
Al-Musned Hadiths - Imam Shafii-1469

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Product Code : 9789759180942
Imam Shafii Compiled from sound hadiths of the deceased Seyfullah Erdogmus translation has been published.
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    Translator: Seyfullah Erdogan
    Browse_detail_publication_date 2015-01-06


    Number of Prints 1. Printing
    Language Turkish
    Number of Pages 770
    Skin Type Hardcover
    Paper Type Book Paper
    Dimension 17 x 24 cm

    Praise is only for Allah. We praise Him and ask him for help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in God from the evils of our souls and the evils of our deeds. No one can mislead what God has guided. And no one can guide him to the right path. I testify that there is no god but God. He is one and only, and He has no partner. Again, I testify that Mu-hammed (sallallahu against and sellem) is the servant and messenger of Allah.
    and laquo; O believers! Fear God as you fear, and you die only as Muslims." (Al-iMran; 3/103)
    They said, "O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul and made from it his wife, and created many men and women from both. And beware of God, whose name and note you wish each other for, and of cutting ties with kinship. God is a watcher over you." (en- Apr; 4/1),
    They said, "O believers! Fear God and speak straight. And let him correct your deeds in your favor, and forgive you your sins. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger will be saved with great salvation." (al-Ahzâb; 33/70-71)
    After that, the best of words is the Word of Allah, and the best of the ways is the way of Mohammed Sallallahu and sellem. The worst of things are the ones that are taken out later. Every subsequent thing is a bidet, and every bidet is a perversion. Every error is in the Fire.
    Imam Shafiî rahimehullah's Muslim, whose translation I presented, is the hadiths that he mentioned with his own names in the books he te'lif, and the hadiths he also mentioned as isnadli. It was created by Suleyman al-Muradî. The book's names, which reach me, are as follows:
    My First Bill:
    Abu Muâz Seyfullah al-Barâbâdî; He told us, "I'm Sayyid Mohammed b. Alevî al-Mâlikî al-Hasenî said with public invention,
    -He, his father es-Sayyid b. Alevî b. From Abbas al-Mâlikî,
    -From es-Sayyid Abbas,
    -From sheikh es-Sayyid Abu Bakr Shattâ,
    -He is from Sayyid Ahmed Xenî ed-Dahlân,
    -He, Sheikh Osman b. From Hasen ed-Dimyâtî,
    -O, Mohammed b. From Ali ash-Senevânî,
    -He is from Sheikh Mohammed al-Munîr es- Semânhûdî, who died in 1099.
    -O, Mohammed b. From Mohammed al-Bedîrî,
    -From Mullah Ibrahim,
    -He is Safiyuddin Ahmed b, who died in 1071. From Mohammed al-Medenî,
    -He, ash-Shams Mohammed b. From Ahmed er-Ramlî,
    -O, Zekeriyya b. From Mohammed al-Ensârî,
    -He, Hafiz Ahmed b. Ali b. From Hacer,
    -From es-Salah Ibn Abu Omar,
    -He is from al-Fahr Ibn'l-Bukhari,
    -He, Abu Jafar Mohammed b. From Ahmed es-Saydalanî,
    -Abu Ali al-Hasen b. From Ahmed al-Haddad,
    -Abu Nuaym Ahmed b. From Abdillah al-Isbehânî,
    -He is Abu'l-Abbas Mohammed b, who died in 346. From Ya'kûb al-Esam,
    -He is the er-Rebî b. who died in 270. From Suleiman al-Murâ-dî,
    -He is Imam Abu Abdillah Mohammed b, who died in 204.
    Idris ash-Shafiq mentioned Rahimehullah.
    My Second Bill:
    -Mohammed Mutî' al-Hafiz b. Mohammed Vasiil b. Sheikh al-Hafiz Abdur- rahim,
    -Hijrî quoted Sheikh Mohammed Abu'l-Hayr al-Meydânî, who died in 1380.
