
Companions Encyclopedia (Two Volumes in One)-1692

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The Exemplary Lives of Those Beautiful Companions Raised by the Prophet Is a Book Explained in All Details
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    Companions Encyclopedia (Two Volumes in One)

    A society that is messy, wild, writhing in the swamp of ignorance.

    A stubborn person who never compromises on the customs and habits of ignorance; a nation that does not refrain from shedding each other's blood for this cause.

    They followed the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). They were included in the ring of light of Re-sul-lul-lah (pbuh).

    And they experienced an unprecedented revolution in history. While they were monsters that buried their young alive in the ground, they became the symbols of mercy and compassion that avoided hurting even an ant.

    For they had received light directly from the sun of prophecy. That's why they became "stars" to guide their subjects until the Day of Judgment.

    Although there is no definite information about the number of the Companions, who are the most virtuous of humanity, it is mentioned as over 100 thousand.

    In this work, which was previously published in two volumes and was collected in a single volume with a new arrangement, information about 210 Companions was presented in 5 main sections.

    The information obtained as a result of extensive and meticulous research from Islamic sources was written in a style that facilitates reading and benefiting, instead of just giving encyclopedic information.

    Seventh-century Arabia was in every way corrupt and out of whack. Humanity, which had become wild, monstrous, and alienated from all good qualities, was as uncorrupted and unruly as it was in that day. So much so that they went astray enough to attack tribes and enslave free people and kill slaves for nothing. All parts of Arabia had become a nest of misery where a thousand kinds of disgrace and immorality were perpetrated with pleasure. Alcohol was drunk like water, gambling was played in all its forms, prostitution was committed openly without being bored, interest was exploiting the marrow. The blood feuds between the tribes had reached the level of heartbreaking. Some went on for centuries. The Aws and Khazraj tribes in Medina were a clear example of this. The enmity between the two tribes had been going on for 130 years. Girls were considered a disgrace and were buried alive.

    People were worshiping the idols they had made of stone and wood with their own hands, sacrificing on their behalf, making offerings, begging and begging them. These perverted beliefs and customs were so ingrained in the blood and veins of the Arabs that they believed in them and became attached to them so much that "We found our ancestors on this path. This is the right path. No matter what happens, we do not turn from our path." They were after their stubbornness enough to say.

    Who would show these people the way to salvation, who were in a state of bewilderment and outrage, and who would direct and develop their feelings and abilities? Who would bring them together?

    Someone should have come and taught what the universe means, what man is, why he was created, for what purpose he was sent to this world, and what his duty was. An incomprehensible book had to save the universe, which had become a meaningless ream of paper, from meaninglessness, explain what it meant, and show how one should behave in the presence of that magnificent book.

    Someone had to come, to live humanely, to enjoy the real pleasure of life; right, law, justice, equality, love, respect, truth, honesty should have been embroidered dot-by-dot.

    How long could humanity wait? Not only humanity, but every mountain, stone, animate and inanimate creature, was burning with the longing for that savior. He would come and save the universe from meaninglessness, idleness and aimlessness.
    God Almighty did not set these longing eyes on the road. Dear Prophet Hazrat. Muhammad Mustafa (a.s.m.) sent. His coming was a mercy to the worlds. Suddenly the face of the universe laughed. The universe gained meaning with him, humanity came to its senses with him, the true face of everything was recognized by the light he brought. People found the right way with him. He took the greatest miracle given to him, the Qur'an in his hands, read the universe and made him read:

    "Look," he said, "at this magnificent universe, at this sky decorated with magnificent stars; look at the joy, the moon; how it is turned by subtle calculations... Look at the night and the day; how they keep following each other... Look at these mountains, plains, teas, rivers, countless plants that have been planted under the ground and resurrected. Look at your own creation. Think about the one who created you from a drop of water.

    "Don't come to your senses. These jobs are not random jobs, they can't happen on their own. It is arranged so perfectly with the knowledge, power and will of a creator. Understand these things and give up worshipping those idols that have no power to harm or benefit anyone. Do not diminish yourself with these meaningless and ridiculous beliefs. Believe in your Lord, who created you as a human being, and be grateful to your Haliq, who has given you countless blessings, and worship Him alone."

