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  • Discovery of Hearts - Mucefetü'l-Kulüb

    Imam-i Ghazali


    • Author: Imam Ghazali
    • Translator: Mohammed Taha
    • Publisher: Muallim Neşriyat
    • Category: Sufism Books
    • Pages: 656
    • Size: 16.5x23.5 cm
    • Place of Printing: Istanbul - 2017
    • Cover Type: Hardcover
    • Paper Type: 2. Dough
    • Language: Turkish

    The Messenger of God (SallAllahu Aleyhi Vesellem) said, "Religion is advice." Islam is the only religion in the sight of Allah, and islam is the divine order. Being a Muslim is the perfect of bliss and virtues on earth. While others only provide worldly bliss, Islam provides both worldly and spiritual order. Being a Muslim is only the blessing of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu Aleyhi Vesellem); it is possible to avoid the performance of what they order and what they do. That's what's at the heart of the advice. In the continuation of hadith-i sharif, our Lord (SallAllahu Aleyhi Vesellem) emphasized that this advice was for Allah, for his Messenger and for the whole of the ummah Muhammad.

    The Prophet asked for his testimony by saying "Did I give you the advice" order in the farewell pilgrimage and set an example for all members of his community who came after him. Sahabe-i kiram, selef-i salihin, all the religions of the prophet and the city, have learned, lived and taught for God and His Messenger and all believers. Therefore, one of the most important priorities of religion has been the duty of communiqué and religion.

    One of the advices given to us by the Islamic messenger every time is that the purpose of knowledge is knowledge, sincerity and conversation. Imam Ghazali is one of these scholars. Although he was the authority in almost all Islamic scholars and had served as the chief muderist in the Nizamiye Madrasahs at the time, he turned to the deeds of the sun in the life of the hereafter; He has appreciated the deeds of the souffrés and their way. Iyâu Ulûmi'd-Dîn, which he wrote towards the end of his life, is also indicative of this.

    Imam Ghazali, who has repeatedly emphasized that the transformation of knowledge into deeds and wisdoms and only the deeds done with ihlas will be considered as envy, has expressed this in many of his works, especially his work Ihya; he explained in detail in these works the nasiha, which is a step in the duty of notification.

    Many of Imam Ghazali's works have survived to this day. One of the works he wrote in Ihya or from him is the Discovery of Hearts; it is originally called Mukâşefetü'l-Kulüb. This work is written with the motto that religion is a whole of advice. The work is a book of sermons, morality, morality and advice. It has been translated, read and read in Islamic geographies for centuries, translated into Persian, Uzbek, Ottoman and other languages besides the Arabic original. Today, the hand-writing of this work and the fact that the stoneprint nude-has-has can be found a lot is a sign that the work was read as a bedside book of the people during the Ottoman period.

    We, as the president of the World, presented a new translation of The Mukaşefetü'l-Kulûb for your benefit, with the hope that it would contribute a little to the superior efforts of the predecessor.
    The endeavor is from God.

    Abu Hamid Mohammed al-Ghazali, known to the Islamic world as Huccetü'l-Islam, came to the world in the city of Tus around Khorasan in Hijri 450 (m. 1058). Imam Ghazali, who gave works in all areas of Islamic science, died on Hijri 505 (m. 1111), leaving many works after him. One of his most important works is Iyâu Ulûmi'd-Dîn. He later specialized in his work on the morality and morality in his different works.

    One of those works that circulates among the people is the work in your hand called Mukâşefetü'l-Kulûb. In the work, the fear of Allah, patience and sickness, defeating the selves and resisting satan, gaffes, disbelief and nymphs, repentance, love, obedience to Allah, loving Him, loving His Messenger, entrustment, prayer, emr-i bi'l-maruf and nehy-i ani'l-münker, devil's hostility, relic and repentance, being merciful, gossip, butchery, zat, the right to womb and parents, continuing worship and abandoning haram, remembering death, virtue of opinion, amzan and hell , the virtue of remembrance of Allah (c.c), the virtue of ablution, the virtue of prayer, haram food, forbidden interest, rights of servants are discussed.

