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Tabby Tales - Damla Yayınları-1171

: 9786053836995
139.00 TL
Featured Information

Tabby Tales

Tales from Tekir (Values ​​Education)

Number of Pages: 384
Size: 12,5 x 17 cm
Color Image printed
Silvery cover

The book of tales made of tabby, produced specially for our children, is a book that contributes to the education of our children by having fun.

- Helpfulness - Being Cautious
- Being fair - Doing your job well
- Responsibility - Not to look down on
- Being grateful for good intentions
- Being Humble - Not Lying
- To Be Gentle - Not To Be Jealous
- To Be Compassionate - To Be Patient
- Not Mocking - Being Respectful
- Solidarity - Sharing
they will learn the moral values.

In our book based on '' Values ​​Education '', more than one value is handled in each tale. "Values ​​Education" is not limited to the narration of fairy tales. Values ​​become permanent with "I Read-Understand" works.
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.