    Those who use their minds followed this Divine invitation. The gates of the land of eternity were opened to their overwhelmed souls. They got rid of polytheism and entered the paradise of monotheism. He will be a propeller to the light of guidance. They became the stars that were attached to the verse of that prophetic sun.

    But the stubborn people who refused to read the universe could not escape from the darkness of denial that they were stuck in. Their stubbornness has deceived them, their pride has led them astray. Their inability to use their minds deprived them of this bliss.

    The relationship between faith and unbelief was opened as it Decayed. Just like darkness and light, night and day...

    That person, his wife and unprecedented, made such a great revolution that in a short time he brought out the most civilized people in the world from the Weasel, scattered, wild people. He changed not only one, but hundreds of pieces and attitudes that had been embroidered into their souls. He made that nation, which did not refrain from shedding each other's blood, a crocodile of compassion and compassion that could not tread on an ant.

    Those distinguished people were always the Messenger of Allah (a.s.m.) grew up in the ring of light. The Messenger of Allah told them what a person is, where he comes from and where he goes, what are his duties. He told them that they could not stray, that they had been sent to this world for a test, and that as a result, believers and non-believers, good and bad, would be distinguished from each other.

    They turned out such great people from among them that everyone appreciated them, friend and foe. For example, the Prophet. By recognizing the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr became the most superior person after the prophets. He devoted his life to the path of truth, mobilized everything for the path of Allah. He touched me with his compassion, his lordship, his farsightedness and his resilience.

    A hard-hearted Omar who buried his own daughter alive was written in golden letters in history with his justice when he achieved faith and passed through the education of the Prophet, and our Prophet said, "If a prophet were to come after me, Omar, the son of Khattab, would come." in the form of discretion was mazhar.

    Again, with his decency, even angels dream of and generous Prophet Muhammad as much as possible. Os-man and the Prophet. A hero like Ali, a lover of knowledge and wisdom, a monument of wisdom and piety, was raised by personal talents.

    Khalid bin Walid, a military genius who suddenly became the "sword of Allah" while he was an ordinary soldier, Amr bin and Ajirc;s, a political genius, Zayd bin Harise and his son Usama, who retained the title of chief until he died while he was an ordinary slave, Salman Farisi, who was previously a shepherd, then became the governor of Iran and lived like a commoner while in that position, are shining values by taking lessons from the Prophet Zishan.

    Those fortunate people had received such a spark from that stream of light that they became the most civilized, the most understanding person, rose to inaccessible horizons, were excited by this fairy, ran from country to country to announce the truth and truth; they became the masters of civilization for the most civilized nations.

    Companions in the Qur'an

    Sahabi is derived from the words "chat" and "sahib" as a word meaning. The person who considers our Lord to be a believer and dies as a believer is also called "sa-habi". Tu-sul-Ekrem. Companions and companions are the multiplicity form of companions. Sometimes this word is also used in the form of Companions-i Kiram or Companions-i Güzin in the sense of "good and kind people".

    The Divine books, especially the Qur'an, praised the Companions and expressed their superior promises.

    There are many verses in the Qur'an that praise and appreciate them. The meaning of some of them is as follows:

    "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are severe towards the Decrepit, and merciful among themselves. You will see them bowing and prostrating. They seek the grace of Allah and His pleasure. And there are signs of prostration on their faces. This is their attribute in the Torah. And their characteristics in the Bible are as follows: They grow a crop that has sprouted, then gradually finds strength, thickens, and rises on its trunk, which the Octobers like very much. This is so that Allah may multiply them and strengthen them, that He may enrage the disbelievers. Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward to those of them who believe and do righteous deeds."1

    The following verse also contains their praised characteristics:

    "Those who believe and emigrate and strive hard in the way of Allah, as well as those who shelter them and help them, are the true believers. For them there is forgiveness from their hearts and an inexhaustible provision in paradise."2

    It is also stated that they have attained the consent of Allah as follows:

    "As for the emigrants and the Ansar, who have priority in Islam, and those who follow their example by following them with beauty and remember them with good... Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Al-lah. Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to stay in them forever. And this is the greatest salvation."3

    The fraternal bond of Muhajir and Ansar to each other is also expressed as follows:
    "There is a right in these goods to the poor pilgrims who have been expelled from their homes and deprived of their property, that they seek the grace and consent of Allah, and help the religion and religion of Allah. These are the ones who are faithful in their faith.

