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  • Sahih-i Buhari Muhtasari

    Product Specifications :

    Publisher : Robust Publications
    Prepared by : Hanefi Akin
    Cover Quality : Hardcover
    Page quality : 2.Dough
    Language : Arabic - Turkish
    Pages :1312
    Weight : 1458 gr
    Size :16.5 x 24 cm
    ISBN : 9786057625083

    Eternal praise to Almighty Allah (c.c.) and eternal greetings and greetings to His Great Prophet.
    Our Prophet Muhammad (p.a.) has shed light and set an example for us in every field with his circumcision, his words, his behavior and his deeds. Acting in accordance with His circumcision brings us closer to God (c.c.). We can only find the most beautiful, accurate words and behaviors we need in every field in His messages of the universe and notes.
    The circumcision of our prophet teaches us the principles of faith, worship, morality, as well as the principles related to all areas of life in a nutshell. For this reason, Islamic scholars attached great importance to hadith examination and meticulously gathered circumcision hadiths to create very valuable works. One of them is Imam Buhârî's "Camiu's-Sahîh", known as "Sahîh-i Buhârî", which is described by the hadith authorities as the most sa and note after the Qur'an.
    Imam Buhârî (rh.a) created this great work out of 600,000 hadith-i sharifs by selecting hadith-i sharifs, which are clearly known to be the hadith according to the strict procedures he has put in place. 7275 hadith-i sharif completed this work in sixteen years. This work, which you currently have in your possession, is a work of this bu and note, known as "Camiu's-Sahîh", prepared by the removal of repetitive hadiths and repetitions of the burden hadith complex.
    Today, information has become very easy to access. However, more important than accessing information is to get the right information. After twenty-five years, our publishing house is very happy and proud to present this valuable work to the benefit of our people by making it its mission to deliver the right information to the people.
    We owe eternal gratitude to our dear elder, alaattin Sağlam, who has played a great part in our coming to these days, and our beloved grandfather, alaattin sağlam, who has been in the hereafter. We would like to express our eternal thanks to selahattin Sağlam, the founder of our publishing house, our dear father, who has not lacked all his financial support.
    To hanifi Akin, our esteemed teacher who has been working diligently on this work for a long time; to Vedat Ozturk, who made the final readings; We would also like to express our eternal thanks to everyone who contributed to making the book this way.
    In this valuable work, we strived to minimize errors. However, it is still impossible to say that there are no flaws and deficiencies. Because the most perfect and perfect is the Qur'an, the book of Almighty Allah (c.c.). Because of our mistakes, we first seek the eternal mercy of Almighty Allah (c.c.) and then the tolerance of you, our readers.
    Our goal is to serve Islam and Muslims.
    It is from us to work, and success is from Allah (c.c.
    Hanifi AKIN: Born in Gaziantep in 1971. He graduated from Gaziantep Imam Hatip High School in 1991. In 1991, he won the Faculty of Theology of Erzurum A. U. In 1993, he transferred to Konya S. U. Faculty of Theology. He graduated here in 1996. He was the publishing consultant of Pollen Magazine and a writer for the same journal.
    M. Ali Sâbûnî, History of Prophets in the Light of Verses, Ahsen Publications, Istanbul 2003; Kettânî, Mütevatir Hadiths, Ant Publications, Istanbul 2003; Seyyid Sabik, Elements That Solidify Faith (Islam Akaidi), Ant Published, Istanbul 2004; Ibn Kayyim al-Cevziyye, Esmâu'l-Husna, Ant Publications, Istanbul 2004 (or and not;tak translation); Ibrahim al-Khazimî, Hadiths Allied by the Imams of the Seven Hadiths, Ant Publications, Istanbul 2004; Ibn Kayyim al-Cevziyye, Get to Know Made-Up Hadiths (Menâru'l-Münîj), Ant Publications, Istanbul 2004; Imam Gazza- lî, Being Measured in Faith, Ahsen Publications, Istanbul 2005; Beyhakî, Branches of Iman (Shuabu'l-Iman's Muhtasan), Pollen Publications, Istanbul 2005; Sahîh-i Muslim Muhtasan (3 volumes), Pollen Publications, Istanbul 2005 ; Ibnu'l-Mubârek al-Mevsilî, Emir and Forbidden Hadiths, Po and not;len Publications, Istanbul 2006; Riyazu's-Sâlihîn Translation and Sherhi (Tevdihu'l-Beyan min Sherhi Riyâzi's-Sâlihîn), Ensar Nesriyat, Istanbul 2007.
    Ongoing Work:
    1.Abu Dâvud, Tirmizî, Nesâî, Ibn Mâce, Muvatta', Dârimî, Ahmed b. Hanbel's Musned, Kütüb-i Tis (Book of Nine Hadiths)
    2.Kütüb-i Sitte Translation (Câmiu'l-Usûl fî Ehâdîsi'r-Apostle), Ibnu'l-Esîr al-Jazeera,
    3.Fiqhu's-Siyre (Compilation), Ibn Kayyim al-Jaziyye,
    4.al-Esrâru'l-Merfûafî'l-Ahbâri'l-Mevdûa, Aliyyu'l-Karî,
    5.Câmiu'l-Ulûm ve'l-Hikem, Ibn Receb al-Hanbelî,
    6.Sherhu Meâni'l- and Acirc;sâr, Tahâvî.
    This is my valuable work; I dedicate the idea of "being useful to the people" to my dear friend Zekeriya Efîloglu, who has taken the idea of "being useful to the people" as his guide.


    "The word "Hadîs", which is the opposite of the old "Kadîm", is the name of the (plurarian ehâdîs) tahdîs masdar and means "news".
    The word Hadîs has taken on a different meaning with Islam, and the words of the Messenger of God (p.a.v.) are referred to as "al-Ehâdîsu'l-kavliyye", referring to the response of the Qur'an, which is almost female with it. their verbs were called "al-Ehâdîsu'l-fî'liyye" and the things he endorsed (takrir) were called "al-Ehâdîsu't-Takrî-riyye" (Abu'l-Bekâ, Complex, p. 370, 402).
    Hadith scholars have included the characteristics (=shamâil) and moral qualities related to the creation of the Prophet Muhammad (p.a.v.).
    Some scholars say, By further expanding the scope of the term hadith, they included the personal statements and fatwas of the prophet and the subject, they called the hadiths belonging to the Prophet (p.a.v.) "merfû", those belonging to the prophet "mevkûf" and those belonging to the subject "maktu" (Ibn Hacer, Tehzîbü't-Tehzîb, 7/ 33).
    Later, when the word "news" was used to refer to all the terms merfû, mevkûf and maktû, some scholars saw fit to call only the prophetic narratives, and some of them called the prophetic and the prophetic narratives hadiths.
    In the early periods, the word "work" was used to refer to all kinds of news about the companion and its subjects, along with the words, verbs and verses of the Messenger of God (p.a.v.).
