
All Prayers in the Quran-1119

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Yayıncılık
Product Code : 9786059010931
The virtues of all prayers in the Quran, with what intention they will be read, the interpretations of the verses in which they are mentioned and the stories of the prayers.
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  • All Prayers In The Holy Quran
    667 Pages
    17x24 Cm Size
    Hard Hardcover
    Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Efendi Publications
    1. Pulp Chamois Paper
    The Prayer Book Written by Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca The Preface of the Book of All Prayers in the Quran:

    From eternal praise to Allâh-u Ta'âlâ, who ordered us to pray to His Almighty Self and promised his acceptance, to Muhammad Mustafâ, who is the imam of prayers, to his Ehl-i Beyti and sentence companions, unlimited salat-u after salutation!

    In the Quran, which is the most honorable one of the books that the Prophets of Mawla al-Mutaul had sent down to the most virtuous one, it may be that:

    "(O people!) Your Lord said: '(Stop seeking help from idols who will not answer you even if you are forever) Pray (and worship) to me that I may (fulfill your wishes) ask you (and reward you). .

    Undoubtedly, those are those who are proud to serve Me; They will soon enter Hell as villains "(Mümin Surah: 60). It is an indispensable duty that nobody has been given a license (freedom) to abandon prayer.

    Again let you know that; The most useful remedy and medicine against material and spiritual troubles is prayer. There is no doubt that prayer is the fall of trouble; It fights it, prevents it from landing on its master, if it does, it lifts it or at least lightens it.

    As a matter of fact, in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayra (Radıyallâhu Anh), our Prophet (PBUH) stated the following about the effect of prayer:

    "Avoidance is not good for fate (precaution cannot spoil the discretion). Prayer is useful for everything that descends and does not descend (it removes the trouble that has happened; it also stops what has not come yet) and the glorious accident (In the case of Allah, if that person does not pray, it is certain that he will land on his head. spoils even the fate that happens.

    Surely, the prayer (which begins to descend from the sky) attains trouble (while it is still in the air) so that the two are prevented by each other until the doomsday between the sky and the earth.

    (Duâ meets the trouble that descends from the sky and prevents it from harming the person by descending to the earth, and even if the person dies, he cannot fall even to those who have left behind.) "(Abdülğanî al-Makdisi, et-Terğîbü fi'd-du'â , no: 2, sh: 32-33; Hâkim, al-Mustadrak, no: 1813, 1/491)

    In a hadith narrated from Nümeyr ibni Evs (Radıyallâhu Anh), the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi ve Salam) said as follows:

    ‘Duâ is a large army gathered together in the armies of Allah and the Exalted

    even then he rejects the accident (the destiny associated with calamity). (IbnüAsâkir, Târîhu Medîneti Dimeşk, 22/158; Ali el-Müttakî, Kenzü'l-'ummâl, no: 3119, 2/63)

    "O my son! Pray a lot, for undoubtedly, prayer will reject even the finalized fate." (İbnü Asâkir, Târîhu Medîneti Di-mesk, 61/208; Ali el-Müttakî, Kenzü'l-‘ummâl, no: 3120, 2/63)

    According to what is reported from Wahb ibni Münebbih (Radıyallâhu Anh), Isâ (Aleyhisselâm) said:

    "O Asrâîlogulları! There is no doubt that reward and good deeds are something that everyone wants to achieve. But only those who act for themselves (to attain the consent of Allah) can meet him. Only those who demand can find him. ilms, the head of every wisdom is taqwa (avoiding harams).

    The door of every good is right (not to depart from righteousness, and every door of truth is the mercy of Allah. The key of all these is to pray to Allah and to pray. "(Abdülğanî al-Makdisî, et-Terğîbfi'd -du'â, no: 14, sh: 47)

    Abu'd-Darda (Radıyallâhu Anh), one of the masters of the Companions, said: "Do the prayers a lot, because whoever knocks the door a lot (and insistently) will open that door for him."

    (Abdülğanîel-Makdisî, et-Terğîbfi'd-du'â, p: 48)

    One of the leading members of the Tâbi‘în layer, Sâbit al-Bünânî

    (Rahimehullâh) His Holiness once said:

    When he said, "I know when my Lord remembers me," the people there were amazed: "How can you know that?" When they said, he replied: "When I mention Him, he also denies me." (Ghazâlî, el-îhyâ, 1/494)

    As can be understood from all these rumors; A believer can never stop without praying to his Lord.

