
Emsile Bina Maksud Text and Translation-1934

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Product Code : 9789759180164
A Work That Has Been Translated Into Turkish In The Arrangement That Shows The Inflections And Derivatives Of The Arabic Words That Should First Be Known For Those Who Want To Learn Arabic.
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    Translator: Arif Erkan
    Browse_detail_publication_date 2012-11-28


    Number of Prints 1. Printing
    Number of Pages 189
    Skin Type Cardboard Cover
    Paper Type Shamuha Paper
    Dimension 13.5 x 19.5 cm

    This book is arabic vocabulary. It has been read as the only textbook in Ottoman madrasahs for centuries. It is also read as a sought-after and recommended work that has not lost its value in our time.

    Emsile Binâ Maksûd's text and translation were prepared by Kocaeli Center Vâizi Arif Erkan in a way that readers at all levels of our time can easily understand.

    And I praise Almighty God, the Lord of the Acirc. Peace and peace to Our Lord Mohammed, who has guided us towards him, and to all his apostles. God bless the Islamic scholars who have served the great Religion of Islam with their knowledge and wisdom.

    I'm glad you're not going to be able to do that. Almighty Allah sent his last book, the Quran, in Arabic, and the great Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.), who delivered it, explained it in Arabic. For centuries, Islamic scholars have written thousands of works in Arabic to explain and live the great Religion of Islam. Anyone who wants to learn Islam from their trusted sources must know the Arabic language. Arabic is also a language of science spoken through all over the Islamic world and even in Europe, Asia and America.

    Arabic has a close connection with Ottoman and even turkish of our time. We can say that a person who wants to learn Turkish well needs to speak a little Arabic.

    Islamic scholars worked his grammar and grace to learn and teach the Arabic Language, spent centuries trying to establish his pedestals, and found thousands of thin and solid pedestals and wrote them in books.

    From these books written on Arabic grammar, they gained great fame and reputation in the Islamic world and especially in the Ottoman Empire, and were read and even memorized in madrasahs for centuries and are also read in our time: EMSİLE, BIN and Acirc; and MAKSÛD books were written to learn Arabic consumption (i.e. the shots and deries of words).

    Almost no one used to learn Arabic without reading these Arabic grammar books. These books remain important in our time, however, there has been great progress and improvement in the method and layout of sciences and books in our time, and the aforementioned books have some shortcomings in order because they were written and published hundreds of years ago. In this respect, it is very difficult for beginners to read and understand these books. In fact, the phrase "our boy reads binâ, returns and reads again" is famous. Although arabic sherry, hashish and notes have been written to explain the mentioned books, they are useful to the teachers who want to teach these books more than those who want to read and learn them. In order to be useful to those who want to learn Arabic, we have translated these books into Turkish in a new device.

    We have reorganized the Arabic text using spelling principles such as dots, commas, questions and exclamation points with a new device that has now been accepted and implemented in Islamic countries. Thus, the reader will have the opportunity to learn Arabic text more easily and accurately, well and quickly. In this way, a person who wants to learn Arabic with the permission of Allah will understand and learn these books by carefully reading them in a def. Now it will not be necessary to say, "Our boy will read a thousand, and he will return and read again."

    I have prepared the text and translation of emsile, binâ and maksûd books about Sarf in a volume. I hope that from now on I will prepare the text and translation of nahv: (i.e., sentence structure and establishment) in a separate volume: Avâmil, Izhar va Rhyme books. Read and learn these six books carefully, and one learns enough Arabic grammar. From now on, he needs to expand his vocabulary by reading a lot of Arabic texts and become an angel on various Arabic cues. In fact, it reaches such a level that when he reads a text in Arabic, he can easily understand the meaning of the text without thinking about the pedestals, and that is when Arabic is learned. But there is no way for a non-Arab person to get to that level without learning arabic grammar rules.

    I read the emsile, binâ and maksûd books I translated many years ago. However, many books published in the Ottoman era did not have the author's name on them, and they were not in these books. That's why I didn't know your author. Then I wondered and looked into it. Unfortunately, the author of none of them is not known for certain in his book Katip Çelebi (Kasf ez-Zunûn), I found some information about his authors that was posted as (Kile = said). I'm transporting them here to the readers.

    1- The author of the book we translated (Emsile) is unknown. It is said that Ali wrote it, but this is not certain. However, it is a fact that Hz. Ali is one of the first scholars to work on the grammar of the Arabic language, imam Suyuti tarih'ul Hulefa conveys a narrative about this subject as follows:

    AbuT-Esved, one of the famous grammar scholars, said:

    "One day I entered next to Ali bin Ebi Talip (r.a.), the emir of the believers. I saw him with his head down.

    - What do you think, O commandment of the believers? Asked.

    Hz. Ali said:

    "Your city (Kufe) is also misrepresentation of Arabic"

    2- In other words, it is a book about the filming and derition of words and its author is unknown. Imam Azam is said to have written it, but it is not conclusive. However, it is a fact that this book has been read and even memorized in Ottoman madrasahs and even other Islamic countries for centuries. It is a valuable book that those who want to learn the Arabic language cannot stop reading and learning.

