496295


    Being a servant is hard work, but it's not impossible. To be a good servant, it is first needed to know that we owe it to those who gave us life and to agree to be a servant to Him. How, as C. Carter Scott said, being human
    there are some patterns and rules for; There are certain patterns and rules for being servants. Our first task is to follow these patterns and rules, adapting to the universe and other living-inanimate beings inside the universe, almost all of which were created for us.
    is to be in it. The body we have and the functions of that body are given to us just for this and we have it as a trust. At the end of the life given to us, since we were created from the soil, we have to return it to the ground.
    That's when we're responsible for everything we do in this body, good and bad, until the clock stops and the time comes.
    It is not very important to us that the body given to us is intact or crippled, beautiful or ugly. So do we like him or not. We don't have that right. The best of escrow can't be bad; escrow is entrusted; must be protected. Because as much as the body and facilities given, duties and responsibilities are given. Loving and being at peace with this body that we use throughout life and covering our soul, living harmoniously, will make our work a little easier.
    Everything we live and see is full of secret open lessons to make us a good servant throughout this life. Taking lessons from these events will lead us to perfection. Because life is also a school. We're regulars at this school. Every event is a lesson and a teacher. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. You shouldn't get hung up on these.
    Every message, every commandment, and prohibition, which is reported to us by the Messenger of God, is a lesson. Like, for example, I'm not going to All the good or bad events that we live with all the commandments and prohibitions of religion, such as ablution, prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage, learning knowledge, knowledge, harams and halal, good and evil, troubles and scourges, etc., are lessons. We will be tested from these in time. Flunking from anyone will make our job very difficult in the future.
    One of the rules of this school is the continuous exams. Exams are usually held on the subjects of faith and patience. We're often tried with these. These events and lessons either mature us and set us on the path; it brings us to the support, or it stalks us, causing us to live and die in disgrace and misery. If we follow the rules and listen to orders and prohibitions, we will largely succeed in the trials and become a good servant. Otherwise, we'll make mistakes and lose the test. We don't know if we're given the chance to take the test again or not. It is our duty to act carefully as if we will not be given a second exam and to understand the lessons given by the events that come our way and to give and win the exam with a good degree. Of course there will be mistakes in our lives, but the important thing is not to repeat them on the know. Therefore, almighty God keeps the door to repentance open and expects those who make mistakes to apologize. Therefore, sometimes it allows us to make more than one mistake, but it records our mistakes in a place called "Levh-i Mahv and Isbat", and does not forget; He won't leave us on our own. He gives remnances, gives time, but if he is insisted instead of repentance and apology, he does not neglect to do what is necessary. In other words; "God destroys, but does not neglect!"
    Another of the most important rules of being a good servant is to set ourselves a goal and explore the side paths that will tirelessly reach that goal until we reach it. If our goal is god's will, which is the right way to be a good servant, this is the most accurate choice. When you reach that goal, most of the work is done. Because now the lessons and exams become easier and the difficulties disappear.
    A good servant struggles with difficulties and is always in a race with others in doing good, being good moral. He looks at those who have the following financial opportunity and those who have less opportunity to compete in difficulties or good deeds, he is thankful that he is one step ahead of them or one step above them, and he looks at those who are superior to him in spiritual matters and tries to be like them.
    Another rule is to work to be a better servant, not a good one. I mean, reaching out to others, working to make sure they're good servants, too. The people we try to lead themselves to good will also be our mirrors and witnesses. Therefore, we must make our own recommendations first and give up ourselves before we forbid them. Because the famous rule that "you can't rehabilitate one's own selves can't rehabilitate anyone else"
    Describes. Everything we need to do all these things has been given to us before we go on this journey.
    As is known, "man is a passenger. It comes from the spirit world, it passes through the world. In the world, he goes through roads, bridges, such as childhood, youth, maturity and old age, to the kaaba and from there to eternal life." After all, according to what they used to do, there are two paths to which it will be sent, heaven or hell. It's easy when a man uses the tools and tools he's given to be a good servant on the spot. He wants the emotions and thoughts given, he uses his mind and his will in a good way and does things that will be in his favor, or he uses them without caring about them, living like weak and thoughtless beings without reason and opinion; is completely free to do so. He also has the right to sin and live insensitially without thought, provided that he endures the consequences. For us, the book of the universe written in open pages and legible writings, capital letters, and our Divine Book, which is a kind of tampering with it, responds to everything necessary, both about life and about our life, and explains everything. As long as we read, understand, listen and believe, trust. If we follow all these rules, it's not hard to be a good servant.
