
Ziynet-ul Club - Ziyneti of hearts-1451

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Product Code : 9280000001011
It is an Informational Book that covers the Knowledge of Catechism in a Extensive manner
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  • Ziynet-ul Club - Ziyneti of Hearts

    • Print Count Printing
    • Language ENGLISH
    • Pages 493
    • Skin Type Bind
    • Paper Type Book Paper
    • Size 5 x 24.5 cm

    With the permission and ance of His Holiness, allah is not a great crop of claims from the maintenance of the nature and content of our people, which we have given to our mâ'nevi idea life. Because there are many valuable works written, weed and read or written by our elders in Arabi, Farisî and other languages, but not presented to the public. In addition to the very valuable works they have ordered, this zevat-1 âli-kadrin te'lif, each of which is the sultan of the heavens and the sky, is our choice to write this story, which is in any of its places; it is to know that they serve the god who will be one of us. Thus, we thought that we could be good and useful to our companions with the efforts of our language and the writing power of our pen, with this work in your hand, ziynet-ul Club - The Book of The Ziyneti of Hearts.

    In this risale, which we prepared with the subject of allahu perseverance-i-sânm rizas, the Messenger of God,intercessor-i uzmâsim and Evliyâullahm himem-i spirituality; For the most part, we have tried to shed light on the state and the unknowns of our people as much as we can and as much as we can. As is known, this very important bet is Internal and Acirc; Since it is related to THE LEMİ, there are too many to count the people who cut the road along this road, those who served against the devil, and the demons that appear in the image of Rahman.

    It's a risale; To those who seek the right, and those who seek to know their essence, and those who want to be born and live human beings and die as human beings, and those whose rights are of us, and mdash; Construction'ali ah and mdash; it will be a good reh-ber.

    If we have had defects despite all our efforts and sadness, we expect the forgiveness of our mistakes and confections to our sincereness from the traces and consciences of wisdom, We ask God's celle, his forgiveness and his cover-up, to help us with the forgiveness of my unsplained and relatively wrong, which we have not deliberately condemned, and the prayers, the rühaniyyet-i Mu-hammediyye and himmet-i Evliyâullahtan.

    This is our risale; We hope and hope that it will be indi-divine, indi-Messenger of God and indi-Evliyâ- üllahta mergup and mahbup and provide benefits to Ummet-i Muhammad.

    Tevfik is from Allah...

    Kutb-ul-ârifiyn, Gavs-ul-vâsıliyn, Hâtem-ul-müctehidiyn Pir Sultan Muhammad Nureddin From the honorary shrine of Surgery, muk- bil-i-akdâm-ul-Evliyâ
    You can reach this work from the Category of Fıkih Ve İlmihal Books.



    Abdest Bet 80

    Abdulkadir-i Geylanî Hz. Hal Translation 115

    and Acirc;dab-i cult 38

    Ahbab-i cult 39

    Ahmed-er-Rufai Hz. Hal tercü-mesi 139

    Ahkâm-ı cult 39

    Love and fear of Allah 8

    Aliyyül Hemedani Hz. Hal Translation 179

    and Acirc;lemler 47

    and Acirc;şıka's daily duties 66

    Avrad sheikhs' adjectives 26

    Azamet-i Hudâ single 114


    Baha'uddin-i Nakshibendi Hz.

