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  • Kabir Alemi Book (imam Jalaleddin Es-Suyüti)

    • Book Kabir Alemi
    • Author Imam Jalaleddin Es-Suyuti
    • Translation Bahaeddin Solid
    • Publishing House Hero publications
    • Paper - Skin Dough, Paperback Hardlier
    • Page - Size 460 page, 5x19.5 cm Roman Size
    • Release Year 2012


    Praise be to God. He woke up what he wanted from his gaffe sleep. He raised his love to the highest ranks and positions, took his burden from him and transferred it to Alem-i Bekâ and Berzaha.
    I have witnessed that there is no god other than God, and there is no sherry. I still witness: Mohammed (sav.) He is his servant and messenger. He sent it with the most honorable religion and became a friend to him in the most honorable way. Peace and mercy to him and his great prophets. (Amen).
    This book is sufficient about the world of berzah (,), which spirits want to teach with a violent work, and their troubles are in the way of going away.
    Here's what I did:
    The virtue and condition of death, the adjectives of the angel of death and his helpers, the situation that happens to the dead in the sequence; the state of the soul after the remnance of the body and the foundation of Allah,the gathering of the soul with other souls and the unity of the soul in one place after that, the state of the tomb, the compression of the dead, the persecution, the sleax and the sleax, the things that are useful in the grave... I mentioned it in this whole book. I explained to all these merhales from the ons of the disease of death until the sûra was blown in the water. In this regard, I transferred merfu' (I) from hadiths, mevkuf and maktu'. I made this transfer by researchinghadith books and mûtemed hadith imamlan. and laquo; Tezkiretü'l-Kurtubi and raquo; I wrote down the part that was in "tenkih" and tahric, as as did many of the more that he didn't have.
    I named the work and laquo;Sherh üs-Sudur bi Sherhi Hali'lMevta and Ehli'l-Kubu (The Book That Makes Hearts Clear by Explaining the States of the Dead).
    I hope that if God gives life, I will add to this a book or two, one about the omens of good deeds, and the other about the state of resurrection, the good deeds, heaven and hell. May God do it with gratitude and gratitude.

    Abu Nuaym, from Mujahid
    There is a berzah behind them until the day they are resurgeded, and he said about the verse in the verse: The berzah mentioned in the verse is between death and resurrection.

    Mütercim's Mukaddimesi 5
    Life and works of tmam-ı Suyuti 7
    Mukaddime 13
    Beginning of Death 15
    To ask for death when there is harm to the goods and the body, and
    avoid praying for him to come 16
    Advantages of the long life of obedience to Allah 18
    To ask for death out of fear of religious persecutia and
    the answer to praying for his arrival is 20
    The advantages of death 27
    Remembering death and preparing for it 37
    Things that helped to resming death 44
    To think of God and to fear him 45
    Death ambassador 49
    omens of good result 50
    The approach of death, the joy and difficulty of the dead. 52
    What he would call my human being in the disease of death, things to be read and inderated on in the sequence, and
    "things to say when a person dies, closes an eye 64
    Hadiths about the angel of death and his helpers 71
    Eceller is appointed every year 87
    The angels and spirituals standing over the dead see and see my secret, and the believer is heralded.
    And what the infidel fears is 89
    The spirit of the deceased is welcomed by other souls and
    come together and investigate 136
    That the dead know the one who washes him, the one who cleanses him, and
    hearing words about him in favor and against him 141
    Angels walking with funerals and what they say 145
    Earth and sky crying to the dying believer 146
    Burial of man in the land where he was created 149
    What to say in burial and suggestion 154
    Kabir narrows to everyone 158
    A faili matter - 162
    Kabir fitnesi and the questions of angels 170
    Some faili issues 197
    Those who are not interrogated in the grave 203
    A faili issue 209
    Kabr's awfulness, ease and breadth of the believer 211
    A few bab (topics) related to this topic 217
    KABİr AZABI 222
    Things that saved the person from my Kabir Azab 249
    The dead are in the grave and they get used to the grave, the dead pray in the grave read the Quran, visit and
    they benefit from all kinds of blessings 255
    A bab (topic) on the subject 272
    The dead recognize and see visitors 274

    1.An important issue 277
    2.An important issue 308
    My Souls Makarn Berzah Alemi 310
    A useful issue 4 344
    A useful issue 346
    Every day he is shown the place of the dead in Heaven or Hell 353
    The deeds of the living are presented to the dead 355
    Things that keep the soul from its beautiful office 359
    Will 361
    The dead and their souls are seen in the dream 363
    Some rumors from those who dreamed of the dead 371
    The dead are tormented by the snent of the right 413
    The dead are tormented by crying over 414
    Other things the dead are tormented by 418
    Hafaza angels do not leave the tomb 420
    Things that benefit the dead in the grave 420
    Reading the Quran on the dead or the kabr 434
    It's the best time for the dead. and raquo; 439
    Deeds 440, which means entering heaven immediately after death
    Other than the prophets and others like them
    body of the dead rots and their bodies stink 441
    A hatime 446 on some issues related to the soul

    The beginning of death
    Remembering death and preparing for it
    Things that help to remembrance death
    Death ambassador
    The approach of death, the joy and difficulty of death
    Hadiths about the angel of death and its helpers
    The angels and the spirituals standing over the dead are what those who are in the order see and what they see, and what the one who believes in is heralded, and what the disbeliine fears.
    That the dead know the one who has washed him, and the one who is in charge, and hears the words about himself in favor and against himself.
    What to say in the burial and suggestion
    Kabir fitne and the questions of angels
    Those who are not interrogated in the grave
    The awfulness of the tomb, the ease and breadth of the mu'mine
    What saved him from the Kabir Punishment
    Kabir Visit; The dead recognize and see visitors
    Office of souls: Berzah Alemi
    Make a will
    The dead are tormented by the repentance of the right.
    The dead are tormented by crying over it
    Things that benefit the dead in the grave
    Reading the Quran on the dead and the grave
    Some issues related to the soul

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