
Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü-People of Bedir and Tawassul and Istigaseler-1165

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Yayıncılık
Product Code : 9786054814091
In the Book of the People of Badr and Tawassul and Istigaseler, the People of Badr in the Battle of Badr and the Events that took place at that time are mentioned.
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    Publish Date 01.06.2013
    Number of Impressions 1st Edition
    Language ARABIC, TURKISH
    Number of Pages 374
    Skin Type Bound
    Paper Type Book Paper
    Size 13.5 x 16.5 cm


    All praises are peculiar to Allâh-u Ta'ala, who shines badr (full-nay) in the sky of jihad.

    Endless gratitude belongs to Allah Almighty, who exalted the glory of the people of jihad among the ummahs.

    May the endless blessings be upon the Prophet (pbuh), who abolished the darkness with his light, the Prophet (peace be upon him), who was the owner of power and support, and especially the people of Badr.

    It is a fact known by everyone that the Companions, who participated in the Badr report, had a special place among the general companions.

    Most of the scholars have clearly stated that these elders had special support and that they helped them by reaching the narrowness of their names.

    There are some oakyhs that recite the names of the people of Badr, the martyrs of Uhud and the Companions as verse (as poetry), or arrange them in an alphabetical order and assign them to their disciples as vird.

    Abdüllatîf ash-Şâmî (Kuddise Sirruhû) comes first among these. Later, Mevlânâ Hâlid (Kuddise Sirruhû), which is the institution of the Hâlidiyye order, which is the biggest member and pound of the Mujadidiyya branch established by Imam-i Rabbânî (Kuddise Sir-ruhû), of our Imam-i Barzencî and Nakşî sect, is also very precious. He wrote a work.

    Inshallah, the names and some features of each of these works will be presented to you under special headings.

    The most important issue for this poor person in this study is that the names of these elders should be properly recorded.

    Because almost all of the mahtût and printed sources we have had letters and vowel errors, we were told that the İsmâil Hakkî Bey section of İzmir in the Süleymaniye library, registered in the old record number 258, by Şeyh Tâha al-Cebrînî (Rahimehullâh) we have provided the annotation made on the review on this subject.

    In addition, we have received a photocopy of a handwritten work belonging to Muhammed el-Hıfnî (Rahimehullâh). These works, which helped to capture the names of the people of Badr right before we put this book to print, with the kindness of Allah Almighty made about us, reached us.

    Of course, we are not content with just these, but Ibni Abdi'l-Berr (Rahimehullâh) aâit "el-IstVâb fi mari-feti'l-ashâb" and Ibni Hajar (Rahimehullâh) aâit "al-Isâbe fi appyizi's-Sa / taba" we have not neglected to benefit from the works written on the determination and appeal of the names and personalities of the Companions.

    Give endless praise to Allâh-u Ta'âlâ, which is the most accurate and reliable book about the memorandum of the names of the people of Badr, even among the Arabic works written on this subject, not among those written in Turkish. has become.

    On this occasion, we wish Allah-u-Ta'ala to be successful in reading and making use of you about our readers, and we also ask for delegation and deprivation on behalf of the weak.

    1 -Receb-1429 4-July-2008

    Contents CHAPTER ONE

    The virtues of the people of badr 9

    The fact that the people of Badr are the most virtuous of the Companions 11

    That those who participated in the battle of Badr will not go to Hell 14 1

    The fact that the people of Badr will enter Paradise 17

    The help of Allah to the people of Badr 22

    The participation of angels in the battle of Badr 25

    How the help of the angels in Badr was realized 32


    The air of reading the names of the people of Badr 41

    The air of the names of Companions 43


    General information about the people of Badr and Badr 61

    Some information about Badr 63

    The classification of the people of Badr 68


    Information about the books in this work 89

    First Book: "Asmâ-ü Ashab-i Bedr" 91

    Second Book. Câliyetü'l-Kederbi Companion Sayyidi '1-Melâiki ve'l-Beşer 103

    Third Book. Câliyetü'l-ekdâr ve’s-Seyfü'l-Bettâr fi’s-Salâtiale’l-Muhtâr 113

    The Fourth Book. et-Tevessülü wa'l-Istigâse bi Ahli Bedrin Zevi'l-Igâse 130

    Fifth Book. al-Istigâse bi'l-Bedriyyîne zevi'l-Haseb al-Mucerrda ani'n-Niseb 132


    Some pictures about Badr 135

    In his book, the People of Badr are mentioned about the events that happened in the Battle of Badr and the Events that took place at that time.
    According to the narration from Rafi 'ibni Hadîc (Radıyallâhu Anh), the Prophet (Sallallâhu Aleyhi and Salam) stated the following on the day of Badr:
    '' If a child of the religion (born) lives in fiqh for forty years, he acts with all the prayers of Allah and avoids all prohibitions, and he will not have any problems until he is returned to the most disgraceful period of his life (the time of old age) or after what he knows. If it continues like this until it is turned into a state that it does not know anything, it cannot reach one of you that night (Badr). Of course, even the angels participating in Badr have a great advantage over the rest of Badr. ''
    Endless praise to Alla-u Te'ala, this work has the distinction of being the most accurate and reliable book about the capture of the names of the people of Badr, not among those written in Turkish, even among the Arabic works written on this subject.
    On this occasion, we intend to read and benefit from Allah-u ta'ala about you, our readers.
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