    "When it comes to those who have taken Medina as a home before and placed faith in their hearts... They love their religious brothers who have emigrated to their homeland, they feel no jealousy in their hearts because of what has been given to them, and they prefer them to themselves, even if they are in need. And whoever is protected from the desires of his soul, it is they who are the successful.

    "And those who came after them will say, ‘O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who believed before us. Do not leave hatred in our hearts against those who believe, O our Lord. Surely You are very compassionate, very merciful."The courage of the 4 Companions is also described as follows:

    "They are the people who the people say to themselves, ‘The people who are your enemies have prepared an army against you. Be afraid of them!’ he said, ‘ this promise increased their faith and they said, 'Allah is sufficient for us. What an excellent guardian He is!’ they said."5

    The companions are also mentioned with praise in other Divine books. In the Psalms, it is said about them, "O David, I have exalted Muhammad and his ummah above all ummah."there are 6 statements. And in the Torah, it is mentioned that they "Bless" them. In the Bible, companions are mentioned as people who are "engaged in jihad".

    Hz. When Kab was asked what is told about the companions in the Bible, he said::

    "Ahmed (a.s.m.) and the Ummah give much praise to Allah. Good and bad do not separate from gratitude in any of their states. They glorify the glory of Allah and remember Him everywhere. Their prayers go up to the heavens. They perform their prayers in such awe that the buzzing they make is similar to the buzzing of the bees of the son on the rocks. They keep themselves pure in their prayers like the angels. They are arrayed in battle as well as in prayer. When they fight in the way of Allah, the soldiers take place in front and behind them with sharp and pointed spears; and mdash;pointing with their pointing fingers and mdash;just as those white flowers follow the shadows of their leaves. and mdash; God also shadows them by his power. They never stay behind from the war."7


    The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) also (a.s.m.) he spoke of his companions with appreciation and showed how Muslims' attitudes and attitudes should be towards them. The meaning of some of the verses related to this is as follows:

    "Blessed is he who sees me and believes! How happy is he who sees who sees me!"8 "Fear Allah about my companions! Fear Allah about my companions! Do not become an enemy and curse them after me! Whoever loves them will have loved Dola out of love for me. And he who is angry with them and bears a grudge will have done so because of his grudge and enmity towards me. Whoever gives them trouble gives me trouble, and whoever gives me trouble hurts Al-lah. Whoever oppresses Allah will be faced with a great calamity.

    One day the Prophet asked our Prophet, "Which is the best of people?" he was asked. He said, "They are the same as mine. Then those who follow them, and then those who follow them," he replied.10

    "My companions are like the stars; no matter which of them you follow, you are on the right path."11

    In another hadith, our Prophet orders his companions not to be tongue-tied and commands as follows::

    "Do not insult my Companions! I swear by Allah, who is in the power of my soul, that if you give as much gold as Mount Uhud as alms, you will not be able to reach the alms of two handfuls of dates of one of my companions, even if it is reflected."12

    The most outstanding people

    The companions are of the highest order. Because they have received light directly from the prophetic day. No matter how big they are, the reason why the married person cannot catch up with them is that the Companions have reached the secret of the Prophet's conversation. The conversation has another feature. There is washing in the conversation, there is painting. There is such a great spiritual benefit and gain in being in that conversation, even for a minute, that even the greatest married person cannot reach those who taste it.

    Even great guardians such as Jalaluddin Su-yuti, who conversed with the Messenger of Allah while awake and watched the Throne while on the ground, were able to take their places only after the Companions.

    The most important reason for this difference between the Companions and the marriage is that the Companions must have benefited directly from the Radiant sun, while the others benefited from the Deciency of that sun in the mirror.

    Companions is the name of the people who are spiritually closest to Allah after the prophets. Because the Messenger of Allah himself educated them and purified their souls and hearts from evil thoughts.