    Although there are different opinions about the scope of hadith and "circumcision", the use of these two terms synonymously for the words, verbs and phrases of the Messenger of God (p.a.v.) has been more accepted especially among hadith scholars. In addition, by further expanding the framework of hadith and circumcision, there were those who included the morality, shamâil, and what they said and did before the prophethood (Ibn Teymiyye, Fetava, 13/10; Kashfu'z-Zünûn, 1/635-636).
    Besides, let's go; There were also those who stated that there were verbal messages that were given up by the Messenger of God (p.a.v.), and that circumcision was sometimes the provisions of these verbal messages themselves and sometimes from these verbal messages.
    Hadiths; It expresses superior value and is of great importance as the word of the Prophet( Nahl: 16/44, 64), in which the Qur'an, which enlightens people on disputed matters and thus is the source of guidance and mercy, is revealed to him.
    At the beginning of the divine orders that the Prophet (p.a.v.) explained to the people with his words and showed his practice with his acts; prayers, fasting, zakat and hajj come. The issues such as when to perform prayers, how to observe the fast, what goods to give, how much to give, how to make the pilgrimage were not included in the Qur'an and became clear with hadiths, and many issues of Islamic law were resolved with the information given in the hadiths.
    Since it can be interpreted in the Qur'an in several ways, verses whose meaning is not easily understood can be interpreted thanks to hadith narratives.
    Hadiths also clarified many issues that are not included in the Qur'an and showed the way they are applied in these subjects. For example, issues such as the fact that a woman does not crash the prayers that she cannot perform in the form of menstruation, that a man cannot marry his aunt and aunt on a lady, and that it is forbidden to marry because of the proximity of milk to those who are forbidden to marry because of their proximity to the generation, such as the provisions regarding the right of the shuf, and the inheritance that will fall on the relative by the grandmother and the father, were resolved by the Prophet Muhammad (p.a.v).
    The issues related to the life of the hereafter, which are contacted in the Qur'an but not given much about, such as the life of the tomb, resurrection, apocalypse, account, trial, heaven and cehen and note;
    There is also extensive knowledge in the hadiths on moral virtues, rules to ensure spiritual and spiritual development, behaviors necessary for a regular family life, regulating and noteing internal and commercial relations between people;
    Immediately after the martyrdom of Osman, political factions such as Havâric and Gâliye, Since the end of the first (M. 7) century, the emergence of denominations such as Fate and Murcie, and after a while, Cehmiyye and Musebbihe, and the fact that these factions and sect supporters and notes deny hadiths that do not work for them, fabricate hadiths in order to strengthen their views, and have led those who are busy collecting hadiths to think about the issue and take precautions.
    Since the first half of the 7th century, the subject of isnad has been raised in the narrative. Since the beginning of the name, the rumors of the raves belonging to the Ehl-i circumcision have been accepted and the rumors of the Ehl-i bid'at have not been received.
    As a result; Raviler was meticulously followed by those who saw hadith as a specialty; their lives, their devotion to religion and their honesty, whether they had anything to do with bid'at, whether they were lying or not, whether their memories were poor, and thus, cerh and ta'language knowledge were born in the first century, resulting in a wide accumulation of ravile and note;rin state translations (=biographies).
    When the disbursement of hadiths was completed, efforts to make them a systematic book and thus to develop methods that would allow easy finding of the sought-after hadiths gained weight.
    Some scholars tried to sort the hadiths according to their subjects and write works of the type called "Musannef", while others chose to write books of the type called "Musned", sorting the hadiths according to the names of the sahabis who were their first ravis.
    Although it is not known who started sorting hadiths by baboons before, according to the information provided by Tirmizî (Kitâbu'lilel, p. 738) and, more broadly, Râmahürmuzî; Ibn Cüreyc (d. 150/767), Ma'mer b. Rashid in Yemen, Ibn Ebi Arûbe and Rebî' b. Sabîh (Subeyh) in Basra, Sufyân es-Sevrî in Kûfe, Mâlik b. Enes in Medina, Abdullah b. Mubârek in Khorasan, Cerîr b. in Rey. Abdulhamîd, Velîd b. He made muhaddis like Muslims (Râmehürmuzî, Muhaddisu'l-Fasl, p. 611-614).
    The fact that some of the muhaddis, known for their first sorting work, died in the middle of the 2nd (M. 8) century indicates that these works were prepared from the first quarter of the same century, thus there is no way to distinguish between the tedvin and sorting works in a precise line.
    In the 9th century, various systems were applied according to different needs in hadith books. The two most common forms of these are the classification of hadiths by ravi names (ale'rRicâl) and subjects (ale'l-Ebvâb)."
    The books prepared under the names Ravi (ale'r-Ricâl) are Musnedler and Mu'cem.
    The books classified according to their subjects (ale'l-Ebvâb) are Musannefler, Mosques and Sünen.
    "Musannef" are hadiths that contain the hadiths of "mevkuf and maktu" in addition to the merfu hadiths in the Sünens.
    "The Deflated" are hadith books in the plot of fiqh books, which contain the merfu hadiths of all intellectual subjects, from bondage to will.
    The "Câmi" have the ability to cover eight main sections covering almost all religious issues. The contents of these eight chapters, each called "The Book", are briefly as follows: Faith, Ahkam or Sünen, Rikak or Zuhd, Et'ime and Ashribe or Adab, Commentary, History-Siyer- Jihad, Menakib, Fiten and Melahim. The Câmi also include a number of subjects that are not even in any of these sections. Again, the Mosques contained any of these 8 sections.
    (1) M. Yasar Kandemir, "Hadith", DİA, XV, 30-33. For this reason, opinions that do not want to consider Muslim's book as a Mosque have been put forward on the grounds that the "Commentary" section is incomplete and not systematic. Mosques are also called "Sahih". For example, the books of Buhârî, Muslim and Tirmizî are called "al-Camiu's-Sahîh".
    Kütüb-i Sitte is considered as the most important hadith books classified in the 19th century III (M. 9). Buhârî and Muslim's "al-Câmiu's-Sahîh'Teri" are considered the two most reliable books of Islam after the Qur'an, since they aim only to collect true hadiths.
    The real name of "al-Câmiu's-Sahîh", a famous hadith of the type of "mosque", whose fame is spread all over the Islamic world, is considered to be composed entirely of true hadiths and gathers hadiths on different subjects, "al-Câmi'u's-Sahîhu'l-Musnedu'l-Muhtasaru min umûlillâh (p.a.) and Sunenihî and Eyyâmihî". It was abbreviated as al-Câmi'u's-Sahîh or Sahih-i Buhârî and became famous by these names.
