
The Treatise of Cübbeli Ahmed Hoca Recebi Şerif -1141

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Yayıncılık
Product Code : 9786059010016
It Is A Very Precious Work Containing Many Prayers, Remembrance And Virtuous Deeds Regarding the Month of Allah.
149.00 TL
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    Language Turkish
    PAGE NUMBER: 328
    SKIN TYPE: Soft Cover
    PAPER TYPE: Şamua
    SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
    In a hadith narrated by Ibni Abbas (Radıyallâhu Anhümâ), the Prophet (pbuh) stated the following:

    "Rajab is the month of Allâh-u Ta'âlâ.

    Sha'bân is my moon.

    Ramadan is the month of my ummah. "

    My dear readers! As our congregations, who have been following our conversations for years, know clearly; When the blessed three months came, we were distributing prayers and dhikr about the receb-i sharif on plates. Of course, this was not permanent, and many prayers and virtuous deeds did not fit into those plates.

    Despite all these illnesses, material and spiritual troubles, endless praise to Allah, who made us successful in achieving a permanent work on this subject. The only means of all these sciences, Muhammad Mustafa (Salâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam) Q and unlimited blessings to the followers of these virtues.

    May our masters, bâhusus Mahmud Efendi, have good long lives and good health. On this occasion, the intercession of the receb-i sharif, which is the month of Allâh-u Ta'âlâ, will give us and you our readers the intercession of Allah. To protect the respect of this haram month, let our sentence be a treat. And the servant who says Acirc; may attain the mercy of Allah-u Ta'âlâ! Amine!


    and Acirc; yet-i Kerîmes (309)

    Hadîs-i Şerif and Works (310-321)

    Couples (322)

    Table of Contents (323-327)


    Preface 5



    Honors of Rajab-i Sharif 11

    Receb-i Sharif Becomes a Haram Moon 11

    The Folding of Sins and Merits in the Haram Months 23

    Names of Receb-i Sharif 31

    Days of Rajab-i Sharif 58

    The First Day of Rajab-i Sharif 71

    The Fifteenth Day of Rajab-i Sharif 72

    Twenty-Seventh Day of Rajab-i Sharif 73

    Nights of Rajab-i Sharif 75

    The First Night of Rajab-i Sharif 79

    First Friday Night of the Month of Rajab-i Sharif 88

    Fifteenth Night of the Month of Rajab-i Sharif 93

    Twenty-Seventh Night of Rajab-i Sharif 94



    Fasts on Certain Days of Rajab-i Sharif 103

    Fasting of the First, Second and Third Days of Rajab-i Sharif 103

    Fasting for a Day at the Beginning, Middle and End of Rajab-i Sharif 108

    The First Thursday Fasting of the Rajab-i Sharif 110

    The Fasts of the Ayyâm-ı Bîyd (Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen) of the Rajab-i Sharif 112

    The Twenty-Seventh Day Fast of the Rajab-i Sharif 116

    Fasting of the Last Day of Rajab-i Sharif 120

    Fasts During Indefinite Days of Rajab-i Sharif 121

    Fast of a Day from Rajab-i Sharif 121

    The virtues of fasting to be kept up to twenty days from the Rajab-i Sharif 130

    The provision of the fast of Rajab-i Sharif 148

    Keeping All of the Rajab-i Sharif 164

    Rajab-i Sharif fasting and Acirc; What to do with what is left behind 178



    Prayers of Certain Days and Nights in Rajab-i Sharif 183

    The First Night Prayer of Rajab-i Sharif 183

    The First Friday Night Prayer of Rajab-i Sharif (Raghaib Prayer) 186

    Prayer of the Night of Raghaib 192

    Prayer of the Rajab-i Sharif on the First Friday 227

    Prayer to Be Performed in Three-Four-Five, Thirteen-Fourteen-Fifteen and Twenty-Three-Twenty-Four-Twenty-Five of the Rajab-i Sharif 228

    Prayers of Half of the Rajab-i Sharif 230

    Prayer of the Night of Istiftah, which is the Fifteenth Night of Rajab-i Sharif 233

    Prayer of the Fifteenth Day of Rajab-i Sharif 233

    Prayers of Twenty Seven of the Rajab-i Sharif (Mîrâc Prayers) 235

    Prayer of the Day of Ascension 240



    Prayers of Certain Days and Nights in Rajab-i Sharif 183

    The First Night Prayer of Rajab-i Sharif 183

    The First Friday Night Prayer of Rajab-i Sharif (Raghaib Prayer) 186

    Prayer of the Night of Raghaib 192

    Prayer of the Rajab-i Sharif on the First Friday 227

    Three-Four-Five, Thirteen-Fourteen-Fifteen and Twenty Three-Twenty-Four-Twenty-Five of the Rajab-i Sharif