    The companions watered all their feelings with the water of faith in the land of Islam and made them grow. All their feelings and latifas are awake. For example, when the companions said, "Subhanallah, alhamdulillah," they were saying it literally. When they prayed, they withdrew their hands from the whole world, forgot everything, and became almost mortal. They were seen as corpses, but spiritually they would fly to the higher realms.

    It is for this secret that it takes a great and continuous effort to awaken the feelings of today's people, many of whose emotions and abilities have been blunted or have been directed to other sides. As it is said in the Words, the secret of how one Companion can attain the virtue and position he has gained in 40 minutes, and how someone else can attain it in 40 days, or even in 40 years, is hidden here.

    The whole issue of the Companions was to gain the consent of Allah. Days, hours, "How can we gain the consent of Allah?" he would pass by finding the answer to his question and being on that road. Their hearts were turned towards him, their hearts were bound to him. Intentions, conversations and all relationships revolved around that frame. In their eyes, the happiness of the world would mean only to the extent that it could be a step to eternal happiness.

    Of course, it is impossible for the person of today who is drowned in the problem of livelihood, whose whole issue is the life of the world, interests and politics; his ideas and hearts are scattered, his mind is alienated from spirituality, his wisdom and efforts are fragmented, to catch up with the Companions.

    It is also impossible to catch up with them at the point of reward. How can a soldier under certain conditions, for example, in the event of a war, stand guard at an important position or fall a martyr while fighting, reach martyrdom, which is a high position, in a minute. Here the whole minute of the Companions is like the minute when that private was martyred. Who can catch up with the Companions who trample on all the interests of the world and do not sacrifice even a single issue of Islam to the greatest interests of the world, and do not leave their faith and the right path despite a thousand and one kinds of fears and threats? Then he said, "Essebebü kelfail [The one who causes something, it is as if he committed it]." in terms of the reward of the secret, they cannot be reached again. That is because the same amount of the rewards of the entire ummah walking in the path that they have opened is also written in their book.

    Saeed bin Zayd from Asara-i Mübeshshare states the fact that companions cannot be reached in terms of virtue (r.a.) he describes it as follows:

    "A person with the Messenger of Allah (a.s.m.) living together and dusting your face in jihad is better than all of your good deeds during this period, even if one of you lives as long as Noah Aleyhisselam."

    Undoubtedly, to speak against the companions who are in this state in terms of spiritual degree and to extend language to them will impose a great responsibility on a person. Khatib-i Baghdadi (1002-1071) expresses this issue as follows:
    "The Companions are true, they are fair. Because Allah has revealed their truthfulness, honesty and purity to them. He sees who looks at one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah with an evil eye - you, know that he is a prisoner! Because the Qur'an and the Prophet (a.s.m.) and what he brings is also the truth. Those who convey these things to us and transmit them are companions."13

    The love of the Prophet in the Companions

    Indeed, the Messenger of Allah is the one who deserves love the most after Allah. And the Companions come at the beginning of those who love the Messenger of Allah the most. This fact is expressed in the Qur'an as follows:

    "The Prophet is more beloved to the believers than their own selves."14 It is possible to see many vivid examples of this in the companions who are devoted to the medhina of the Qur'an. They have given unique and inaccessible examples of sacrifice on this path. They were not content with saying, "We believed," to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh.s.m.) they have endured all kinds of cruelty and labor for the sake of love. For this purpose, they sacrificed their homes, their property and their lives when necessary. Their love for the Messenger of Allah was more than the compassion for the liver of a mother who risked herself to protect her baby. For example, the Prophet. He said to Ali, "You are the Messenger of Allah (a.s.m.) how much did you like it?" when he was asked, he gave the following answer:

    "The Messenger of Allah was dear to us, our property, our family, our mother and our father. We wanted him more than we wanted cold water when we were thirsty, we loved him more."15

    This love was nothing more than the expression of their devotion to the following blessed word of the Messenger of Allah:

    "None of you will have full faith unless he loves me very much, from his parents, from his children, and from all people."16

    This truth found its most beautiful manifestation in the life of the Companions. Perhaps this is one of the first experiences of Hazrat. Omar had been the interlocutor. One day, my Messenger of Allah said: "What do you love me for?" he faced the question. His answer is, "I love you more than anything but my life!" it has. But the Messenger of Allah drew his attention to the most crucial point and said, "You cannot have full faith unless you love more than your life, o Omar!" he had commanded. The Prophet who learned how and to what extent he should love the Messenger of Allah. Omar said, "I love you more than my life, O Messenger of Allah!" he had replied. Our Prophet also (a.s.m.), "It happened now, ya Omar. by saying, "in his person, he had shown all Muslims the extent to which they use love.