    Throughout our book, we will investigate these issues and try to find out the ways and rules of being a good servant. Our goal is nothing more than to be there for one's forced life and to lead and assist him. On this journey, yoru-lup can grab the hands of those who stay on the roads and rush them to the caravan,
    If we can give you a glass of water when you're old, a bite of bread when you're hungry, dry your back when you sweat, we'll consider ourselves fortunate. With respect to those who have been with us on this journey and those who hold the hand we have met...
    I would like to be with you with a work I have desired for a long time, to be in your hands, in your home and in your warm hearts, to feel your touches on the pages of my book and your warm breaths that hit the savlas while reading, and thank god almighty God, who has been estening his happiness.
    Who creates realms that we know or see or do not know, and adorns each world with separate blessings, and feeds, nurtures and nurtures and lives all kinds of ruins that he creates in them... To our Lord, who has given us all kinds of blessings and given us mercy and mercy, it will be less if we praise and repent for a lifetime without prostrating our heads, even because of the blessings that have hit us. That is why I praise him for the blessings he has given him in the number of atoms of the universe, the grains of my body, and the breaths of the prophet...
    May there be eternal salutations and greetings to our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, who introduced and endeared our Lord who gave us life, brought him to the consciousness of worship, taught prostration and prayer, and taught us remembrance and repentance. May god's thousands of people be on top of our Sahâbe-i Fallin Masters and the competent master of our Lord, who has guided us and brought the Qur'an into our lives, helped the Messenger of God and brought him to us on the occasion of his services and patronage.
    Since I was a little boy, and in the books I've still read, I've always wanted to be with the person who wrote that book, get to know it, and ask yourself about a lot of other things that he didn't write in the book. My teacher has always accepted the author of a book that I find close to me and teaches me things that I do not know or that I do not know, and I have heard a warmth towards him. In the same way, I was angry at those who did not like their views and especially those who dealt with religious issues relentlessly and wrote them, criticized them ignorantly and ruthlessly, and looked at the subject as if they were wandering in pitch black, with a narrow logic. To me, these are the kind of people who grop around in the dark and make a fool of things without knowing what they are. That's what I've always been mad about. But then I quickly gave up on that idea and said to those who are still alive and alive, "I wish I could meet him and discuss his ideas that seemed wrong to me, if I could get them to explain their claims, if there was anything I had to do." For those who died, they have already passed away from this world with their sins, their deeds, their sins, and their responsibilities, and there is nothing left to do. Because according to the prophet (sâv), it is written as much good or sin as the good deeds or sins earned by those who go down the road, until they send people on a right or wrong path.1
    I also tried to understand why our Sahâbe-i Kiram Masters read "Sûre-i Ve'l-Asr" when they left, from the chat touts they had or when they came together and negotiated some issues, and I looked through this window. Like again, Sahâbenin; "I wonder how many people we have breathed away from religion today, eyebrows are the cause of one's delus.
    1 Muslim, Iâre 133; Tirmizî, science 14; Ahmed b. Hanbel, IV, 120, V, 274, 357. Sünen-i Abu Dâvud Translation and Sherhi, Shamil Yay. 16/409.
    or we made a mistake that would cause him to remain constant in his blasphemy..." That's how I looked at them and questioned them.
    Therefore, for better or worse, I have always underlined the places I consider important or dangerous, framed paragraphs, and notes on the edges of almost every kita I read. Except for one book, I did it once, and I never did it again. That is our great Book, the Qur'an...
    There are some books that are read, then discarded or randomly given to someone who wants them. There are some books that are mixed up, taken a look at and thrown aside as "maybe I'll need them in the future, I'll read them if I find some free time." There are some, it is an application book, it is read as the time has come and as needed. There are also some books that begin to be read as soon as they receive and every line is asked to be drawn, the bedside book is stored for construction and is not given to anyone. If anyone wants one, they'll buy one and it'll be recommended to everyone.
    Hopefully, you'll want to read a single line of this book without skipping it and write notes on its edges. You're going to say, "Let me read this chapter to my friend, I'll share this place with my kids, and I'll get my wife to read this place." Because this book was written on the blessed days and nights of Ramadan.