    The highest of the prayers are undoubtedly the prayers that our Almighty Lord teaches us in the Holy Quran, or he narrates from his prophets or mentions in the language of his saints or in the language of his angels.

    Here in this epistle, we will mention all the prayers in the Quran with their meanings in order (observing the order of the surah). However, for the convenience of those who want to read, we will mention only the Arabic texts one after the other from the right. Prayer is from us, and acceptance is from our Lord.

    The thing that brings us to mind to prepare such a treatise is that the great scholar Mer'î ibni Yûsuf al-Kermî al-Makdisi (Rahimehullâh), who died in 1033 in the Islamic calendar, "Câmi'u'd-duâ ve Virdü'l-evliyâ ve Münâcâtü'l Compiled the first part of his work named -esfiyâ "under the title of" Duas of the Quran ", including all prayers mentioned in the Quran.

    Actually, we examined the whole of the Quran carefully and saw some additions to these prayers such as Fâtiha-i Şerîfe, which is not mentioned in this and other books on this subject.

    Mer‘î ibni Yûsuf (Rahimehullâh) compiled the second part of his book "Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Sallam / m prayers") from sound hadiths.

    He named the third part as "prayers compiled from the münâcâtm of the aws and the prayers of the righteous." We intend to prepare you the other two chapters insha'Allah in the future as two treatises.

    Our Almighty Lord's request is to grant us blessings to our life and times and to make us successful in realizing these intentions in the way of ihsan. Tawfiq and guidance are only from our Lord. Our reason is that he gives us a driver's license.

    The following point should be well known; Although some of the prayers in this book are seen as dhikr and do not contain a request, they are actually the most virtuous of prayer.

    As a matter of fact, the statement of Ibn al-Esir (Rahimehullâh): "To give the name of prayer to the expressions of Tehlîl, tahmîd and temcîd, that Allah is in the same position in terms of rewarding and rewarding" expresses this meaning.

    Ibni Uyeyne (Radıyallâhu Anh) a: "How do words like tasbih and praise mean prayer?" When asked, he said: "You (in a hadith narrated from Abu Sa‘id (Radıyallâhu Anh)):

    "Rabb Azze and Celle:" If reading the Quran and mentioning Me prevents anyone from asking for anything from Me, I will give him what I will give to those who want it ""

    Did you not hear the statement as? "(Tirmidhi, Fezâilü'l-Quran: 25, no: 2926, 5/45; Se'alhi, al-Cevâhiru'l-hisa, 3/225; Qurtubî, al-Jami'u li ahkâmi replied as 'I-Qur' moment, 10/460).

    According to this, although there is nothing in the meaning of prayer in the metaphors and praise words that include tâzim and senâ phrases for Allah, it is certain that these dhikr are called duâ and the final statement on this subject is Nasâî (Rahimehullâh) m, Sa'd ibni. The following hadith he narrated from Abi Vakkâs (Radıyallâhu Anh) is:

    "That Zünnûn (Yunus) prayed to him while he was in the belly of the fish:

    There is a prayer that there is no god but you, I am beyond you, I am one of the wrongdoers.

    bi) He complies with him. "(Nasai, as-Sünenü'l-kübrâ, no: 10492, 6/168; Tirmidhi, De'avât: 85, no: 3505, 5/484; Ahmed ibni Hanbal, al-Musnad, no: 1462, 3 / 65-66)

    For, even though there seems to be no request and prayer here, in fact, forgiveness and salvation are demanded by confessing guilt and sin. Therefore, in this work, you will see some dhikr in the prayers of the prophets and the praises of the people of Paradise that do not have the meaning of prayer in their appearance, although some of them are not mentioned as the Quranic prayers in our sources, we have included them in our book by discussing the meanings that passed behind.

    An Important Note: Our sisters in the form of the moon can read verses that contain the meaning of prayer, even though there are a few verses like al-Fatiha, without the intention of reading the Quran, with the intention of prayer or to give thanks. For example, they may say "Alhamdülillâh" to praise, and "Bismillâh" to start a work with abundance.

    Therefore, they should pay attention that they are less than one verse when they read for dhikr. As a matter of fact, dhikr such as "La ilaha ilâllâh" and "Subhanallah" can read them because they are less than a verse. However, according to most scholars, such a restriction is not in question when they recite those that contain the meaning of prayer with the intention of prayer.