    The companions of Kiram saw love as the food of their souls, and they believed that their hearts would revive with that love. This was the greatest pleasure for them. Because they understood very well that one of the three things mentioned in the hadith that leads to the enjoyment of faith is "loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything"17. They threw themselves into dangers with such pleasure, and endured many hardships.

    There is no second community connected to the Messenger of Allah as much as the Companions of Kiram. They have taken him as an example in all their behaviors and accepted his words, behaviors and deeds as a measure. Because the Noble Qur'an, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh.s.m.) shows it as the "best example". Allah has adorned him with high morality, has treated him with the best decorum, has made him a guide for humanity. This is possible by following the example of the Messenger of Allah in its entirety and applying what he has brought from Allah. This issue is expressed in the verse as follows::

    "My Messenger of Allah, hold on to what they have brought to you, and be wary of what they have forbidden."18 On the other hand, the greatest goal for a person is to gain the love of Almighty Allah. The way to do this is through being subject to the Messenger of Allah. As a matter of fact, and Ajirc; the 31st chapter of Surat al-Imran. by drawing attention to this truth in his verse, it is stated as follows::

    "Say: 'If you love Allah, follow me so that Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful."’

    The most important issue of the companions who aimed to live in the light of these commandments was to win the love of the Messenger of Allah and to show their devotion to him. The way of their devotion to him was through listening to him and being subject to him.

    We see the best example of this in the following words of Sa'd bin Muaz before the Battle of Badr:

    "O Messenger of Allah! We have believed in you and have confirmed you. We have testified to the truth of what they brought. And we have given you a firm promise to listen and obey. O Messenger of Allah! Do as you wish. By Allah, Who sent you with the truth, if you show us and dive, we will dive with you without any of us remaining!"

    The degree of companions

    Although believers who see our Prophet, even for a very short time, are Decried as "companions", among those who see him are those who were Muslims before others and those who spent their whole lives by his side, those who participated in wars together. Again, there are those who work and struggle with him for the spread of Islam and the proclamation of the name of Allah. There are those who, along with our Prophet, were subjected to insults and threats by the polytheists, those who were tortured, those who were forced to leave their property, their homes and their children and migrate to other places, and those who were martyred in the way of Allah. It is quite natural that there is a degree difference between these companions. Dec. However, it is not possible to count every companion in one and the same order in terms of virtue. Because of this difference between the Companions, Islamic scholars have Decoupled them into layers.

    According to this, after our Prophet, the most virtuous of all people is Hazrat. Abu Bakr, then respectively Hazrat. Umar, Hazrat. Uthman, Hazrat. It is Ali. After the four caliphs come those who are superior in virtue, while those who are on earth are given the glad tidings of paradise and are famous for the phrase "Ashara-i Mubeş- şere", and those who are mentioned after the four caliphs in our book.

    The rating of the companions in terms of virtue, including these persons, is as follows:

    1) Those who were the first Muslims, such as the Four Caliphs.

    2) The Companions of Dar al-Erkam. Hz. After Umar became a Muslim, our Prophet was burned to death in Dar al-Erkam. At the time when Islam was announced openly, Muslims from Meccans are included in this class.

    3) Companions who migrated to Abyssinia.

    4) The First Companions of Aqaba. The Muslims from Medina who first swore allegiance to our Prophet in Aqaba.

    5) The Companions of the Second Aqaba.

    6) Believers who were among the first Emigrants and who grew up with the Prophet while he was in Cuba before entering Medina.

    7) Those who participated in the Battle of Badr. Our Prophet said about these people as follows:

    "Of course, Allah is pleased with the people of Badr. Do whatever you want, Allah has forgiven you."

