
Why We Grow Beards - Ismail Mukaddem-1483

Mercan Kitap
Product Code : 9786054908035
A Book on the Wisdom of Growing a Beard Which Is Religely Appropriate for Men
76.00 TL
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  • Why We Grow Beards

    Browse_detail_publication_date 2014-01-06


    Number of Prints 1. Printing
    Number of Pages 52
    Skin Type Cardboard Cover
    Paper Type Book Paper
    Dimension 13.5 x 19.5 cm

    Praise be to God, who obeys him and makes the one who is a saint, and who disobeys his commands and rebels.

    Peace and peace to the Messenger of Allah, his people, and his companions, who have subjected their desires to His guidance.


    This story:

    'Edilletu Tahrîmi Halki'l-Lihye; Evidence of the ForbiddenNess of Shaving the Beard' is the summary of his book. I used simple phrases to make it easier to take advantage of. I've extracted detailed research, extensive investigations, and ineligible additions. I summarize the story in a style that is suitable for all readers.

    I ask God to accept this work with a good acceptance, and to generalize its benefits on the day when wealth and sons do not benefit, both in this world and in the day when god comes with a good heart. Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.


    Mukaddime 5

    Growing a Beard Is Obedience 6

    Shaving a Beard Is Rebellion 9

    Releasing Beard Is a Circumcision of Muhammad 12

    Shaving a Beard Is Extremism and Turning Away from rasûlullâh's path 16

    Releasing a Beard Is a Human Folly 19

    Firat Haslederi 20

    Cutting the Beard Is Changing the Goodness of Almighty God 22

    Releasing beard is nabî's 'anti-salutation Feature' 25

    Releasing Beard Is the Way of The Believers 27

    Shaving a Beard Is Like a Infidel 30

    Warning 34

    Releasing a Beard Is Masculinity and Dignity 37

    Cutting a Beard Is Like a Woman 39

    Two Warnings 41

    Releasing Beard Is Jewellery and Honor 42

    Shaving a Beard Is Descending 46

    Shaving the Beard is Musle 48

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