    Therefore, there is no reason to read all of the prayers mentioned under the titles of prayers in this book by women in menstruation and nifas.

    Who are the people of A‘raf?

    The salvation prayer of those who remain in purgatory

    Wudu is a means for the acceptance of repentance.

    The prayer that Abdullâh ibni Ca‘fer (Radıyallâhu Anh) taught for consolation when sending his daughter abroad.

    Abdullâh ibni Mesud (Radıyallâhu Anh) arrived in Abyssinia in the first migration

    Named Abdullâh and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm)

    what a test it was for himself to die

    Abdurrahman ibni Avf (Radıyallâhu Anh) arrived in Abyssinia in the first migration

    Abdülhâris (the name that Satan and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) gave to his child)

    Whose daughter was Abdulmalik ibni Marwan married to?

    Yûsuf (Aleyhisselâm) was also at the top of his ability not to rush.

    Hastiness makes people want things that will be bad about themselves.

    What are the Persian kings called.

    That Allah is the most merciful of those who have pity.

    and Acirc; what to read

    and Acirc, the folly of those who worship insignificant beings.

    He has sworn by Allah that he will test His servants with hunger.

    and Acirc; how big were the products such as wheat and pomegranate in the period of the people of d.

    and Acirc; d people went to Mecca to pray for the relief of drought.

    and Acirc; d the severity of the hurricane sent to the people and how long it lasted

    and Acirc; what happened to the people of d are mentioned a lot in the Quran.

    and Acirc; the evidence that will convince those who see the height and power of the people far away

    and Acirc; hadith about the length of the people of d

    wa Acirc; d people struck by the curse

    and Acirc; the names of the idols worshiped by the people d

    and Acirc; the prayer of Hûd (Aleyhisselâm) against the threats of the people d

    and Acirc; when dem (Aleyhisselâm) named his child Abdullâh, he

    what a test it was for himself to die

    wa Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam) was saved by acting contrary to Iblis

    Who are the people of A‘raf?

    The salvation prayer of those who remain in purgatory.

    Wudu is a means for the acceptance of repentance.

    The prayer that Abdullâh ibni Ca‘fer (Radıyallâhu Anh) taught for consolation when sending his daughter abroad.

    Abdullâh ibni Mesud (Radıyallâhu Anh) arrived in Abyssinia in the first migration.

    Named Abdullâh and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm)

    what a test his death was for him.

    Abdurrahman ibni Avf (Radıyallâhu Anh) arrived in Abyssinia in the first migration.

    Abdülhâris (the name that Satan and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) gave to his child).

    Abdulmalik ibni Marwan was married to whose daughter.

    Y vassuf (Aleyhisselâm) was also at the top of his ability not to rush.

    Hastiness makes people want things that will be bad about themselves.

    What are the Persian kings called.

    That Allah is the most merciful of those who have pity.

    and Acirc; what to read when falling into a jiz situation.

    and Acirc, the folly of those who worship insignificant beings.

    He has sworn by Allah that he will test His servants with hunger.

    and Acirc; how big were the products such as wheat and pomegranate in the period of the people of d.

    and Acirc; d people went to Mecca to pray for the relief of drought.

    and Acirc; d the severity of the hurricane sent to the people and how long it lasted.

    and Acirc; what happened to the people of d are mentioned a lot in the Quran.

    and Acirc; d are the evidences that will convince those who see the height and power of the people far away.

    and Acirc; hadith about the length of the people of d.

    and Acirc, the people of d being struck by the curse.

    and Acirc; the names of the idols worshiped by the people d

    and Acirc; the prayer of Hûd (Aleyhisselam) against the threats of the people of d.

    and Acirc; when dem (Aleyhisselâm) named his child Abdullâh, he

    what a test his death was for him.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam) was saved by acting contrary to Iblis.

    and Acirc; how many fathers are there between dem (Aleyhisselam) and Noah (Aleyhisselam).

    wa Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam) was how tall when it was first created.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam) is the first of the prophets.

    wa Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam) was ashamed and hid in the tree in heaven

    And Acirc; before dem (Aleyhisselam) passed away, his descendants were very bad.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselam), when he expelled Kabul, where did he and his descendants settle.