    In this book you have, despite my exhaustion, I felt that my eye light was met with the eye light of my readers and that our hearts wanted the same things. I asked for the breezes of mercy and drops of fertility from the nights of Acquittal and Ramadan, and my Lord was gleasant, and I hope that my readers will benefit as necessary, and that they will encounter spiritual generosity without the stinginess of words in obtaining the information they deserve, and every word will be opened to them as much as a book, thus covering and compensing for our incapacity and inadequacy.
    In this book, as in our other books, we have given more space to the Qur'an and sunnah. We tried to guide you without straying from the topic with our personal comments and thoughts. Those who read and know us already know that our main source is the Qur'an and sunnah. However, we applied as the opinions and opinions of the greats we respected and benefited from the opinions and opinions of other scholars.
    We took care to write about "worship and testing" in a simple and understandable language, keeping our knowledge and knowledge at the forefront. Technically, we avoided going into too much detail and suffocate the subject. We tried to write in an easy and fluent style, appreciated by you. Here you go, let it be the occasion for the slopes...
    Dr. Arif ARSLAN Sarıyer - Istanbul

    Prologue and Introduction 09
    PART 1
    1) Worship of Allah 21
    2) Lifetime Kulluk 29
    3) How to Worship? 43
    4) Death Is Not Absence 46
    5) Easiest Worship: Duâ 53
    6) Types of Worship 62
    7) Allah Doesn't Need Worship But 64
    8) Kulluk, Reward and Punishment 68
    9) Worship and Freedom 79
    10) Kulluk, Peace and Happiness 89
    11) Kulluk ve Pazarlık 101
    12) Kulluk and Patience 111
    A) Allah is with the Patient 122
    B) Allah Loves the Sabres 126
    C) Great Reward for Those Who Are Patient 131
    D) Sabredens Are Helped by Angels 139
    13) Kulluk, Ingzk, Grful and Concession 145
    14) Concession with Blessings 159
    PART 2
    1) Our Purpose of Coming to the World 182
    2) What is a Test? 187
    3) Why Are We Being a Test? 195
    4) Does God Not Know What We Will Do? 209
    5) Destiny and Test 220
    A) Is Fate a Scenario? 222
    B) Everyone Pays For What They Did 223
    C) The Secret of Destiny and Test 226
    D) Miracle, Keramet, Tevafuk And Destiny 229
    6) Divine Warnings and Concession 235
    7) Why is punishment in the world? 239
    8) No Punishment for Religious Those Who Are Far Away? 243
    9) Right of Worship, Gıybet, Gossip and Slander 246
    10)Heavy Warnings: Wrath Slaps 253
    Province) Test with Quran and Worship 257
    A) They will say, "The Qur'an is enough for us." 258
    B) Quran Deliberately Downloaded in Arabic 260
    C) Reading Meal at Prayer 264
    12) After the Herehan and The Test 265
    13) Who is a Test? 273
    A) The Test of the Prophets 274
    1) The Prophet's Test 279
    2) Hz. Yusuf's Test 291
    3) Hz. Eyyûb's Test 300
    4) Hz. Yunus's Test 306
    5) Prophet Noah's Test 314
    6) Hz. Lût's Test 320
    7) Hazrat Musâ's Test 324
    8) Hz. Isâ's Test 343
    9) Water Test of Tâlût's Soldiers 348
    B) The Test of the Greats 354
    C) Common People's Test 358
    D) Devil's Test 363
    E) The Test of Those Who Serve Religion 367
    F) Testing with The Test 370
    G) Are Angels a Test? 379
    H) How Many Chances Do We Have to Be a Test? 382
    i) The Test of Those Before Us 388
    1) Power and Fire Test 389
    2) Makam - Concession with Position 393
    3) Property - Property Concession 394
    J) Why Are Non-Religious Always Happy? 397
    K) What is the Test and With Who? 407
    1) Test with Religion 411
    2) Test with Women 418
    3) Concession with Money and Goods 423
    4) Concession with Authority 431
    5) Test with Family and Children 434
    6) Test with Our Loved Ones 441
    7) Disease and Health Test 447
    L) What should we do in the face of those who have been edked? 457
    M) Purpose of The Concessions 462
    N)Trouble Time 467
    Result 471

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