    The long name of the mistress has been seen to show its characteristics. Accordingly, the word "al-Câmî" in that name refers to the book as a mosque-type book, which brings together the hadiths mentioned in all subjects. It is understood from the word "es-Sahîh" that it contains true hadiths. "al-Musned" indicates that the name consists of muttasil hadiths. It is the adjective "al-Muhtasar", and it states that I have received not all the hadiths of authenticity, but a part of me that denotes the concise provisions of the owners who comply with the conditions set by the believer. The other words make him say that he not only gives the hadiths, but also the provisions to which they belong.


    Imam BUH and Acirc; RÎ'S SHORT BIOGRAPHY 10
    Imam BUH and Acirc; PHASE OF RÎ 11
    Imam BUH and Acirc; RÎ'S SECT 12
    Im and Acirc with STEAM; M-I and Acirc; HIKE POSSIBILITY 14
    Imam BUH and Acirc; RÎ'S WORKS 17
    "SAHÎH-I BUH and Acirc; FEATURES OF RÎ 19
    BUH and Acirc; STUDIES ON RÎ'S "S AHÎH" 25
    BUH and Acirc; TENDS DIRECTED TO RÎ 37
    1.How did the arrival of revelation in the Messenger of God (p.a.) begin? 63
    PART 2: Im and Acirc; N PART 75
    1.My Islam Is Based on Five Foundations 75
    2.Imana Works 76
    3.The true Muslim; Other Muslims In Their Language and Hands Have No One To Be Sure of 76
    4.Which Behavioral Model Is Superior in Islam 77
    5.Feeding is from Islam 77
    6. The Desire of the Person For Himself and the Brother of Religion 77
    7.It is implied to love the Messenger of God (p.a.) 78
    8.Taste of Destruction 78
    9.The Sign of True Meaning is to Love Ensar 79
    10.Fasl 79
    11.Escaping Persecution Is Religion 81
    12.Prophet (p.a.)'s: "I Am The Best Knower of God" and
    Ingenuity, Heart Being a Verb 81
    13. The People of Imad are superior to each other in terms of virtue due to deeds 82
    14.The Dream is The Implied 83
    15.Almighty Allah: "If They Repent, Pray and Give Alms
    Release My Paths" (Repentance: 9/5) Verse 83
    16.Almighty God said, "This is because of your good deeds.
    it is paradise where you are inherited"( Zuhruf: 43/72) Because of His Verse
    "Imad is Worship from Deed" 84
    17.Being a True Muslim 84
    18.Being Ungrateful to Your Husband's Good 85
    19.Masculinity is a Work of Ignorance 86
    20.Almighty Allah: "If the Two Groups of Believers Fight Each Other
    Make Amends" (Hucurât: 49/9) Verse 86
    21.Difference from Cruelty to Persecution 87
    22.The Sign of the Hypothetical 88
    23.It is a blessing to spend the Night of Almighty worship 89
    24.Jihad Being a 90
    25.It is a blessing to spend ramadan nights in futile worship. 90
    26.It is implied that you should observe the Ramadan Fast only in the hope of Allah 90
    27.Facilitating (Islamic) Religion 91
    28.Prayer To Be Implied 91
    29. The BeautifulNess of a Person's Muslim 92
    30.God's Favorite Deed is The Constant Deed 93
    31.Increase and Despion of Faith 93
    32.Intelligence from Islam 95
    33.Funeral Is a Way to Go Behind My Back 96
    34.My Believer Fears That No One, Awareness, Will Waste His Deed 97
    35.Gabriel to the Prophet (p.a.); Asking Questions about Imad, Islam, Ihsan and the Signs of the Apocalypse and The Prophet (p.a.) Answering These Questions 97
    36.Virtue of Anyone Who Wants to Make His Religion Immaculate 100
    37.Giving One-Fifth of the Loot to the Islamic State Is Implied 101
    38.Deeds To Be Based on The Desire to Achieve Sevab with Intent and To Achieve What Everyone Intends 103
    39.Religious Advice 104
    1. The Person Who Is Asked a Question When Talking About Something
    Answering the Person Who Asked After Finishing His Speech 106
    2.Raising One's Voice When Teaching Science 107
    3.Hadithist Saying "Haddesenâ" (He Told Us), "Ahberenâ" (Notified Us) and "Enbeenâ" (NotIfied Us) 107
    4.Reading and Presenting to the Hadithist 108
    5.Debate and The Scholars Write knowledge and send it to different regions 109
    6.Where the Assembly Ends and The Person Who Sits There, Seeing a Gap in the Ring 111
    7.Prophet (p.a.)'s: "Many People Who Have Been Given Something From Me
    He Understands It Better Than Your Work" Promise 112
    8. To Preach and Teach Knowledge to the Companions of the Prophet (p.a.)
    Waiting for the Right Time They Are Willing 112
    9.God Comprehends/Fakih In Religion Who He Wishes For Good 114
    10.Envy about Knowledge and Wisdom 114
    11.Prophet (p.a.) said: "My God! Teach Him the Book" Promise 115
    12.When the Little Boy Will Be Able to Listen to hadith 115
    13.The Virtue of the Person Who Learns science and teaches others the knowledge he has learned 117
    14.Abolition of Knowledge and The Spread of Ignorance 117
    15.Virtue of Knowledge 118
    16.Answering Questions While He's On a Mount 118
    17.Answering the Question Asked by Hand and Head Mark 119
    18. The Person Traveling to Learn the Verdict of an Incident That Happened to Him and
    Teaching This to The Competent 120
    19.Learning Science by Shift 121
    20.Person, Education and Training Order
    Getting Angry When You See Something You Don't Like 122
    21.Repeating It Three Times to Understand The Word Said 124
    22. Teaching Knowledge to the Female Worker and Her Family working under the Concubine/Under Her Command 124
    23.President, Preaching to Women and Teaching Them Science 124
    24.Being Ambitious against Learning Hadith 125
    25.How to Remove The Science 125
    26.Setting a Special Day for Women to Teach Science 126
    27. To Find Out If Anyone Who Hears Something but Doesn't Understand It
    Reapply to Anyone He Hears 127
    28. The Person in the Council of Sciences, The Knowledge He Hears and Learns
    Notify anyone who is not there 127
    29.Sin taken by anyone who speaks falsely about the Prophet (p.a.) 128
    30.Writing of Knowledge 129
    31.Teaching and Preaching at Night 130
    33.Silence and Listen to What Knowledgeable People Say 138
    34.Knowledgeable Person Basing Knowledge on God 139
    35.Asking a Question to a Knowledgeable Person Who Is Sitting While He Is Standing 142
    36.The Spirit is from the Command of the Lord and little information is given to the human being regarding the Soul 142