    -He is from ez-Zahid Selim al-Musve-tî, who died in Hijri 1324,
    -He is from the muhaddis sheikh Ahmed Muslim al-Kizebrî, who died in Hijri 1262,
    -He is Ahmed b. From Abd al-Attâr,
    -He is from The Damascus muhaddi Sheikh Ismail al-Aclûnî,
    -He reached al-Fahr Ibnu'l-Bukhari;
    -Kadi Abu'l-Mekarim Ahmed b. Mohammed al-Lebbân and Abu Jafar Mohammed b. From Ahmed es-Saydelânî,
    -They are Abu Ali al-Hasen b. From Ahmed al-Haddâd,
    -He, Hafiz Abu Nuaym Ahmed b. From Abdillah al-Isbehânî,
    -He, Abu'l-Abbas Ahmed b. From Ya'kûb al-Esam,
    -He, er-Rebî b. From Suleiman al-Muradî,
    -He also mentioned Imam Mohammed b. Idris ash-Shafii rahimehullah.
    *Musned Neşirleri Based on Translation
    1-It was extracted from the Copy of Bulak al-Emiriyye on the basis of the indian edition and made by Daru'l-Kutubi'l-Ilmiyye in 1400. At the end of this scalpel, it is explained: "It is compared to the copy of Emiriyye, the oldest copy in the land of Damascus. The history of this recorded copy, which was listened to by the famous muhaddis imams, is Hijri 784."
    2-Investigation of Eyyub Abu Hashrif, Ahmed b. By Yusuf ed-Dekkak and presented by Abdulkadir al-Arnaut and published by Daru's-Sekafeti'l-Arabiyye in Hijri 1423 (2002)
    3-Abu Umeyr Mecdi b. Mohammed al-Misrî al-Eseri inquiry, Sheikh Muk-bil b. With Hadi's introduction and es-Sindî's assembly, Hijrî published in 1416 in the School of îbn Teymiyye" Shifâu'l-Iyyi Bitahrici and Tahkiki Müsnedi'ş-Shafiî
    Bittibi'l-Allâmeti's-Sindî" scalpel
    4-And Imam Suyutî's: "ash-Shafiu'l-Iyyi Ala Musnedi's-Shafiî" sherry Abdurrazzak b. It is based on the inquiry made by Es'adullah al-Buhari as his master's thesis in 1429.
    I was based on the copy organized by Imam Mohammed and Acirc;bid es- Sindî in bab titles and hadith numbers. Among the brackets is imam ash-Shafii's Musned; Ahmed b. I added the number in the inquiry and note made by Yusuf ed-Dekkak. I gave you the numbers from Shafii's Sunen in the footnotes. I prepared the provisions and tahric of the hadiths on the health or weakness of the hadiths, usually by taking advantage of the investigation of Abu Umeyr Mecdi al-Baghdadi and the tahricin of ed-Dekkak.
    In the editions of the copy, which is the assembly of Es-Sindî, the book; It was divided into the worship part and the Muamelat part and the numbering was restarted in each section. That's why I followed the numbering in the original book. However, at the end of the book, I did not mention es-Sindî's plot and added the rather narratives in the Musned editions, "Rathers", to the end of the book by following the number sequence. In addition, I took the rumors that came repeatedly with different numbers in the Musned editions to the relevant sections without giving a number and stated the number and note in the Manuscript in parent brackets.
    I ask Allah Azze and Celle to make this work a good occasion.
