
Envarü'l Lover - The Light of Lovers - Merve Publications-1517

Merve Yayınları
Product Code : 9789758524310
It is a Sufism Book on Islamic Law, which has been the subject of the History of the Prophetsa
205.00 TL
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  • Envarü'l Lover - The Light of Lovers - Merve Publications
    It is one of the works that has been going from hand to hand for six hundred years. The work is multifaceted and an important part is that it also gave the "history of prophets" with a beautiful methodology and a different methodology within its structure.

    Pages: 568

    Skin Status: Hardlier

    760 gr.

    About the Work and Its Author

    After being honored with Islam, the Turkish nation has enabled the spread of this great religion, first in Central Asia, then in Pre-Asia and Anatolia, and finally on three continents, including Europe and Africa, while the countless Crusader raids that continue to this day have stopped in the chest full of faith.

    This service has lasted for centuries. Meanwhile, ahmet Yesevî, Abdulkadir Geylânî, Imam-ı Gazalî, Suhreverdî, Abu'lleys Saserkandî, Many scholars such as Bahaeddin Nakshibendî, Mevlâna Celâleddin, Yunus Emre, Haci Bektas-ı Velî, Somuncu Baba, Geyikli Baba, Ahi Evran, Karaca Ahmet, Haci Bayram-ı Veli, Ibrahim Tennurî, Emir Ahmed Bukharî and Ak-şemseddin, warrior dervishes, manevî navy. Scientists like Ibn-i Sîna, the greatest of the World Medicine science, who found meridians and parallels to the caravan initiated by scientists such as Astronomy scholar and state chief Uluğ Bey, who detected the microbe a thousand years ago, who served humanity with their inventions in algebra, trigonometry and mathematics, geographers like Pîrî Reis, abdül-kadir Meragî. This great mil-let, who trained poets, edips, tefsirists and hadithists, is the pioneer of service among the backward Islamic countries today.

    Many friends of Allah have served and served for centuries in the name of keeping the religious life and faith of this nation alive.

    The owner of the work in your hand is one of the friends of Allah who joined this caravan of services with his clear and fluent Turkish during his time.

    Yazicioglu, also called Ahmed and Mohammed Çelebi, was killed in the 15th century. They lived in Gallipoli in the 19th century. A very valuable work called Muhammadiye, which is also one of the beautiful examples of Turkish, received feyz from Su-nan Yazicioglu Muhammad Bican, Haci Bayram-ı Velî. Envârü'l- and Acirc;şıkîn / and Acirc; Envârü'l- and Acirc;şıkîn, Mohammed Bican's Arabic-written work [Megarib'ul Ze-mari) is translated into Turkish-steel by his brother Ahmet Bican. The work is multifaceted. One important thing is that he also gave "Peygam-berler History" with a beautiful style and a different methodology within his body.

    These two beautiful and very important works of the Yazicioglu brothers; Muhamme-so and Envârü'I- and Acirc;şikîn / and Acirc;şık's Nurs have been among the works that have been circulating hand-to-hand and wholeheartedly for nearly six hundred years.

    Our esteemed researcher and poet brother Ahmet Metin Şahin Bey reconsidered the work with meticulous work in Ottoman. While it remains our place to undertake the task of preparing and redaction for publication, we would like to express our gratitude to Ahmet Metin Şahin Be/e, who brought the works of Mohammed Iqbal to our language with aruz teller and who did not break us while doing the same work on Mevlâna's Mesnevî and did not spare his help in presenting the work to Turkish read-goers.

    The shortcomings are from us, and help is from Allah.