    Hal Translation 233

    Thousand cult 39


    What are the fifty-four adjectives of dervishes? 58

    Daily duties of dervishes 58

    The secret of the devra is 53

    Some authorities where prayers are answered 372


    Being subject to Ehlullah 16

    Fifty-four supassuming 91

    Immaly yummy owners and adjectives 30

    Erkân-ı cult 39

    Esmâ'a mu'ekkel angels 46

    Etvar-ı seb'a 40

    Etvar-ı seb'ada esmâ-i Divine colors 41

    Adjectives of Sheikhs of Evrâd 26

    Evrâd-ı Kadiriyye and its pronunation 117

    Evrâd-ı Kadiriyye sherry terceme 127

    Evrâd-ı Rüfa'iyye and its pronunation 141

    Evrâd-ı Rüfa'iyye sherry Tercemesi 165

    Evrâd-ı Fethiyye and its pronunation 181

    Evrvâd-ı Fethiyye Tercemesi 215

    Evrâd-ı Bahaiyye and pronounced 235

    Evrâd-ı Bahaiyye tercemesi 269

    Evrâd-ı Virdi settâr and pronounced 288

    E -râd-ı Virdi Settâr Sherhi and His Discharge 305

    Evrâd-ı Cerrahiyye and okunu-shu 319

    Evrâd-ı Cerrahiyye Sherhli Tercemesi 339


    Gusul Bet 80

    Gulbank-i Muhammadi 114


    Hajj Bet 81

    How to know the rightely? 19

    Qualifications of the right-to-be 19

    Seven ranks of truth 42

    Rights parents' famous 69

    State of the year 46

    Story: Cüneyd-i Bagdadî His Holiness 16

    Story: What happened to the Sivas woman 16

    Story: Muhyiddin-i Arabi His Holiness 108


    ihvana gifts 109

    conditions of lyma 79

    knowledge collection is assumed 5

    llm-i hal 75

    Man is the caliph 8

    Reasons for going to the heresy without a lyman 95

    Procedure and procedure of the invasion 109

    Conditions of the work 80


    Kabir hediyyeieri 105

    Adjectives of tribal sheikhs 26

    What's a chalice?' 50

    Adjectives of Kal sheikhs 24

    Keramet-i is entitled to the married 69

    Adjectives of the Kursi sheikh 26

    Who's the box? 45

    Kutb-ul-aktâb 45

    Seven ranks of kutbiyyetin 42

    Qur'an hassas 97


    Levvâme yummy owners and adjectives 33


    Local 46

    Makamat-i cult 40

    Merdiyye yummy and adjectives 37

    Seven ranks of the prophet 42

    Famous parents 69

    What is Mey (Sufism) 50

    What's a meyhane? (Sufism) 50

    What's the square? (Sufism) 50

    Meratib-i cult 41

    Muhtasar ilm-i hal 75

    Mutma'sne yummy' and adjectives 35

    Mülhime yummy and adjectives 34

    Debate and prayer 110

    How to know mürşid-i kâmil? 19

    Qualifications of the Mürşid-I explorer 19

    Who's the elder? 49


    Prayer Bet 32

    Nefs and spirit 28

    Adjectives of the vensive 30

    Nefs-i emmâre and adjectives 30

    Nefs-i Levvâme and its adjectives 33

    Nefs-i Mülhime and its adjectives are 34

    Nefs-i Mutmainne and its adjectives are 35

    Nefs-i Râdiyye and their adjectives 36

    Nefs-i Merdiyye and its adjectives 37

    Nefs-i Sâfiyye and its adjectives 38

    Nureddin-i Surgical Hz. Hal Translation 315


    Fasting Bet 81


    Preface 3


    Post's rumuza 51

    Prayer to be read while the post is being published 52


    Râdiyye yummy and adjectives 36

    Being subject to the Messenger of God 10

    Rank-î cult 40


    Sâfiyye yummy and adjectives 38

    What is Sâki (Sufism) 50

    Course 46

    Sayyed Yahya Shirvani Hz. Hal tercemesi 285

    Who do they call Sofi? 47

    Secret devran 53


    Intercessing 15

    Seven ranks of Sherry 41

    Who do they call a sheikh? 22

    Poems 375


    Cult name 38

    Description of the order 38

    Cult provisions 39

    Cult man 39

    Cult building 39

    Cult adhd 39

    Ranks of cult 40

    Cult authorities 40

    Cult ranks 41

    Seven ranks of the order 42

    Takke sheikhs' adjectives 25

    Hamdiyye 56 read after dinner in tekkes

    Sufism 46

    What is the purpose of sufism? 49

    Value and importance of contem loan sharking 7

    Adjectives of Tekke sheikhs 25

    Tevhid 47

    Teyemmum Bet 81

    Wired Father visit 349


    Seven ranks of Ubudiyyetin 42


    Vehicle and intercessor 15

    Parents' famous 69

    Parents' adjectives 69


    Adjectives of sheikhs 24

    Seven attitudes 40

    Esmâ-i thelai colors in seven attitudes 41

    Hamdiye, prayer and rosebenk 56 read after meals


    Zekat Bet 82

    Visit name 373

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