    And Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) a why God reproached.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) how to understand the isnâme of rebellion mentioned in the verse.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) Iblis misled by what name he had to give his child.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) is chosen by Allah.

    and Acirc; the mistake that caused dem (Aleyhisselam) to be sent down from heaven

    whether he found occurrence before or after his prophecy.

    and Acirc; what was the wisdom of dem (Aleyhisselam) being sent down from heaven.

    and Acirc; dem (Aleyhisselâm) different creation from other people.

    and Acirc; those who pray to Allah with what prayer dem (Aleyhisselam) will not be rejected.

    and Acirc; the name of dem (Aleyhisselâm) was written on the plate of the ship of Nûh (Aleyhisselâm). 401 and Acirc; although dem (Aleyhisselam) was innocent of sins like shirk,

    How was his name Abdülhâris answered by the ulema?

    and Acirc; the exams that dem (Aleyhisselâm) was subjected to.

    and Acirc; dem and Havvâ (Aleyhimesselâm) prayers to ask for forgiveness.

    and Acirc; all the hearts of demoğulları are under the disposal of Allah.

    It is a unique city in the fields of Aden (Yemen) that Shadahad built in 300 years.

    and Acirc; why the women who have detention were haunted.

    and Acirc; can women in det form read the Quran prayers?

    and Acirc; the difference between d-ı lâ and Acirc; d-ı uhrâ.

    To the question of Adiyy ibni Erdât not to worry about blessings

    The answer of Ömer ibni Abdizazîz (Radıyallâhu Anhumâ).

    Who belongs to the heavens of Adn.

    and Acirc; fiyah is one of the wards to be desired in the world.

    Which prayer should be read a lot in order to stay in two worlds.

    and Acirc; those who do not want fiyet find their troubles.

    and Acirc; should we ask for fiyet or patience.

    The attribute of lifting heavy loads (belonging to the Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam)).

    What prayer is recited in order not to be burdened with heavy burdens.

    Rather than engaging in lamentation, one should read the isthircâ prayer.

    How many times to read the basmala to relieve the pain.

    Breaking the covenant is one of the great sins.

    and Acirc; the reward of hereafter is better than the reward of the world

    Those who do not break their covenants are among the people of pure intelligence.
    Instead of dealing with laments, one should read the prayer of istircâ

    and Acirc; dem and Havvâ (Aleyhimesselâm) prayers to ask for forgiveness.

    and Acirc; all the hearts of demoğulları are under the disposal of Allah.

    It is a unique city in the fields of Aden (Yemen) that Shadadi built in 300 years.

    and Acirc; why the women who have detention were haunted.

    and Acirc; can women in det form read the Quran prayers?

    and Acirc; the difference between d-ı lâ and Acirc; d-ı uhrâ.

    To the question of Adiyy ibni Erdât not to worry about blessings

    The answer of Ömer ibni Abdizazîz (Radıyallâhu Anhumâ).

    Who belongs to the heavens of Adn.

    and Acirc; fiyet is one of the wishes to be desired in the world ....

    Which prayer should be read a lot in order to stay in two worlds.

    and Acirc; those who do not want fiyet find their troubles ..............

    and Acirc; should we ask for fiyet or patience ...................

    The attribute of lifting heavy loads (belonging to the Prophet (Salallah Aleyhi and Salam)) ....

    What prayer is read in order not to be burdened with heavy burdens ......

    Rather than engaging in laments, one should read the prayer of istirca .........

    How many times to read basmala for pain relief ............

    Breaking the covenant is one of the great sins ................

    Those who do not break their covenants are among the people of pure intelligence ...........

    and Acirc; the reward of hereafter is better than the reward of the world ....................

    and Acirc; what are the hiret envy .............................

    wa Acirc; what can be read in order to go to the hereafter as a Muslim .............

    the question will put him in a very difficult position ............................................ .

    And Acirc; since gold and money will not pass in the hereafter, what will pass ......................

    and Acirc; what prayer should be read for difficulties in the hereafter ................

    And Acirc; how did Ya‘kûb (Aleyhisselâm) blind by the anxiety of not meeting his son in the hereafter ...

    and Acirc; to whom mercy is allocated in the hereafter ........

    and Acirc; what to read in order not to be disgraced in the hereafter .........

    and Acirc; the punishment of the hereafter should not be asked in the world ...

    The meanings of the ism-i sharifs "and Acirc; hiyâ Şerâhiyâ" .............

    Where was the place where the people named Ahkâf and Acirc; d lived .....

