Tales from Tekir (Values Education)
Number of Pages: 384
Size: 12,5 x 17 cm
Color Image printed
Silvery cover
The book of tales made of tabby, produced specially for our children, is a book that contributes to the education of our children by having fun.
- Helpfulness - Being Cautious
- Being fair - Doing your job well
- Responsibility - Not to look down on
- Being grateful for good intentions
- Being Humble - Not Lying
- To Be Gentle - Not To Be Jealous
- To Be Compassionate - To Be Patient
- Not Mocking - Being Respectful
- Solidarity - Sharing
they will learn the moral values.
In our book based on '' Values Education '', more than one value is handled in each tale. "Values Education" is not limited to the narration of fairy tales. Values become permanent with "I Read-Understand" works.