    December 15, 2001 Yaşar Ansan


    About the Work and The Author 11

    Envârü'l- and Acirc;şıkîn (and Acirc;The Nurs of the stylish) 13

    Reasons Why I Wrote the Book 15


    1- Sorting Assets 22

    2- What Is Said About The Heavens, Earth and Creatures 30

    3- Declaration of Words Reported by Allah 38


    4- and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselâ'a Rûh Murmur 43

    5- and Acirc;dem's Repentance 56

    6- Allah's Promise from The People (Misak) 58

    ) and Acirc;dem and Eve's Deaths 66

    7- Prophet of Şit Aleyhisselâm 67

    8- Prophet of Idris Aleyhisselâm 68

    9- Prophet of Nûh Aleyhisselâm 70

    10- Prophet of Hûd Aleyhisselâm 73

    11- Prophet of Salih Aleyhisselâm 74

    12- Prophet of Ibrahim Aleyhisselâm 76

    The Kaaba 82

    Death of Abraham 89

    13- Prophet of Ismail Aleyhisselâm 90

    14- Prophet of Isaac Aleyhisselâm 94

    15- Prophet of Jacob and Yusuf Aleyhisselâms 95

    The Deaths of Yakub and Yusuf Aleyhisselâms 107

    16- Prophet of Eyyûb Aleyhisselâm 108

    17- Prophet of Shuayb Aleyhisselâm 114

    18- Prophet of Musa Aleyhisselâm, Son of Moses 115

    19- Hızr Aleyhisselâm 116

    20- The Prophet's Prophet'sNess of Moses and Aaron Alasselâms 117

    The Download of the Torah and the Request of Moses to See Allah 125

    Written Words in the Torah 137

    21- Prophet of Yûsha Bin Nûn 146

    22- Prophet of Ilyas Aleyhisselâm 147

    ) Prophet of David Aleyhisselâm 152

    Prophet David's Prayers 158

    God's Revelations to David 162

    Prophet David's Encouragement 165

    Death of David Aleyhisselâm 168

    23- Prophet of Suleiman Aleyhisselâm 169

    Beyt-i Mukaddes 174

    Belkıs Paralys 175

    Hazrat Lokman Bet 181

    Zülkameyn Paralymp 183

    ) Prophet of His Majesty and Ermiyâ 185

    24- Prophet of Uzeyir Aleyhisselâm 189

    25- Prophet of Yunus Aleyhisselâm, Son of Mettâ 191

    26- Prophet of Hz. Zekeriyya and Hazrat Yahya 193

    Death of The Prophets of Zechariah and John 196

    27- Prophet of Jesus Aleyhisselâm 198

    Department of Biblical Qualifications 204

    Table Landing from the Sky 209

    The Lifting of Jesus into the Sky 210

    28- Prophets' Order 214

    29- Prophet Muhammad Mustafa's Prophet 227

    My Qur'an Sinlu 234

    Mirach Bet 237

    Our Prophet's See of God 250

    Secrets of revelation 251

    Kutsi Words 258

    Divine Hadiths. 265

    Prophet's Hijrah from Mecca to Medina 281

    Nebi's Arrival in Medina 285

    Jihad of the Prophet 289

    Bedir Gaza 289

    Uhut Gaza 291

    Conquest of Mecca 293

    Huneyn Paralympe 294

    Death of our Prophet 296

    Virtues of Ashab and The Death of Hz. Fatima 306

    Death of Abu Bakr 307

    Death of Omar 309

    Death of Hazrat Osman 310

    Death of Hazrat Ali 310

    My Deaths of The Prophets and Hussein. 312


    Cebrail Section 318

    Various Issues 332

    Chapter 340 on the Angel of Death

    Authorities of the Spirits 345


    30- Section 358 on Different Beliefs

    31- Section 360 on The Deeds

    ) Friday Section 376

    32- Section 381 on Masjids

    33- Zakat Section 382

    34- Fasting Section 383

    35- Chapter 387 on The Night of Almighty

    36- Hajj Section 390

    37- Chapter on Jihad (War in the Way of Allah) 394

    38- Chapter 398 on the Quran

    39- Remembrance Section 407

    40- Patient Section 412

    41- Chapter 413 on Alms

    42- Declaration of The Authorities and Ranges of Those Who Are In The Way of Allah 414

    43- Chapter 418 on the Virtues of The Province

    44- and Virtues of Acirc;lims 420

    45- Advice of Good and Section 425 on Men of Evil

    46- Chapter 426 on the Virtue of the Poor

    47- World-Related Section 430

    48- Chapter 434 on The Graves and the Dead

    49- Prayer Section 436

    50- Repentance and Amnesty (Yarn Wishing) Section 439

    Section 440 on Repentance

    51- Takva Section 442

    52- Apocalyptic Omens - 1 443

    53- Apocalyptic Omens - 2 446

    Deccat's Output 447

    Jesus' Heavenly Landing 447

    Dâbbet'ul-Arz's Exit 448

    Sunrise from the West 449

    Closing of Repentance Gate 450

    Depressions That Began on Earth 450

    Blowing the Wall 451

    Chapter 454 on Hashed

    Change of Place and Sky ..... 458

    Doomsday Stops 463

    The Great Fear 466

    Livâ'ul-Hamd 468

    Bringing Hell in the World 471

    Account in The Mahser 472

    Intercessing in the Mahser 475

    Kaaba Section 478

    Intercessing of the Prophet 480

    Account Related Section - 1 481

    Account Related Section - 2 483

    Those Who Will Enter Uncalculed Paradise 487

    Book (Book of Deeds) 494

    Mizan 496

    Hostilities and Courts 499

    Other Strange Jobs on Doomsday 502

    Allah's Conversations with Angels 504

    Hell and Down Degrees 507

    They will enter the Fire 510

    Situations of Those in Paradise 516

    Havz Section 517

    Rank 518


    54- Entering Heaven 529

    55- A'raft 533

    56- Seeing Allah Teâla 536

    57- Four Râsid Caliphs' Places in Paradise 539

    58- Situations of The Great Sinners 540

    59- Hikmeti of Fire 543

    60- Section 543 on Gins

    61- Strangle of Death 544

    62- Tûbâ Tree 545

    63- Hûriler 545

    64- Chapter 547 on Vildan

    65- Gılmâns 548

    66- Rivers of Heaven 548

    67- Ranks and Supreme Degrees of the People of Paradise 550

    68- Martyrs 556

    69- Blessings of the People of Paradise 557

    70- Ranks of the People of Paradise 563

    End of Book 565

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