    8) Those who migrated between the Battle of Badr and the Decrees of Hudaybiya.

    9) Participants of the Ridwan Oath.

    The Allegiance of Ridwan took place after our Prophet and his companions were forbidden from performing umrah by the polytheists of Mecca. Here, our Prophet had also signed an agreement with the polytheists to perform Umrah next year. Hudaybiya was the name of the place where a ku- yun was found. There was also a tree next to this well. In Surat Al-Fatah, it is said about these people as follows::

    "Of course, Allah is pleased with the believers who swear allegiance to you under the tree."

    10) Companions who Decamped between Hudaybiyah and the conquest of Mecca. Among these people are people such as Khalid bin Walid, Amr bin and Ajir Dec;s and Abu Hurayra.

    11) Those who became Muslims after the conquest of Mecca

    12) Children who saw our Prophet during the conquest of Mecca and during the Farewell Pilgrimage.19 Companions of the Suffe
    "Suffe," material-spiritual being and their lives of our Beloved Prophet (a.s.m.) is the name of the place where the companions who are devoted to hiz-metin live. Behind the Masjid al-Saadet is a place built for these star companions, who have nothing to do with home, family, goods and property. Our Prophet took care of the education and training of the Companions of Suffe who lived in this humble place personally. They first taught the principles and truths of the Qur'an that surround the world to the Companions of Suffa. The whole time of the Companions of Suffe was spent in knowledge, contemplation and meditation. These mujahideen, who ignore life for the sake of the holy cause, have achieved a lofty position such as martyrdom by waging jihad against the polytheists who attacked them with a sword when they could not respond to the Qur'an with words. When there was a communiqué and jihad service, Our Prophet chose it from the Companions of the Suffe first.

    Al-malik Hamdi Yazir, who qualifies the Companions of Suffe as "students who have dedicated themselves to the path of Allah", summarizes as follows::

    "Therefore, in the Islamic world, madrasas, mosques are burned, and talabans who study at madrasas are expected to follow the path of the Companions of Suffa: knowledge collection, education, maintaining chastity by tolerating all kinds of hardships for the sake of religion, speed up the dissemination of religion, jihad.. ,"20

    The Companions of Suffe, who never separated from our beloved Prophet who shared the holy ordeal with his companions and rose up with his luminous conversation, learned a great lesson of renunciation from him.

    There is no exact figure about the number of the Companions of the Suffe. What counted was r-tar and Decrement from time to time. Some of them would get married with the permission of our Prophet, some of them would pass away, and some of them would go to other towns with the duty of conveying the message. However, it is known that their numbers vary between 100 and 400. Dec.

    The number of companions

    Our Lord the Prophet (a.s.m.) although there is no definite information about the number of companions who were alive at the time of the irtihal, it is stated that it was over 100 thousand. For example, 40 thousand companions participated in the Farewell Pilgrimage and 70 thousand companions participated in the Tabuk Expedition. Imam Shafii, on the other hand, says that there are 60 thousand companions who have seen our Prophet and narrated hadiths from him. However, apart from those who died earlier, their names were not fully transmitted to the next generation, as the companions were scattered to distant towns during the conquest of Mecca. The most names of companions, Ibn Hajar, have been recorded: 11 thousand 783 pieces.

    in "al-Isaba"

    The companions who narrated the most hadiths are

    13) Abu Hurayra (r.a.), is in the first place with 5 thousand 374 hadiths that he narrated. About 800 people (ravi) have received hadiths from him.

    14) Abdullah bin Umar (r.a.), took the second place with the 2 thousand 630 hadiths he narrated.

    15) Anas bin Malik (r.a.), He narrated 2 thousand 286 hadiths from our Prophet.

    16) Hz. and Acirc;Our Mother to work (r.a.), The Prophet narrated 2 thousand 210 hadiths from our Master.

    17) Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.), Narrated a hadith from our Prophet in 1660.

    18) Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a.), The Prophet narrated 1540 hadiths from our Master.

    19) Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (r.a.) and the Prophet narrated 1170 hadiths from our Master.