    Fools will also enter paradise .......

    The importance of what Ahmed ibni Musâ ibni Uceyl has revealed ...............

    and Acirc; those who do not teach Islam to themselves cannot be saved by prayer ....................................... ......

    and Acirc; Ömer ibni Abdizazîz (Radıyallâhu Anh)

    How he explained on his floor ................................

    wa Acirc; prayer to be read for good qibla ...................................

    The mind cannot grasp the secrets in countless events ...........

    None other than those whose minds are pure can understand the Quran well .................

    How many times is the basmala read into your ear for the healing of a person who has lost his mind .....

    Breaking off the relationship with relatives accelerates the torment ......

    Calling and asking the relative will speed up the reward .....

    Scorpion rescuing the young from the snake by crossing the Nile on the frog's back ..

    When read seven times in the evening and in the morning, it is a prayer that will suffice for every problem.

    How many times should Fâtiha be read in order to avoid being deceived ........

    How does his destiny get in front of the man who will enter heaven and turn it into hell ...........

    Ali (Radıyallâhu Anh) saying "I will be the slave of a person who teaches me a letter" ......

    Ali (Radıyallâhu Anh) about "consent to destiny" ..

    The name of Ali (Radıyallâhu Anh) on the plate of the ship of Nûh (Aleyhisselâm).

    A very special prayer that Ali (Radıyallâhu Anh) taught Abdullâh ibni Ca‘fer (Radıyallâhu Anh), not even teaching his sons ..............

    and Acirc; L-İ ‘IMR and Acirc; DU and Acirc in N SURE-I CELULA; LAR ...........

    and Acirc; the virtues of the last ten verses of the chapter I-i ‘Imrân ........

    And how should the 35th verse of Surah l-i Imrân be written with what intentions .......................

    and Acirc; How to write the 38th verse of Surah I-i ‘Imrân for those who want children

    In which verses of the Surah Al-i Imrân there is Ism-i Azam ..................

    Ali Haydar Efendi ordered which prayer to be read a lot ...............

    The advice of Ali Haydar Efendi to his son going on pilgrimage ........................

    The reputation of Ali ibni Isâ before the Prophet (SaUâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) .................

    War between Ali and Mu'âviye (Radıyallâhu Anhumâ)

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) declaring ................

    The meaning of the name "Alim" ................

    The meaning of the name "Aliyy" .................................

    The benefits of prayer "Allah is enough for me ..." ................

    The danger of saying "did God find me" .....................................

    If Allah wills, He will make a small trouble big and a big trouble small ............

    How should we understand the verse "Allah is on the straight road" ..........

    Whatever Allah does to his servant will be better ..........................

    The places where the answer "God knows and His Messenger" is important ..........

    Allah does not break any of his promises ........

    There is nothing similar to Allah ...........

    The effects of the prayer to entrust it to Allah ......

    The meanings of the word "we demand Allah" ....

    Ayat-i kerîmes expressing the necessity of submitting to Allah .............

    Seventy people who said that they would not believe without seeing Allah ........

    Prayer to witness Allah ........

    God's mercy is the door to every good .............

    Why is God's forgiveness not like the forgiveness of others?

    It is one of the hasanes whose taste should be sought in observing Allah's community.

    What does it mean for Allah to be victorious .....

    Since Allah's power has not changed,

    why not send the help to us .......

    The joy of Najasi who heard the expression "the faction of Allah" .......

    What does God want to be enough for him, read ........

    It is unthinkable to divide Allah's power ......

    It is necessary to believe the verses in the meaning that Allah intended ......

    God's mercy has covered everything ...

    The fate of the child is notified when the mother is in her stomach.

    A story in the era of bliss that will set an example for maternal mercy ..

    Which prayer should we read for our parents to consult?

    The mother's compassion for her child is the work of mercy sent down to the world.

    When his mother did not forgive her blind child, the Prophet

    What treatment did (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) do ....

    Mûsâ (Aleyhisselâm) in relation to his mother, his address to his brother ........

    It should not show the beauty of the car to the envious ...

    Why did the Arabian cherry tree prick up when it was without thorns before .....

    The prayers and dhikr that prophets read the most in Arafat ...........

    Jesus (Aleyhisselâm) was born on the 24th of December .................................

    There is often a close relationship between Arabic and Syriac ............................

    Arabs are descendants of Sâm, son of Noah .......................

