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  • Taqwa Race Board Game - Renewed

    General Library Publications
    Taqwa Race - Board Game
    Taqwa Race is a group and family game that will encourage our children aged 6-14 to love the worships and good behaviors prescribed by our religion, and to avoid bad behaviors. In addition, it will help the players to become conscious of good behaviors such as studying, brushing teeth, not lying, getting along with friends, obeying trusts, not wasting.

    Chapter 1 - Worship Chapter: This chapter is the beginning of the game and the first phase of the game takes place here. In this section, the obligatory acts of worship and moral rules are emphasized.

    Part 2 - Part of Taqwa: Since the actor who entered this part paid great attention to his prayers and was considered to have a good moral structure, more supererogatory prayers were included in this part. In this section, while good behaviors were rewarded with a higher score, higher points were taken back for bad behaviors.

    1 Game Board, 1 Number Spinner, 6 Pawns, 6 Hajj Certificates, 12 Umrah Certificates, 6 Quran Reading Certificates, 6 Infâk Certificates, 50 Knowledge Competition Cards in a box, 50 Esmaü'l-Hüsna Cards in a box, 3 Taqwa Race Success Certificates, some Taqwa Points.
    (1 point spinner and 1 pawn are substituted)

    - If the letter 'Y' appears when he turns the Point Top, that player is asked a competition question in the square he is in.
    Using the Number Spinner
    The player whose turn it is turns over the pointer. The number written on the side that touches the ground when the point top comes to a complete stop is the number received by the player. Each player spins the pointer once.
    1. The game is played with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 people.
    2. A 'game manager' must be chosen who will distribute Taqwa Points during the game and ask the questions of the Quiz and Esmaü'l Hüsna.
    3. Players can choose a pawn of any color they want.
    4. More than one pawn can stand on a square at the same time. Depending on the square where the pawn stands, the player can gain or lose points.
    5. The player who comes to the square 'Today is Bayram' plays another hand.
    The player who comes to the 'Holiday Today' square waits for a hand, the next player continues the game.
    6. Players receive 50 taqwa points from the game manager for each pass of the 'Worship Section' square, and 100 taqwa points for each pass of the 'Taqwa Section' square.
    7. The player who comes to the square 'You helped for Allah' turns the number spinner again and gains 50 times the number of taqwa points. He also receives a 'Certificate of Infaq'. (The player who has already received the 'Infak Certificate' will not receive it again)
    8. The player who comes to the square 'You gave your favorite item as a gift' gets 20 times the number of taqwa points he used to come to this square.
    9. A player who does not have a 'Hajj Certificate' can get a 'Hajj Certificate' for 3 'Umrah Certificates' or 750 taqwa points.
    10. There are two parts in the game: The game starts from the outer part of the game board. If the section passing rules are fulfilled, the next section is passed.
    11. When any player turns the Point Top, if the letter 'Y' appears, that player is asked a competition question in the square he is in. (See the letter 'Y' description for details.)
    12. Players who have received the 'Quran Reading Certificate', 'Hajj Certificate' and 'Infaq Certificate' cannot receive these documents again. A player who receives three 'Umrah Certificates' replaces his certificate with a 'Hajj Certificate'. The player who receives the 'Hajj Certificate' returns the 'Umrah Certificate', if any.
    13. Taqwa points must be constantly replenished by the game manager. For example, a player with 2 500 taqwa points should be given 1000 taqwa points by taking these taqwa points. If taqwa points are used in this way, it will be easier to count the points and the points will not be worn out.
    1. First of all, the 'Knowledge Contest' and 'Esmaü'l-Hüsna' cards are placed in their places on the game board.
    2. After that, the players choose a pawn each.
    3. The game manager, the selected player, takes the score box with him and gives 300 taqwa points to each player.
    Deals (10 x 5, 50 x 3, 100 x 1).
    4. After the points are distributed, the players place their pawns on the square marked 'Beginning of the Worship Section'.
    5. The game manager starts the game first and the game continues from his right.
    6. Each player whose turn it is turns the pointer and moves his pawn in the direction of the arrow by the number that comes up.
    7. The game manager gives points to those who gain taqwa points, and takes points from those who lose taqwa points, according to the square from which the players come.
    8. The game is over when any player gets enough points and documents.
    Knowledge competition
    There are two questions on the Quiz cards. The player who comes to the 'Knowledge Quiz' square is asked any of the questions written on the top card. If the player knows the answer to this question, he gets the score written below. This card is then placed at the bottom of the other cards.

    There are two questions on the Esmaü'l-Husna cards. Any of the questions written on the top card are asked to the player who comes to the 'Esmaü'l-Hüsna' square. If the player knows the answer to this question, he gets the score written below. This card is then placed at the bottom of the other cards.
    Coming of the Letter 'Y' in the Number Spinner

    When any player turns the Point Top, if the letter 'Y' appears, that player is asked a competition question in the square he is in. In the 1st part of this player, the question of "Knowledge Contest" is asked, and in the 2nd part, the question of "Esmaü'l Hüsna" is asked. Whether this player knows the question or not, he plays another hand. If a 'Y' comes to the same player twice in a row, no questions will be asked on the second 'Y' come, but this player advances 12 squares. (If this player is in the competition square, no questions are asked, but he advances 12 squares and does not play another hand.)
    Moving on to Part Two

    1-Required Documents
    Having a Quran Reading Certificate, Umrah Certificate (or Hajj Certificate).

    2-Required Score
    If playing with two people:
    Have 1500 taqwa points
    If playing with three people:
    To have 1250 taqwa points
    If played with four people or more:
    To have 1000 taqwa points
    When the second part is passed, the game is continued from the "Beginning of Taqwa Part" square.
    Back to Part One

    From the Taqwa Section, one can return to the Worship Section. In order for this to happen (no matter how many people are played), the player's total points must fall below 750 taqwa points. When returning to the first part, the game is continued from the 'Beginning of the Worship Chapter' square.
    Player's Score Expires

    If a player runs out of points, that player is given 250 taqwa points once and for a refund. If this player runs out of points again, he is out of the game. If the game is played with two people, then the other player who still has points wins the game. The player who ends his score and gets the loan points will give back the 250 taqwa points he borrowed as soon as he reaches 750 taqwa points.

    1- Required Documents
    Having Hajj Certificate and Infaq Certificate

    2- Required Points
    If played with two people: Having 4000 taqwa points
    If playing with three people:
    To have 3500 taqwa points
    If played with four or more players:
    Have 3000 taqwa points
    The player who wins the game is given a 'Taqwa Race Success Certificate'.
    At the beginning of the game, if the players want, they can change the winning score by agreeing among themselves.
    This game has been prepared in consultation with scientists, psychologists and pedagogues. Things that might be contrary to Islamic morality were avoided. The ratings in the game have been developed for the game only. Only Allah (c.c.) knows the value of halal or haram in the sight of Allah.
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.