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  • Gate of Repentance

    Product Specifications :

    • Author : Arif Arslan
    • Book Cover : Paperback
    • Page Quality : 2.Dough
    • Number of Pages : 178
    • Size 11.5 x 19.5 cm
    • Date of Publication : 2013-07-08


    Here's a book I've been putting off writing for over a quarter of a century: THE TEVBE KAPISI. I've been putting it off for years, "today, tomorrow." Fortunately, however, I never delayed repentance for my sins. After every move I have committed or thought was a sin, I immediately recovered and said, "Estağfirullah al-Azim, al-Kerim ellezî lâ illâlâ hû. Al-Khayyu'l-Kayyûm and etûbü ileyh", I thanked my Lord on my side and wished forgiveness.
    I always had this question about the "Gate of Repentance": "Why do I always put it off? I wonder if this book will be the end of me. I'm going to write after the last sin? Will it be my last repentance? Or am I just making a de-de-n up, etc."
    It wasn't coincidenal that I thought of it or that I was obsessed. Because when the Surah of Nasr came to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (p.a.v.) during the Veda Hajj, and especially in the 3rd World War, he said, "We are not going to be a prophet." The verse;
    "Praise your Lord and wish him forgiveness. He is the one who accepts repentance." (Nasr, 110/3) Looking at his verse, some sahabes, and especially sahabes such as Abu Bakr, Ibn Mes'ûd and Ibn Abbas (r.a), were saddened by the message they received from the sûre. As a matter of fact, during a meeting with a group of Bedir Ashab, Hazrat Omar (r.a) asked Ibn Abbas (r.a) what this surah means, and he replied:
    "This surah states that the time of the Messenger of God (p.a.v) has come and he has passed away. The apostle (p.a.v.) has been given a secret report with this sûre. Ce-nabi Hak said to his Messenger with the meaning of the sûre:
    "When god's help and conquest come, know that this is a toffinity of your time. So praise your Lord and make a repentance to him. Their repentance is accepting." (Nasr, 110/1-3)
    So He said, "I understand what you are saying."
    Hamd and Repentance are done at the end of something. Because it's a convert to repentance. From the beginning of the surah to the verse "vestağfü", the number of letters was already 63, and thus it turned out that the Prophet (p.a.v.) had also reported his passing.
    It is very important and very necessary to repent in order to be thankful for the blessings given at the end of life and to get rid of mistakes, to be cleansed of sins, imperfections and to be forgiven. In a sense, this book opens the door to repentance and shows the path of hope that leads to forgiveness for those like me and those who flee repentance without knowing it; I write with the intention of encouraging repentance and being forgiven by showing the door of repentance to our people whose head and heart are quite confused.
    Now, for many reasons, I started writing about my work called "The Gate of Repentance", a subject that I always wanted to write about. If my Lord is pleased with health and well-likedness, I would like to finish it with his permission and discretion and present it to you...
    We hope to meet in new books and be aware of what we are writing, read and understand what is written and take advantage of it...


    1.Creation, Sin and Repentance 16
    2.If We Had Never Sinned 22
    3."I Never Sin" Means 26
    4.Balance of Sin and Repentance 28
    5.Constant Sin and Constant Repentance 31
    6.Insisting on Sin 39
    7.What do you think of God? 42
    8.Let's Be Muslim Again 43
    9.How do we see our sins? 46
    10.Great Sins (Kebab) 47
    11.Verdict of Great Sins 52
    12.Greatest Sins 57
    13.Great Good Deeds 59
    14.Roads to Blasphemy 60
    15."Very Happy with His Servant's Repentance" 62
    16.There are unforgivables too 64
    17.Converting from Islam to Another Religion 70
    18.Old - New Muslim "Savages" 72
    19.The Only Unsym forgiven Sin 77
    What is Repentance? 83
    1.Most Appropriate Repentances for Admission 85
    How Many Times Do We Appeal on Day 2? 88
    3.90 If Your Business Is Not Going Smoothly
    4.The Most Beautiful Repentance "Sayyidül İstiğfar" 93
    5.Three Exceptions After Each Prayer 94
    6.Subhanallahi And Bihamdihi 95
    7.Praying and Hope for Forgiveness 96
    8.Alms and Very Forgiveness 97
    9.Which Mother Throws Her Child into the Fire? 98
    10.Can Sin Cause Ascension? 100
    11.If You Avoid Great Sins 102
    12.What Do We Think Of God? 104
    13.A Madman's Prescription Against Sin 105
    14.Is Worship and Misdemeanor Hidden? Repentance 106
    15."Good Deeds Chalk Out Evils"Repentance 108
    16.Tevbe De Must Hurry 112
    17.Believer Avoids Sin 115
    18.Repent Too Much If Your Business Isn't Good 117
    19.Saying Your Sin Is Mine 122
    20.Seeking Refuge From Allah 125
    21.The State of Hidden Sins 128
    22."I Don't Sin" Means 129
    23.Not Repentance 130
    24.Heart-Rending Sins 132
    25.Some Sins That Have Been Destroyed 133
    20.Don't See Everyone As Sinners 133
    21.Persecution of darkness 136
    22.A Poisonous Fruit: Adultery 139
    23.Sensitivity to Sin 151
    24.Young 153 Who Died out of Fear of Allah
    25.Some Accepted Repentances 155
    26."Hey... There's Amnesty for Me Too!" 155
    27.Maiz And Gamit Woman Incident 160
    28."Lailahe Ilallah" Will Enter Heaven 166
    29.An Incredible Horror and a Terrific Amnesty 166
    30.99 Repentance of Man-Killing Killer 167
    31.An Example of Fear of God 171
    32.Woman Who Gave Water to a Dog 173
    33.Fear Shattered His Liver 173
    26. The Dular For the Forgiveness of Sins 175
    a) Prayer and Prayer Prayer 176
    b) Remembrance of Allah and Hamd-ü Sena 177
    c) Prayer of Repentance 177
    d) SeyyiduT Prayer of Forgiveness 178

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