    37.Haya 144 on Learning and Teaching Something
    38.Asking a Knowledgeable Person a Question Through a Surrogate In His Relussiveness to Ask Something... 144
    39. Learning Science in the Mosque and Any Subject
    Answering the Question Asked 145
    40.Answering More To The Person Who Asks the Question Than What It Asks 146
    1.Refusal of Any Prayers Without Ablution 148
    2.Virtue of Ablution 149
    3.Unless you are absolutely certain that the Ablution of The Ablution Is Broken
    Not Ablution Due to Doubt 149
    4.Keeping Prayer Light 149
    5.Washing the Face with a Handful of Water By Combining Two Hands 150
    6.Prayer to Read When Going to the Toilet 151
    7.Being Near a Wall or a Building
    Large or Small Ablution Does Not Turn to the Qibla Side 151
    8.Women Go Out at Night to Satisfy My Needs 152
    9.No Right Hand Cleaning During Small or Large Ablution 153
    10.Washing My Ablution Organs Once 154
    11.Washing My Ablution Organs Twice 154
    12.Ablution Organs Washing Three Times 154
    13.Always Starting From the Right in Cleaning, Hair-Beard Care and Washing 155
    14.Human Hair-Touched Water Provision 155
    15.Necessity of Ablution to Pray 156
    16.Helping Someone Else Get Ablution 156
    17.Reading the Quran After Breaking the Ablution 156
    18.Meshing the Head While Taking Ablution 158
    Use of Ablution Water Left in 19.Su Container by Oversym people 159
    20.It is permissible to sprinkle Ablution Water on Anyone Who Faints. 159
    21.Ablution in Containers That Are Halal to Use 160
    22.The Amount of Water That the Prophet (p.a.) received in Ablution 160
    23.Meshing on Ecstasy 161
    24.Ayaklan, Putting Ecstasy in While Ablution 161
    25.Not Needing Ablution Due to Eating Meat Cooked over Fire 161
    26.Ablution Due to Sleep 162
    27.Ablution on Ablution 162
    28.Not To Avoid Urine Is One of The Great Sins 163
    29.Washing The Place That Touches Urine 163
    30.The Prophet (p.a.) and the Sahabis, in the Mosque
    Not Interfering with a Bedouin Until They Urinate 163
    31.Child's Urine 164
    32.Provision for Urinating Standing or Sitting 164
    33.Washing the Blood-Touching Place 165
    34.Washing Sperm, Rubbing It By Hand and Washing Things That Hit The Woman 165
    35.Camels, Sheep, Sheep Pens with Urine of Other Four-Legged Animals 165
    36.Provision for Falling Dirty Things Into Oil and Water 167
    37.Not urinating in stagnant water 167
    38.If a Person Who Prays Is Thrown Dirt on My Back, That Person
    Status of Prayer 168
    39.Woman Washing Blood From My Father's Face 169
    40.Cleaning Teeth with Miswacle 169
    41.The Virtue of The Person Who Spent the Night in Ablution 170
    1.Getting a Prayer Ablution Before Receiving a 1st Size Ablution 173
    2.Man's Boy Abdesti With His Own Wife 174
    3.Taking a Sa' Amount of Water Size Abdesti 174
    4.Boy Abdestine Milk Handle Similar to a Captain Taking Water or Creeping The Smell.... 174
    5.In the SizeAbdesti Of The World, I'm Not Going to Read The House of The President.175
    6. Repetitive and One-Size-Old Ablution After Having Sexual Intercourse
    My Ladies, The Situation of the Wandering One 175
    7.The Smell Creeps And Then Washes and The Trace of The Smell Remains in Your Body 175
    Washing Hair Well When Buying 8th Size Ablution 176
    9. When The Person Remembers That He Was a Genoa While he Was in the Mosque
    Going Outside the Mosque By Not Giving Teyemmum 176
    10.Although It Is More Virtuous to Bathe Covered While Alone
    Naked Washer 176
    11.Boy Abdesti Alma Esnasmda Person, In Something or
    Obscuring From The People After 177
    12.A Muslim Person Is Not Dirty when He's Dirty 178
    13.It is permissible for me to stay at home when no one receives the Ablution of Prayer 178
    14.Boy Abdestinin, Man's Circumcision Place
    If The Woman Meets the Circumcision Place 179
    1.How the Remembrance Began 181
    2.Woman Washing and Scanning Her Husband's Head 182
    3. The man recites the Qur'an while the woman is recessed in his wife's lap. 182
    4.Touching a Woman's Skin 182
    5.The Woman With the Remembrance Does Not Fast 183
    6.The Abused Woman's Redemption 185
    7.Woman's Beautiful Scent Creep as She Is Cut From Her Head and Gets a Height Ablution 186
    8. When the woman will be cleared of the inn; Washing and
    Cleaning the Blood-Touching Place with Something Fragrant 186
    9.Woman Combing Her Hair While Getting a Height Ablution to Clear The Inn 187
    10.Kadirim Unties My Hair While Cleaning From The Inn 187
    11.The Woman Who Is a Remembrance Does Not Crash The Prayers She Cannot Perform 188
    12.Sleeping in the Same Bed with a Woman of Remembrance 189
    13. The Women of The Remembrance, Standing Apart From the Place of Prayer, Eid Prayers
    Presence in the Area where it was held and in the Prayers of Muslims 189
    14.Yellow and Brown Wetness That My Woman Will See Except for The Days of Remembrance 190
    15.Woman Who Was a Traitor After The Visit 190
    16.Funeral Prayers Held on Woman Who Died in The Cold 191
    1.Descent of Teyemmüm Verse 192
    When There Are No 2.Su and There Is No Prayer Time
    Permissible to Teyemmüm in The Settlement Center 194
    3.Blowing into the Hands of the Teyemmum 194
    4.Where the soil is a cause of cleanliness for muslims and there is no water
    Validity of Something Of the Kind of Soil That Is Clean 195
    CHAPTER 8: S AL and Acirc; T (=N AMAZ) SECTION 198
    1.Five-Time Prayer Is assumed to be the Night of Israel 198
    2.Praying covered in a Single Dress 202
    3.Praying in a Tight Dress 202
    4.Being Naked Outside Of Prayer and Prayer Is Mekruh 203
    5.Praying in Shirt, Long Don, Short Don and Kaftan 203
    6.Covering the Avret Site 204
    7.What's Said About Thighs 205
    8.How Many Pieces of Dress Do Women Pray? 205
    9.Praying in a Dress With Stripes of Motifs 206
    10.Does the Prayer of the Person Praying in a Cross-Striped or Illustrated Dress Be Disturbed?.. 206
    11.Praying in Silk Robe with Back slit 206
    12.Praying in a Red Dress 207
    13. Praying on the Roofs of Houses, in the Pulpit, On Pieces of Trees 207
    14.Praying on a Wicker 208