    Prayer of the Migration to be Performed 228

    Prayers of Half of the Rajab-i Sharif 230

    Prayer of the Night of Istiftah, which is the Fifteenth Night of Rajab-i Sharif 233

    Prayer of the Fifteenth Day of Rajab-i Sharif 233

    Prayers of Twenty Seven of the Rajab-i Sharif (Mîrâc Prayers) 235

    Prayer of the Day of Ascension 240

    Prayers with Indefinite Times in Rajab-i Sharif 242

    Prayers to be Performed at the Beginning, Middle and End of Rajab-i Sharif 242

    Prayer in Rajab-i Sharif 251



    Prayers of Rajab-i Sharif 257

    Prayer of the Entry of Receb-i Sharif 257

    First Night Prayers of Rajab-i Sharif 260

    Dhikr in Receb-i Sharif 264

    Dhikr of Every Ten Days of Rajab-i Sharif 264

    Requests to be Made in Receb-i Sharif 267

    Reading İhlâs-ı Şerif in Receb-i Sharif 276

    Reading the Life in Rajab-i Sharif 279

    İrıfak 280 in Receb-i Sharif

    Zakat in Receb-i Sharif 280

    Sadaqah in Receb-i Sharif 283

    Sadaqah of the Twenty-Seventh Day of Rajab-i Sharif 288

    Some Virtuous Deeds in Receb-i Sharif 289

    Umrah in Rajab-i Sharif 289

    Sacrifice in Receb-i Sharif 292

    Ghusl in Receb-i Sharif 297

    Preservation of the Language of Receb-i Sharif 298

    Sıla-i Rahim in Receb-i Sharif 299

    Patient Visit at Receb-i Sharif 300

    Funeral Prayer in Rajab-i Sharif 301

    Feeding and Drinking in Rajab-i Sharif 302

    Dressing the Poor in Receb-i Sharif 303

    Catering to Orphan in Receb-i Sharif 304

    The Quran Marshmallow in Receb-i Sharif 305


    He was originally from Giresun Görele and was born in 1965 in Istanbul Fatih-Çarşamba. Hoca Efendi, who started to be engaged in science at the age of 4, took the nickname Cübbeli Ahmed because he was wearing a robe at that age.

    Hoca Efendi, who received the spiritual training of the Great Master Hacı Mahmud Efendi, continued his education in Fatih Çarşamba İsmailağa Mosque until the age of 12 under the supervision of Mahmud Efendi himself.

    At his age, his sermons in large mosques such as Yavuz Selim and Kasımpaşa Cami-i Kebir were watched by large crowds.

    Hoca Efendi, who was not full of science, went on the road to study science at the age of 12. He took lessons from Resul Bölükbaş Hoca Efendi in the branches of sarf, nahv, ilm-i kalam, text, tafsir, hadith, fiqh and usûl-u fiqh at the Tütüncüler Village Quran Course in Rize Pazar. He completed this education, which should normally take many years, in a short period of 20 months, and in 1980 he received his icazet-i Ilmiye in the ceremony, which was organized with the participation of tens of thousands.

    After returning to Istanbul, he completed his memorization in 6 months from Mustafa Kılıç Hoca Efendi, the imam of Kefevî Mosque.

    İsmailağa Cami-i in school he founded in Sheriff ring has many resident within 10 years scholars cultivates scientific services to its ongoing Hoca Efendi, Turkey and chat council-s held in the world's various regions, face the sermon-u sermons thousands reach the people, then television attended has reached millions with its programs. Hoca Efendi, who saw thousands of sermons on various topics recorded by his followers and received great amnesty both at home and abroad, has been instrumental in the guidance of hundreds of thousands of people to this day. Hodja Efendi, who has about 60 works published on various subjects such as Itikad, Fiqh, rejection of non-Sunnah currents and virtuous deeds, has written with a spiritual sign the R Thu'l-Fur-kan Tafsir and the Qur'an-i Mecid He has the greatest effort in the preparation of the interpretative translation named after him, with the great patronage of his great master. May the Almighty Mawla give him many more beneficial long lives and more services. Amine.
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