    3- The book al-Maksûd is also about the classification (i.e. the attraction and deridation of words) and its author has been disputed. The clerk Çelebi (Kasf ez-zunin) was also told that his author was Imam-i Azam. It's someone else's, he says. On this book, the imam Birgivî (death). H. 981). May God be pleased with the unknown authors of these books and their disciples.

    I used all my attention not to make mistakes in these books I translated. However, if there has been an overlooked mistake, it should be known that the servant is not without fault. In addition, until a book is written and looked at and received by the reader, many staff such as calligraphers, mürettib and binders pass through their hands. They were careful not to make mistakes. May God bless all those who have served and contributed to this Book, and forgive them their faults.


    The six baboons of the sulaimanious mucerred (rooted three-letter lean fiiller) are 75
    The verses made by increasing one letter on the sulaimani (rooted three-letter verb) are three baboons: 78
    Tehl bâbı
    Mufâale bâbâ
    Biâbs, which are increased by two letters on the sulaimanious mucerred, are five years 79
    îfilâl bâbâ
    Tefe'ul bâbı 81
    Tefâul bâbı
    The four baboons are 82, with three letters on the sulaimania.
    îniâl bâb
    If ivvâl bâbı
    A part of Rubâî mücerred (four-letter fiiller) 84
    The mülhak (joined) to Rubâî is six subjects: 84
    Fa'vele bâbı
    Fa'yele bâbâbı
    Fa'lcle bâbı
    Fa'leye bâbâbı
    Rubâî is a bâb with a letter on the mucerred: 86
    Tefa'lül bâbı
    Two letters on Rubâî: 87
    It's a good idea.
    îfilâl bâbâ
    Five bâbs to Tedahrece: 88
    Tefa'lül bâbı
    Tefey'ul baboon
    Tefa'vül bâbı
    Tefa'lî bâbı
    The two bâbs, which are the mülhak of Iranceme: 90
    Ifinlâl bâb.
    Ifinlâ bâbı
    Aksâm-ı Seb'a (Seven parts verb): 92
    Sahîh verb, 2-Misâl verb, 3- Nâkıs verb, 4- Ecvef verb, 5- Lefif verb, Mudâaf verb, 7- Mehmûz verb
    Types of verb 149
    Sulasi: The original verb, which is about to be three letters, is six verses 149
    Rubâî: The verb, which is about to be four letters, is a bâb:
    Fa'lele baboon 150
    Six months of mülhak to Rubâî
    Fa'vele bâbı
    Fa'yele bâbâbı
    Fa'la bâbı
    Al-Mezîdu fih (letter augmented verbs) are of two types: 151
    It's a virtue on the family.
    Mezîd on Rubâî.
    Words derived from Masdar: Mâzî, mâzî, ýârî, emr, nehy,
    ism-i fâil, ism-i mef ûl
    Masdar: Varieties and features 152
    Mâzî: Types and features 154
    Auction: Types and features 155
    Features of emr-ihâzır, emr-i gâib and nehy-i gâib 155
    Types and characteristics of ism-i fâilin 155
    Types and characteristics of ism-i mefûl : 156
    Chapter 157 on the shooting of divine verbs
    Shaddeli nûn (Te'kd nûnu/nun's involvement in the end of the emr-i-gâibi.. 159
    Inclusion of nûn-i hafife at the end of the emr-i-gâibi 159
    Ism-i fâil and ism-i mef ûl 160 from Sü'âsî
    Ism-i fâil and ism-i mefûl from Rubâî, emr-i hâzır, nehy-i hâzır 161
    Shooting of four-letter mezîd fii with a letter on the sulaiman 161
    Mâzi Muâri and masdan
    îsm-i fail, ism-i meful, emr-ihâzır and nehy-ihâzn 162
    The filming of the verbs, which are five letters with two letters on the water, is 163
    Mâzi, Muâri and masdan
    Ism-i fail, emr-ihâzır and nehy-i hâzin
    On Rubâi (the shot of the five-letter verb, which is based on adding a letter, is 165
    Mâzî, music and masdan
    Ism-i perpetrator
    Emr-i hâzin and nehy-i hâzin.
    Shooting of the Sufi (six-letter) verb 166
    Mâzî, music and masdan
    Ism-i perpetrator and ism-i mefû.
    Emr-i hâzin and nehy-i hâzý
    A chapter on useful information 169
    The verb is concierges for one of three reasons169
    Features of fâale, tame and ifteale 170
    Letters that join names and verbs 171
    Features of rubâî, humâsî and südî verbs 171
    Various ma'nâs of the level of "Efale" 172
    The "request" (s) means a variety of meanings 173
    Seven parts verb (axâm-i seb'a) and its properties 174
    Illiteracy, execution and mehmûz verbs bâbâbâ

    Note: For the convenience of the reader, this fihrist was prepared by me not according to the classic division and title of the book, but according to the main topics it contains.

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