    What prayer should we read for our friends' consent .........

    The Throne is like the ceiling of all creatures ........

    What jewel is the arch made of ............

    How many veils are there between the Throne and the angels .........

    How big is it compared to the Arş Kürsî .........

    "Istiva to the Arsh" is a serious matter .........

    What are the verses that do not want to hold onto the Throne and be sent down to sinners ......

    Verses given from the chamber under the Throne ......

    The size and importance of the Arsh ....................

    How should the title of "Lord of the Throne" be understood ...

    Angels from the Throne follow the deeds of servants .............

    What does "Arz-ı Maw‘ûd" mean ...................

    And Acirc; with which dhikr brought the throne of pure ibni Berhıyâ Belkıs ........................

    The transformation of my Asây-ı Msâ into a dragon .......

    The sending of Shu‘ayb (Aleyhisselâm) to the tribe of Companions of Rass ..............

    What does the word "Ashame" mean in the Abyssinian lexicon ............

    What to read for the victory of the soldiers ......................

    Lions could not touch Denyâl (Aleyhisselâm) in what prayer .....

    The first Pharaoh got the punishment for hanging ............

    If the surah Asr gets stuck on a person who touches the evil eye, it will be healed ...

    And Acirc; Noah (Aleyhisselâm) came down from the ship on the day of shura ................

    With what intentions is it permissible to feed a horse ....................

    The copy (amulet) to be carried to get rid of fever diseases ...

    What is the meaning of the hadith "Horses are of three kinds" .............

    Which horse leads its owner to hell .................

    Even the commons will be like the ulema in Paradise .....................

    What is the difference between violation of commons and violation of air .....

    Can women in the form of the moon read my Quran prayers ..........

    The prayer of refuge from the evil of those who walk on their feet ...........

    Why was menstruation afflicted to women ......................................

    and Acirc; the issues in the yet-i kerîmas cannot be weighed by the scale of reason ...........

    and Acirc; What does "Muhkem" and "Mutaşâbih" mean in the yetler ......

    and Acirc; which of the abilities have been revealed twice.

    And Acirc; whichever of the abilities are drunk on the person who touches the evil eye will be healed .........................

    and Acirc; when one of the verses is read, all the prayers in it are accepted ............

    and Acirc; the prayer of not deviating from false interpretations after believing in the abilities .....

    and Acirc; read to find which of the yet lost ............................

    and Acirc; Name and Acirc in which of the abilities; there is a raise .....................

    And Acirc; Worship should not be abandoned by relying on the good news of the yet.

    and Acirc; the effect of reading and carrying yet cannot be denied ......

    And Acirc; mercy will reach those who believe in all the abilities in the hereafter ..............

    Fewer congregations defeat many congregations with the permission of Allah ........

    What are the sins that will bring the pain most quickly ...

    If a Muslim knew the greatness of the torment, he would not be sure.

    Who will be given the greatest punishment ..

    Not being sure about the punishment is an attribute that suits a believer ....

    The end of the indignation will result in husrân in the hereafter .....................

    Cruelty is one of the great sins

    Fury accelerates the torment ...

    The meaning of the name "Azim".

    Acting with perseverance is due to the rank of prophets.

    Resurrection and destruction are peculiar to Allah ...

    Ya‘kûb (Aleyhisselâm), who saw Azrâîl (Aleyhisselâm), asked him what ...

    Only Allah knows what is in the sulbs of the fathers.

    If Khidbu'l-Bahr virdi was read in Baghdad, Tatars would not have taken it

    Why is it forbidden to chant by shouting?

    The prayers of the believers to avoid misfortunes.

    When and how many times to read the basmala to avoid misfortunes ...

    Seven verses that save you from misfortunes ...

    Reading Hızb (Vird) for salvation from troubles ....

    His atonement for misfortunes and sins is due to Allah's attribute of Gafur.

    One after another is the feast of the disciples.

    What should be read when encountering with the great memory ..

    A person who is not troubled can pray for patience on behalf of others ...

    One should find solace by thinking about what troubles are happening .....

    The prayer that those who suffer must read ...

    Belkıs's throne and Acirc; pure (Radıyallâhu Anh) with which names of sheriffs ...,

    The Berber race is a descendant of the son of Noah (Aleyhisselam), Yâfes.

    How many times is the name "Berr" read to a newborn child ....
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