    15.Praying on a Mattress 209
    16.Prostrating Yourself on a Dress in Extreme Heat 209
    17.Praying with Ecstasy 209
    18.No One Who Prays Does Not Prostrate Fully 210
    19.No One Praying Should Open the Bisslan while Prostrate and Keep It Away From Them 210
    20.Virtue of Heading to the Qibla 210
    21.Praying in Ibrahim 211
    22.No One to Pray, No Matter Where They Are Headed to Qibla 212
    23.Other Matters related to the Qibla and Accidentally Praying in a Different Direction from the Qibla 213
    24.Redemption of Spitting in the Mosque 215
    25. To complete the prayer and to show the necessary respect towards the Qibla,
    Imam's Advice to the Congregation 215
    26.Masjid, is it called "Falanca Sonlan Masjid"? 216
    27.Sharing Goods in the Mosque 217
    28.Acquiring Mosques/Prayer Halls in Homes 218
    29.The Tombs of the Polytheists of the Period of Ignorance
    Transfer to Another Place and Build a Mosque 219
    30.Tandoion, Fire or Himself, observing the consent of Allah
    Praying Against Something Else Worshipped 221
    31.Praying in a Cemetery Is Mekruh 221
    32.Praying in Places where The Punishment and Punishment of God is carried out 222
    33.One Fasl 222
    34.Woman Sleeping in a Mosque 223
    35.Men Sleeping in the Mosque 224
    36. Praying in the Mosque When You Return from the 225th Campaign
    37.Performing Tahiyyetu'l-Masjid Prayer When Entering the Mosque 226
    38.Building of the Prophet Masjid (Masjid al-Nabî)226
    39.Helping My People With Each Other During The Construction of the Mosque 227
    40.Virtue of The Person Who Built the Mosque 227
    41.Passing through the Mosque 228
    42.Reading Poetry in the Mosque 228
    43.Asking for Debt in the Mosque and Squeezing the Debter 229
    44.Sweeping the Mosque and Collecting Circassian In the Mosque 229
    45.Mentioning that the Liquor Trade is Haram in the Mosque 229
    46.Connecting a Prisoner or Debtor to a Mosque 230
    47.When an Infidel Is a Muslim, He Receives a Height Abdesti and
    Connecting a Captive Person to the Mosque 231
    48.Setting Up Tents for Patients and Others Within the Mosque 231
    49.Getting a Camel into a Mosque Due to a Need 232
    50.One Fasl 232
    51.Opening Small Doors and Passageways to the Mosque 233
    52.Obtaining Locks with Doors for Kaaba and Other Mosques 234
    53.Raising the Volume in Mosques 234
    54.Creating Rings in the Mosque and Sitting There 235
    55.Lying On Your Back and Extending Your Feet Inside the Mosque 235
    56.Building a Mosque on the Road As Long As It Does Not Harm People 236
    57.Praying at the Mosque in the Bazaar 236
    58.Finger Clamping in Mosque and Other Places 237
    59.Mosques on the Roads of Medina and Places where the Prophet (p.a.) prayed 237
    60.Imamm Milky Way, Congregation's Milky Way 238
    61.How Far Should The Distance Between The Person Praying and Sure Should Be 239
    62.Praying towards column/pole 240
    63.Praying Between the Pillars/Pillars of the Mosque While Iken Alone 241
    64.Praying towards the Load Camel, The Camel, The Tree and the Camel Saddle, Which Is Five Years Old. 241
    65.Serire/Praying towards the Bed 242
    66.Preventing Anyone Praying From Passing By 243
    67.The Sin of The One Who Passes By the Person Who Prays 244
    68.Praying Behind a Sleeping Person 244
    69.Carrying The Little Girl on The Neck / Back During Prayer 245
    70.Kadirim, Removing Something From The Man Who Is Praying 245
    CHAPTER 9: ME V and Acirc; KITU'S-SAL and Acirc; T (=N FOUNDATIONS) PART 247
    1. Times and Virtues of Prayer 247
    2. Redemption of Prayer, Sins 248
    3.Virtue of Performing Prayer on Time 250
    4.Five Times Prayer, Redemption (Minor Sins Committed Between Them) 251
    5.Spending Prayer Time 252
    6.The Worship of the Person Who Prays to his Lord 252
    7.Leaving My Noon Prayer to Cool in The Worn Heat 253
    8.My Noon Prayer To Cool Off on the Journey 254
    9.From the Exact Peak of the Sun, The Start Time of The Noon Prayer
    To be in the time when he inclined to the West and mdash; 254
    10.Noon Prayer, Postponing Until Afternoon 255
    11.Time of Afternoon Prayer 256
    12.Sin of the Person Who Has Undergone Afternoon Prayers 258
    13.Sin of the Person Who Left the Afternoon Prayer 258
    14.Virtue of Afternoon Prayer 258
    15.The Person Who Caught Up with a Prayer Before the Sun Went Down 259
    16.Time of Evening Prayer 261
    17.Those Who See It as "Isa" to Evening Prayer 262
    18.(For Yacht Prayer in Hadiths) Passing the Words "Isâ' " and "Ateme" and
    Anyone Who Deems It Permissible to Use the name "Ateme" in the Meaning of "Isis" 262
    19.Yacht Prayer Time, When My People Gather Sooner or Later 263
    20.Virtue of Yacht Prayer 263
    21.Yacht Sleeping Before Prayer 263
    22.Anyone Who Succumbed to Uykuya Before My Yacht Prayer 264
    23.Time of Yacht Prayer, Night Competition 265
    24.Virtue of Morning Prayer 265
    25.Time of Morning Prayer 265
    26.The Person Who Caught Up with a Prayer of the Morning 267
    27.The One Who Caught Up with a Prayer 267
    28.Praying After Morning Prayer Until the Sun Rises 268
    29.Not Attempting to Pray Before the Sun Goes Down 269
    After the Farce of the 30th Morning Prayer and the Assumption of the Afternoon Prayer
    People Who See Prayer 270
    31.Futile After the Assumption of afternoon prayer and (Funeral, Ratibe Type)
    Performing Similar Prayers 270
    32.Reading the Prayer After The Time Has Passed 271
    33.After The Time Is Out, The Person Who Made the Prayers That Were Left in the Accident With the Congregation 272
    34.No One Who Forgets to Pray Should Remember Him and Pray for the Accident
    273 For Anyone Who Leaves To Return Only The Prayer Left in the Accident
    35.It is imperative to not sleep and chat after assuming yacht prayer 273
    36.After the Assumption of Yacht Prayer, About The Matters of Science and Good
    Staying Awake and Chatting 274
    37.(After Yacht Prayer) Chatting with Guests and Family Members 275
    CHAPTER 10: EZ and Acirc; N PART 277
    1.Beginning of Prayer 281
    2.Two-by-Two Reading of the Words of Azan 282
    3.Azan Okumamn Virtue 282
    4.Raising the Volume while Reading Azan 283