    Preface 9
    Fear of God 11
    Fear of Allah 15
    Patience and Disease 21
    Riyazet and Nefsanî Desires 26
    30 To Prevail and Know the Devil as the Enemy
    Blunder 34
    Forgetting Allah, Whisper and Nifak 39
    Repentance 44
    Chatting with the Lord and Bringing Him Salât 49
    Love 53
    O o't o't o't give ad to Allah, Love God and His Messenger 60
    Satan and His Punishment 67
    Escrow 72
    Performing Prayer with Birch 78
    Ordering Good and Preventing Evil 83
    Devil's Hostility 90
    Escrow and Repentance 105
    Virtue of Compassion 116
    Birch in Prayer 123
    Sneading and Kneading 130
    Zekat 136
    Adultery 139
    Sila-i Rahim and The Right to Parents 143
    Good for Parents 155
    Zakat and Stinginess 164
    Long Emel 168
    Continued Worship and Abandon the Harams 172
    Remembering Death 181
    Creation of The Heavens and Various Breeds 188
    Pulpit, Arş, Mukarreb Angels, Sustenance and Trust 191
    Leaving the World and Locating the World 196
    Nedemification of the World 220
    Virtue of opinion. 227
    Virtue of the Poor 235
    Making Friends Other Than Allah and Arasat 250
    Blowing on Sûr and Scalding from The Graves 255
    Provision 261 to Be Made Between Mahlûkat
    Place of World Goods 268
    Deeds, Mizan and the Torment of Hell 274
    Virtue of Worship 290
    Thank God 298
    Place of Arrogance 304
    Days and Other Things Contem loan shark 313
    The Difficulty of Death 319
    Kabir and Suali 325
    İlme'l Yakîn, Ayne'l-Yakîn and Supply Day Account 332
    Virtue of Zikrullah 336
    Virtues of Prayer. 344
    Punishment for Leaving Prayer 350
    Hell's Square and Its Punishment 368
    Hell's Punishment 371
    Fear of Sin 380
    Virtue of Repentance 386
    Avoiding Persecution 395
    Avoiding Cruelty to orphans 400
    Place of Arrogance 404
    Virtue of Humility and Conviction 409
    Deceptiveness of the World 414
    World's Place and Avoiding It 417
    Virtue of charity 424
    Satisfying The Needs of Your Muslim Brother 430
    Abdestin Virtue 433
    Virtue of Prayer 436
    Terrible States of the Apocalypse 442
    Adjectives of Hell and Mizan 446
    Arrogance and Ucbun Place 450
    Doing The Orphan a Good Deed and Avoiding Persecution 454
    Haram Food 458
    Prohibition of Interest 464
    Rights of Servants 470
    Evil of Obeying the Heva and Zuhd 475
    Degrees of The People of Heaven and Paradise 481
    Patience, Consent and Conviction 488
    Virtue of Trust 495
    Masjid Virtue 498
    Virtue of the People of Riyazet and Keramet 501
    Faith and Nifak 508
    Prohibition of Tickle and Drowning 513
    Devil's Hostility 520
    Conversation and Yummy Accounting 524
    Mixing Hakk with Supersede 529
    Virtue of Praying with the Congregation 532
    Virtue of the Night (Teheccüd) Prayer. 535
    End of The World and Acirc;lims 540
    Virtue of Good Morality 544
    Laughing, Crying and Clothing-Bird 549
    Virtue of the Quran, Science and Acirc;lims 553
    Virtue of Prayer and Intelligence 557
    Good for Parents and Rights of Children 561
    Neighbor's Right and Good for the Poor 567
    Drinker Penalty 572
    Messenger of God's Mirâci 576
    Friday's Virtues 580
    Woman's Rights over Husband 583
    Man's Rights over His Lady 589
    Virtue of Jihad 594
    Devil's Trap 597
    Musiki and Semâ 600
    Avoiding Bidattan and Hevaya 604
    Virtue of the Month of Receb 609
    Virtue of the Sabbath 612
    Virtue of Ramadan 615
    Virtue of the Night of Almighty 618
    Virtue of the Holiday 621
    Virtue of the First Ten Days of Zilhicce 624
    Virtue of Ashure Day 628
    Virtue of Feasting on the Poor 631
    Funeral and Kabir 635
    Fear of Hell 639
    Layout and Row 643
    Death of the Messenger of God 646
    Alphabetical Fihrist 655

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