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  • Russian Quran
    Bogoslovosky, military adviser to the Russian Embassy in Istanbul, translated and evaluated this translation in Istanbul a century ago. This translation; It is the best Russian Translation of the Qur'an with its footnotes containing the conformity of the Quran, the perfection of the Russian expression and a summary of the Quranic interpretations written to date. This translation is the most reliable Translation of the Quran, translated directly from the Arabic Quran to Russian by someone whose native language is Russian. Islamic scholars, who are widely familiar with the translations of the Quran translated into The Russian language, state that the footnotes that Bogoslovosky added to his translation are an excellent summary of the Interpretations of the Quran made up to his period. From this point of view, we can call this translation a russian interpretation. You can gift it by trusting your friends
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