    5.Stopping Bloodshed There Due to The Reading of The Prayer in a Town 283
    6. What Does the Person Say When He Hears the Muezzin? 284
    7.Prayer to Be Read at the End of the Prayer 285
    8.Drawing Lots to Read Azan 285
    9.Speaking while Reading the Prayer 286
    10.If There Is Someone to Let Him Know That The Time Has Entered
    A Blind Person's Prayer Reading 286
    11.Reading After the Dawn of The Disaster/Tan Place 287
    12.Reading Before Disaster 287
    13.How Long Should There Be Between Azan and Kamet? 288
    14.(After The Prayer Is Read) No One Waiting for the Cameo 288
    15.Reciting Azan and Kamet on the Journey in The Congregation 289
    16.Muezzin Turning Left and Right while Reading Azan 289
    17th Person: "Prayer Passed Us" 290
    18.Person Goes to Prayer with Sekinet and Dignity, Not Fast Steps 291
    19.When does the congregation that saw the Imam stand up when the kamet was brought in? 291
    20.Emergence of a State of Preoccupation for the Imam After The Kamet Is Brought 292
    21.Body of Prayer with the Congregation 292
    22.Virtue of Praying with the Congregation 292
    23.Virtue of Performing Morning Prayer with the Congregation 293
    24.The Virtue of Performing My Noon Prayer on First Time 294
    25.God's Reward for Every Step Taken on the Way to the Mosque 295
    26.Virtue of Performing My Yacht Prayer with the Congregation 295
    27.Congregation Consists of Two People and More Than Two People 295
    28.Virtue of Mosques with No One Sitting in The Mosque Waiting for Prayer 296
    29.Virtue of The Person Who Commutes to the Mosque 296
    30. Only Suppose Prayer Is Performed when Kamet is Brought for Prayer,
    No More Prayers 297
    31.Measure of The Disease That Prevents Prayer with the Congregation 297
    32.Namazm Goes to The Mosque in Case of Rain and Disease
    Granting a License to Be Made in the Current Venue 298
    33.Imam Has a JustIfied Excuse to Prevent Joining the Congregation
    Does It Make the Incoming Congregation Pray if It Is Found? 299
    34.What to Do If The Meal Is Ready When Kamet is Brought for Prayer? 300
    35.Working to Meet the Family's Needs and For Prayer
    Joining the Congregation when Kamet Is Brought 301
    36.Although he does not wish to pray, only the Prayer of the Prophet (p.a.) and
    301 Who Prays to the People to Teach His Circumcision
    37.To Be An Imam of People with Knowledge and Virtue
    (From Other People) More Worthy 302
    38.The Imam of the Imam to Pray for the Congregation,
    Whether Withdrawn or Not After Arrival, My Prayer Is Valid 304
    39.Imam Has To Comply With Himself 305
    40.When Do Those Who Pray Behind The Imam Prostrate Themselves? 306
    41.The Sin Of The Person Who Lifted My Head Before The Inn 306
    42.Full Prayer of the Congregation, Which the Imam Lacks 307
    43.Imamism of Anyone Subjected to Persecution 307
    44.If they are two people who follow the imam and the imam,
    Imam Standing in a Alignment on His Right Side 308
    45.When a person Prays Without Intending to Become an Imam
    Thousands Come and Follow Him and He's An Imam 308
    46.ImamNamazi Too LongTimeCemaatin Can't Get Out Of The Way.308
    47.Extending My Prayer As Much As You Want When Praying Alone 309
    48.Anyone Who Complained about the Imam Who Extended The Prayer Too Long 310
    49.Making Prayer Short but Making Your Prayers In Place 310
    50.Anyone Who Hears Child Crying Keeps Prayer Short 310
    51.The Person Who Performs the Prayer Then Makes the Same Prayer To Others 311
    52.Making Ranks Flat after Kamet Row and Camet 311
    53.Correcting the Ranks The Imam's Direction towards the Congregation 311
    54.The ProperNess of the Line is the Complete Prayer 312
    55.The Sin of The One Who Did Not Complete the Ranks at the Beginning of Prayer 312
    56.Woman Being One-On-One Naïve 312
    57.Finding a Wall or Milk between the Imam and the Congregation 313
    58th Night Prayer 314
    59.Body of Saying "Allahu Akbar" when Starting Prayer 315
    60.When Starting Prayer, Your Hands With The First One
    (Up to Shoulder Level) Upward Removal 315
    61.Putting the Right Hand on the Left Hand (While In Prayer) 316
    62.Introduction to Prayer What to Say After One? 317
    63.Congregation Raises Its Eye and Looks at The Ina during Prayer 317
    64.Raising Eyes towards the Sky in Prayer (Being An Ugly Act) 317
    65.Turning the Head Left and Right in Prayer (Being An Ugly Act) 318
    66.Imamm and The Congregation; Travel and Resident, whether It's Read Openly and
    67.Kıraat 319 at Noon Prayer
    68.Kiraat in Afternoon Prayer 319
    69.In My Evening Prayer Kiraat 1 320
    70.Reading the Night Prayer Openly 320
    71.Reading The Kiraati Openly in My Yacht Prayer 321
    72.Yacht In Prayer Kiraat 321
    73.In My Morning Prayer Kiraat 322
    74.Reading The Kiraati Openly in My Morning Prayer 323
    75.Reading Two (and More) Surahs Together in a Recitation, Reading the Endings of Surahs,
    (Contrary to Mushaf's Scheme) Reading Another Sura Before One Sura
    and Read the Head Of The Surah 324
    76.The Person Who Prays, (Four Recitations)
    Reading the Surah of Fatiha in the Last Two Recitations 324
    77.Imamm (Kiraati Secretly Read Prayer) Verse (To the Congregation) Hearing 325
    78.Extension of The First Recitation of The Person Who Prays 325
    79.Imamm Saying the Word "Amen" Out of The Open 325
    Virtue of Saying 80."Amen" 326
    81.Congregation's Explicit Saying of "Amen" 326
    82.Going to Ruku before You Reach Safa 327
    83.Completion of One Rükuda 327
    84.One Prostrate Completion 327
    85.Prostrate "Allahu Akbar" Means 328
    86.Rukuda Palms On The Knees 328
    87.Measure of Full Construction of Rük and Rükuda Body Finding Calm... 328
    88.Rükuda Praying 329
    89.What the Imam and the Congregation Will Say When They Raise Their Heads 329
    90.Kunut 329
    91.Keeping The Body Fully Calm and Straight When It's Straightened 330
    92.Bringing One To Prostrate 330
    93.Prostrate on Seven Organs 331
    94.Prostrate Prayer and Rosary 331
    95.Prostrate Kofs On the Ground 332
    96. In the First and Third Prayers of prayer, we sit for a while
    Then To Rise to the Second and Third Recitations 332
