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  • Pocket Size Large Relaxed Arabic

    Product features :

    Calligrapher: Ahmet Hüsrev Altınbaşak
    Print Color: 6 Color Printing
    Number of Pages: 265 Pages
    Skin Type: Plastic Cover
    Size: Pocket Size
    Size: Width: 9cm. Length: 14cm.
    Meal: Mealsiz
    Language: Arabic

    Throughout his life, human beings suffer many misfortunes, big and small, but they cannot get rid of most of them. However, he has more requests than we can count, but he cannot get most of them.
    A person who is helpless against misfortunes and poor against his desires and desires needs bread and water as well as turning to the Almighty and praying.
    In the Quran, Allah asks us to turn to him and pray and states that he will obey these prayers with mercy and grace.
    This book of Cevşenü'l Kebir is also written by Bediuzzaman Hz. It was compiled from the famous prayer magazine Mecmu'atü'l-Ahzab of Ahmed Ziyaeddin Gümüşhânevi, one of the last period great saints of the Ottoman Empire.

    Contents :

    Surah al-Fatiha 2
    Elif-lam-mim 3
    Verse-el Kursi 4
    Surah al-Baqara 5
    Surah Al-Kahf 5
    Surah Yasin 17
    Dukhan 23
    The Conquest 26
    Ar-Rahman 30
    Surat al-Waqia 33
    Surat al-Hashr 36
    Surat al-Juma 37
    Tahrim 38
    Surat al-Mulk 39
    Qur'an (41)
    Surat an-Naba 42
    At-Takasur 44
    Surah Elephant 44
    Quraysh 44
    Surat Maun 45
    Surah al-Kevser 45
    Surah Unbeliever 45
    An-Nasr 45
    The Tabbat 46
    Surah al-Ikhlas 46
    Surah al-Falak 46
    Surat an-Nas 46
    Prayer 47
    Cevsen-ül Kebir 50
    Prayer to You 57
    Evrad-i Kudiya 101
    Delailunnur 123
    Salavat 139
    Sekine 144
    İsm-i Azam Prayer 147
    Münacat-ı Veysel Karani 150
    Dua-i İsm-i Azam 154
    Termuman-i İsm-i Azam 158
    Quran 164
    Tahmidiyye 200
    Extract-ul Extract 216
    Celcelutiyye 238
    Matches 252
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