    Seyfullah Erdogan Bar-Ankara
    Imam Shafii Rahimehullah's Brief Life 9
    Faith and Islam 15
    Book of Science 22
    Book and Circumcision Hug Book 26
    Bondage/Cleaning Book
    Waters 31
    Necasets and Their Removal 34
    Tanning containers and skins 40
    La Decency 42
    Ablution Method 44
    Things That Spoil the Ablution 51
    Gusul Provisions 56
    Meshing ecstasy 62
    Teyemmum 68
    Remembrance and Employment 72
    Book of Prayer
    Prayer Times 77
    Azan 90
    Conditions of Prayer 97
    Mosques 102
    Susym of the One Who Prays 104
    Form of Prayer 105
    Provisions of Imamship in Congregation and Prayer 142
    Acts Forbidden and Permissible in Prayer 163
    Misdeeds (Sehv) Prostrations 168
    Tilavet Prostrations 171
    Cum'a Prayer 174
    Eid prayers 203
    Victims 214
    Kusuf (Solar Eclipse) Prayer 217
    Exception (Rain Duâ) Prayer 223
    Rain Duâ 227
    Prayer of Fear 231
    Flight (Passenger) Prayer 234
    Teheccüd (Night Prayer) 243
    Vitr 245
    Accident of Prayers 249
    Patient's Prayer 250
    Funerals and Provisions 251
    Zakat Book
    Ordering Intelligence, Threatening the Leaver,
    Who and How Far It Is 269
    Who to Buy Zakat from and Who Not to Buy From 280
    Who to Give Zakat to and Zakat Officers 294
    The Intelligence of Treasures and Mines 297
    Hernia Alms 299
    Book of Fasting
    Things That Break the Fast and Don't Break It 303
    Futile Fasting 310
    Passenger Fasting 315
    Various Provisions about Fasting 320
    Faith 326
    Book of Pilgrimage
    Pilgrimage Is Mandatory 327
    Pilgrimage and Umrah's Blessings as Time and Space 333
    Virtue of Mecca 341
    During the Immaturation Of the Person Who Enters the Revolution
    Things to Follow 342
    With What Is Forbidden and Forbidden
    Provisions That Sweat Due to The Harams Committed 353
    After Entering Mecca, Until You Complete the Nus
    What Pilgrims Should Do 380
    Ifrâd, Kiran and Dividend Pilgrimage . 410
    About Umrah 420
    Provisions of Hajj Denied and Hijacker 422
    Making a Pilgrimage on Behalf of Someone Else 426
    Various Rumors About Hajj 432
    The Virtue of Medina and The Arrivals of Medina 434
    MU and Acirc; MEL and Acirc; T PART
    Marriage Book
    Provisions of the Dowry 437
    Those who came to the wedding about the Guardian Requirement 444
    Encouragement to Marry, Being an In-Person,
    What Marriage Harams and Others 449
    About Milk Absorption 461
    Getting Along with Women and The Division of Days Between Spouses 471
    What's Coming About Nesep 478
    Book of Talact
    Provisions of The Amendments 483
    About îlâ 502
    Liân (Damnation) 505
    Hulû' 516
    Claim 518
    Ihdâd 534
    Hidâne (Child Care) 537
    Mefkûd (Woman Whose Husband Disappeared) 538
    Alimony 538
    Itk (Slave Aza) Book
    Those Who Came About Itk (Slave Azala) and Memeluk 542
    Tedbîr (Linking the Slave's Death to the Death of the Owner) 545
    Mukateb and Vela 549
    Book of Vows and Offerings
    Oath 556
    Offerings 558
    Hudûd (Had Penalties) Book 562
    Zinâ's Sentence 562
    Maximum Penalty for Theft 571
    Road-Cutting, Converting, Witchcraft and Other Provisions 577
    Drinking Haddi 582
    Book of Drinks 587
    Diets 593
    Kasâme 621
    Book of Jihad 625
    About Cizye 647
    About The Grove and The Power 651
    Neglecting Vacant Land 653
    About Mezâlim 655
    Drinking Water Wells 655
    Book of Reed 657
    Lukata (Found Goods) Book 660
    Lacît (Found Child) 661
    Foundation Book 662
    Shopping Book 664
    Prohibited Things and Other Provisions 664
    Parliaments' Judgment 688
    About Fâiz 691
    Selem 702
    Bankruptcy 704
    Pledge Book 705
    Book of Shuf 707
    İcârât (Rentals) 709
    Grant (Donation) and Umrâ (Lifetime Donation) 711
    Kiraz (Borrowing) 714
    Employment (Borrowing) 716
    Hunting and Animal Slaughter 717
    Medical Book 725
    Contractual (Judicial) Provisions 726
    Witnesses 734 and emsp;
    Persecution 737
    Dream Phrase 738
    Interpretation 739
    Nubuvvet Omens 743
    Book of Decency 745
    Wills 750
    Book of Ferâiz 751
    Menkibeler 758
    Overs 768

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