    97.Finishing Prostrations and Getting One While Getting Up 333
    98.Circumcision of Sitting in The Teshehhüd 333
    99.Those Who Say That The First Tehhüd is Not Vacip/Suppose 334
    100.Reading Teshehhüd in The Last Sitting 334
    101.Praying Before Saluting 335
    102.Prayers Left to The Person's Choice to Be Read After The Prayer 336
    103.No One Who Didn't Eras things That Were Smeared on Alna and Burn While Prostrate Until They Finished Prayer 337
    104.Saluting at the End of Prayer 337
    105.When the Imam Salutes, the Congregation Salutes 337
    106.Recited After Prayer 338
    107.Imam Turning His Face to The Congregation After Saluting 339
    108.Imam Salutes and Leaves Prayer
    Congregation To Go Through 340
    109.Imam Turning His Face to the Congregation Sometimes From the Right Side and Sometimes from the Left Side 340
    110.Mentioned Hadiths About Eating Raw Garlic, Onions and Leeks 341
    111.When Is It Mandatory for Children to Ablution, Height Ablution and Cleanse,
    Joining the Congregation, Eid and Funeral Prayers and How to Keep Ranks 342
    112.Women Going to the Mosque at Night and in Twilight 342
    1.Assuming Cum'a 346
    2.The Virtue of Bathing the Day of the Republic 346
    3.Scent Crawling on The Way to Cum'a 347
    4.Fri'a'nm Virtue 348
    5.Applying Fragrant Oil to The Hair on The Way to Cum'a 348
    6.The Person Who Will Go to The Prayer of the Republic wears the most beautiful dress he can find 349
    7.Using Musk on Cum'a Day 349
    8.Suras to Be Read in My Morning Prayer on Cum'a Day 350
    9.Performing Friday Prayers in Villages and Cities 350
    10.Cum'aThe Women, Children and Women Who Do Not Attend Should Receive aBoy Abdesti?... 351
    11.The Distance Of The Distance That Prevents Me From Having a Namazmm's Assumption and
    Who Is Cum'a'nm Assumed 352
    12.Cum'a Prayer Time, Right At the Peak of the Sun
    When It Shifts West 352
    13.Cum'a Day When to Perform Prayers If The Mortar Is Too Hot 353
    14.Walking to My Prayer 353
    15.Person's Day to (Religion) To Lift His Brother and Not Sit Down 353
    16.Cum'a Ezan 354
    17.Cum'a Day Being a Single Muezzin 354
    18.Muezzin (Fri'a Day) When He Reads The Prayer
    Imam In Pulpit Read Ezana Mukabele 354
    19.Azanm Pre-Sermon Reading 355
    20.Reading the Sermon on the Pulpit 355
    21.Standing Reading of the Sermon 356
    22.Imam turning his face to the congregation while reading the sermon and
    Congregation's Face To The Inn 357
    23.After My Faith Praises And Praises Allah in the Sermon
    "Emmâ Ba'd" (=Let's Move on to The Real Issue Now) 357
    24.Imamm Cum'a Day Sitting Between Two Sermons in the Pulpit 358
    25.Imamm, While Reading the Sermon, Someone Entered the Mosque
    359 To Tell Him to Pray Two Prayers If He Sees Them
    26.Cum'a Day Imam To Shut Up While Reading Sermon 359
    27th Fri'a Day Prayer Accepted 359
    28.If Some of the Congregation Leaves During The Prayer of the Republic
    Imamm and the Congregation That Stayed With Him 360
    29.Praying Before and After Cum'a Prayer 360
    30.Almighty Allah said, "When the prayer is done, disperse to the earth and
    Ask god's grace" (Friday: 62/10) Verse 361
    31.Lying in a Noon Nap After Prayers on 361
    1.Prayer of Fear 362
    2.Performing My Fear Prayer Standing and On a Mount 363
    3. Those who are after the enemy and those who are chased by the enemy,
    Prayer on a Mount and with an Eye Mark 363
    1. Playing with Spears and Shields on Eid 365
    2.Muslims' Work on Eid 366
    3.Eating Something Before Going to Eid Prayer on Eid al-Fitr 366
    4.Eating the Eid Al-Adha Meal (After Eid Prayer) 366
    5. Making Eid Prayer Unsympatheous and Unsent Before The Sermon 367
    6.The Sermon Is After Eid Prayer 367
    7.Virtue of Deed Processing in The Days of Remembrance 368
    8.Slaughter of My Victims at the Place of Prayer on Eid 368
    9.Eid Al-Adha Returning from Eid Prayer (The Way It Goes)
    Anyone Who Chooses Another Way 368
    10.No One Who Misses Eid Prayer Performs Two Prayers 369
    1.Vitir Prayer 370
    2.Vitir Namazmm Time 370
    3.Performing the Last Prayer at Night as Vitir Prayer 371
    4.Performing Vitir Prayer on a Mount 371
    1.Exception' (=Requesting Rain) Prayer and Prophet (p.a.)'s Rain Request Prayer 372
    2. Prophet (p.a.)'s Prayer to Ask for Rain 372
    3.People Asking The Indom to Pray for Rain during Famine 374
    4.To Pray for Rain Without Turning to the Qibla in my Order of Sermon to 374
    5.Reading The Kiraati Openly during the Rain Request Prayer Sequence 375
    6.Imamm Raises His Hands During Rain Request Prayer 375
    7.Promise to Say If It Rains After My Prayer to Ask for Rain 375
    8.What to Do When Strong Wind Blows? 376
    9.What's Said About Zelzeles and Natural Phenomena 376
    10.When Will The Rain Fall No One Knows But Allah 376
    1.Praying during the Solar Eclipse 377
    2.Calling "es-Salâte Câmiatun" in My Solar Eclipse Order 378
    3.Solar Eclipse Namazmm Congregational 378
    4.The Sun Is Not Eclipsed for The Death and Life of a Person 379
    5.Remembrance of God in My Solar Eclipse Order 380
    6.Reading the Kiraati Openly during The Eclipse Prayer 380
    1.Prostrate Verses in the Qur'an 382
    Prostrate 383 in the 2nd Sâd Surah
    3. Muslims, who are najib in their original reputation and who receive ablutions
    Prostrate With Polytheists When It's Out of The Question 383
    4.Prostrate Verse Reading and Not Prostrating 384
    5 If the Person Who Reads the Prostrate Verse Prostrates, The Person Who Listens to It Prostrates 384
    The rumors about shortening the prayer and how many days does the passenger shorten the prayer at the place of their stay? 386
    2.Praying in Mina 388
    3.Measure of The Distance to Shorten Prayer 388
    4.Shortening Prayer when Leaving Settlement 389
    "Making the Assumption of Evening Prayer During the Journey as Three Companions 389
    Praying Futilely on The Mount and ToWards Any Side Directed by the Mount.... Futile Prayer on 390 Donkeys 390
    - Not Performing Futile Prayers Before and After My Presumed Prayers in My Travel Queue 391
    1 To Combine the Farce of Evening Prayer with the Assumption of Yacht Prayer (=Cem' 391
    I? Lying Down Praying in Case Of Inability to Pray Sitting 392
    Ekr Kmsenin. Keeping the Rest of the Prayer Standing if It Improves While Sitting And Praying, or If It Partially Disturbs a Complacency 392
    1. Performing Teheccor Prayer at Night 393
    2.Sick Person To Leave Night Prayer 394
    3. The Prophet (p.a.) encourages futile prayer with night worship without obligation... 394
    4.Prophet (p.a.)'s Night Prayer Until The Footwell Swells at Night 395
    5.Sleeping at Dawn 396
    6.Long Mince in My Night Prayer 397
    7.How and How Many Recitations Would the Prophet (p.a.) Perform Night Prayer? 397
    8.If the Person Does Not Perform Night Prayer
    Devil's Knotting Of His Head on My Back 398
    9. When the Person Sleeps at Night and Does Not Pray
    My Devil His Use Bevlet 398
    10.Praying and Praying at the End of the Night 398
    11.Sleeping at the Beginning of the Night and Neglecting the End 399
    12.It is 399 that overdoing it in worship is a blessing
    13. A Person Who Has Made a Habit of Performing My Prayers at Night,
    Mekruh To Leave Night Prayer 400
    14. To Continue the Two Rekat Circumcisions of The Morning Prayer and
    The Person Who Gave These Two Recata the Name 'Tatavvu' 400
    15.What to Read in The Two Prayers of The Shabah Prayer? 400
    16.In Residence/Hazarda Iken Bird Prayer 401
    17.Praying Two Prayers Before noon 401
    18.Performing Two Prayers Before the Assumption of Evening Prayer 401
    1.Virtue of Praying in The Mosques of Mecca and Medina 403
    2. Virtue of the Area Between the Tomb of the Prophet (p.a.) and the Pulpit 404
    1.Things That Are Forbidden to Talk in Prayer 405
    2.Hand Clap (=Tasfik) For Women 406
    3.Prostrate While Prostrate in Prayer My Pebbles on the Ground Fix It Manually 406
    4. No One Who Prays Responds to The Salute Given during Prayer 407
    5.Putting Hands in Prayer 407
    1. Five Recitations (A Four-Prayer prayer of the Person Performing the Prayer) 408
    2. When Someone Who Prays Is Told Something
    Making a Mark with His Hand and Listening to What He Says 409
    PART 23: CEN and Acirc;İz (=FUNERALS) PART 411
    1.(When Dying) The Person Whose Last Word is "La Divine" 411
    2.Going After the Funeral 412
    3.Burning of the Dead Wrapped in shroud 413
    4.Person Personally Informing the Family of the Deceased of His Death 413
    5.The Virtue of Anyone Who Dies a Child and Waits for God's Approval 414
    7.Using White Cloth for Shroud 415
    8.The dead, in a Tailored Shirt or
    Shrouding In a Shirt That's Not Sewn Around 415
    9.Finding Only One Dress to Shroud the Dead 416
    10.Other Than the Shroud that Will Cover Only the Head of the Dead or Only My Foot
    Covering the Head with that thing in case nothing is found 417
    11.Shroud during the Prophet (p.a.) Period (Before He Died)
    The Prophet (p.a.) does not resent anyone who prepares 418
    12.Women's Funeral Goes Away 418
    13.Kadmm, No Mourning For Anyone But My Husband 419
    14.Visiting Graves 419
    15.The Dead Are Punished for Part of Their Family's Crying 420
    16.It is forbidden to cry over the dead 421
    17.Prophet (p.a.)'s: "It Is Not Us Who Rips Their Collars" 422
    18.This Sadness of a Person Who Encounters a Calamity
    Sitting On One Side to Make You Feel 422
    19.Crying Next to Your Patient 423
    20.It's Forbidden to Cry and Cry With HighSesle, and To Envelop The Others... 423
    21.When Does Anyone Who Stands Up for the Funeral Sit Down? 424
    22.Standing Up for a Jewish Funeral 424
    23.Men, Not Women, Carry the Funeral 425
    24.Rushing to Bury the Funeral 425
    25.Being Two or Three Rows Pure Behind Imamm in My Funeral Prayer 425
    26.Where Do Men and Women Stand for the Funeral?... 426
    27.Reading fatiha surah in my funeral prayer 426
    28.Performing Funeral Prayers for the Martyr 427
    29.Burial of Two or Three People inside a Tomb 428
    30.Those who do not accept the view of washing the martyrs 428
    31.A Polytheist Says "La Divine" at the Moment of Death 429
    32.Hadithist Preaching at the Grave and
    Friends Sitting Around Him 430
    33.Self-Killing Person's Condition 431
    34.My People Commemorate the Dead with Charity 432
    35.Hadiths About The Chastisement 433
    36.Seeking Refuge in Allah from the Chastity 434
    37.Showing the Dead Where to Go Morning-Evening 434
    38.Status of Muslim Children Who Died Before Puberty 435
    39.Dying Suddenly 435
    40.Prophet (p.a.), Abu Bakr (r.a.) and Omar (r.a.)'m Tomb 436
    41.No Blasphemy and Disparaging the Dead 436
    CHAPTER 24: ZEK and Acirc; T SECTION 437
    1.Presumption of Intelligence 438
    2.The Sin of the One Who Does Not Give Zakat 440
    3.Prophet (p.a.)'s: "There is No Zakat in Less Than Five Ukiyyes" 441
    4.Giving Charity from Halal Gain 441
    5.Giving Alms Before a Time When Alms Are Not Accepted 442
    6. The Prophet (p.a.) said: "Even with half a date and a little alms
    protect yourself from the fire of hell" Promise 443
    7.Which Charity Is More Virtuous? 444
    8.Unwittingly Giving Alms to His Son 445
    9.Anyone who orders him not to give his handout himself and to his maid 445
    10.Giving Alms richly 446
    11.Encouraging and Mediating The Giving of Alms 446
    12. Giving As Much Alms as One Can 447
    13.Polytheist Iken Alms and Then Muslim Person 447
    14.Without Waste by the Order of the Servant, His Master
    The favor he will receive if he gives alms 448
    15.Almighty God's: "Who gives and avoids god, and is the most beautiful
    And if he confirms what is right, We will make it easier for him to do the easiest" (Leyi: 92/5-6) verse of the Prophet (p.a.) and the prophet: "My God! Pay a price to the executioner" Hadith 448
    16.The Situation of The Giver and the Miserly Person 448
    17. It is mandatory for every Muslim to give alms,
    No One Who Can't Find The Goods to Give To Charity Does Good 449
    18.The Amount to Be Given from Alms with Zakat, Giving the Sheep as a Handout 450
    19.The Intelligence of Silver 450
    20.Intelligence, V from Another Commodity of That Value Other Than What Is Determined by Nassla

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