    The faqihs of the Companions

    There were many companions who gave fatwas in religious matters. Although the four Caliphs take the first place in this regard, the companions whose fatwas have been recorded and have come down to us are as follows:

    Hz. Umar, Hazrat. Ali, Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Abdullah bin Omar, Abdullah bin Abbas, Zayd bin Sabit, Hazrat. and Acirc;to work...

    If the fat Decrees of each of these persons were brought together separately, they would amount to one large volume. In addition to these, the fatwas given by about 20 more Companions were of the nature of being a small ki-tap

    "Four Abdullahs"

    There are about 200 Abdullahs in the Companions of Kiram, and according to another rumor, about 300. Four of these are famous as "Abadile-i Erbaa", which means "Four Abdullahs". These are: Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin Zubair and Abdullah bin Arar bin and Ajirc;s' (r.a.). After the guidance of our Prophet to the hereafter, the opinions of these companions were consulted in the resolution of many issues. The issues on which they reach a consensus are expressed as "Abadile kavli".

    The companions who died last

    Abu Tufayl and Ajirc; mir bin Vasile al-Laysi is the last companion to die. There are different rumors that he died between the 100th and 110th years of the Islamic Decadence. However, companions who have died in various places are also mentioned separately. For example, the companions who died last in Medina were Mahmud bin er-Rabi, who died on the date of Hijri 99, Abdul-lah bin Omar in Mecca (73), Anas bin Malik in Basra (93), Amr bin Hurays in Kufa, Abdullah bin Bus-r-Mazini in Damascus, Vasile bin Eska in Dimeshk...

    According to this, there are no companions left alive after the date of Hijri 110.

    Works written about companions

    Many works have been written about the Companions in various dates. But the famous ones in this field are:

    20) Abu Umar bin Abdilberr's (368-463) work entitled "al-Istiab Fi-Marifeti'l-Ashab". The names and lives of 3,500 companions are written in this work.

    21) The "Usdul-Gaba" of Izzeddin bin al-Asir (Hijri 555-630). In this work, there are the names and lives of 7,554 people.Tu-habi.

    22) Ibn Hajar-i Askalani's (773-852) "al-Isaba fi-Appellation's-Sahaba". The names and lives of 11 thousand 783 companions are included in this work.

    23) The "Hilyatul-Awliya" of Abu Nuaym al-Isbahani (330-403). In this work, the life of the Companions of Suffe is mentioned.

    24) Ibn Sa'd's (168-230) "Tabaqaf...

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    The first place in this regard is the following: bdullah bin Abbas,

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    there is jdullah. He is famous as Bun- ', ^ubayr and Abdullah ira agree on many issues Decently

    Thousands of companions are mentioned in Islamic historical sources. Some of them are mentioned only as names, while some of them are told about their short or long life. Here we have tried to write the lives of 213 companions who have examples and exemplary scenes in their lives.Tu-dec.

    In this study, instead of giving a dry encyclopedic information, we preferred a style that makes it easy to read and use. In addition, we considered it appropriate to summarize the lives of the companions, each of which, like the Four Caliphs, could be a separate book.

    Turkish Arabic and Turkish sources We have examined and used while researching the life of each companion. For this purpose, as far as possible, we have also recorded the works of hadith-i sharif and the cases in the footnotes separately. Since it is directly related to this issue, we have listed Master Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's explanations and determinations about the companions and the Four Caliphs exactly in the appropriate places of the encyclopedia.

    If we have been able to reflect the Century of Felicity, to introduce that bright generation, even if a little, with this study, we will consider ourselves lucky. Success is from Allah.

    Preface 15

    Companions in the Qur'an 17

    Hadiths 18

    The most outstanding people are 19

    The love of the Prophet in the Companions 20

    The Companions' degree is 22

    Companions of Suffe 23

    The number of Companions is 23

    The companions who narrated the most hadiths are 24

    The companions of the faqihs 24

    "Four Abdullahs" 24

    The companions who died last were 24

    Works written about companions 24

    25) chapter: About the Companions 27

    The first wisdom is 30

    The second reason is 30

    The third reason is 31

    26) section: Aşara-i Mübeshşere 37

    Hulefa-i Rashidin (Four Caliphs) 39

    Abu Bakr (r.a.) 41

    Umar bin Khattab (r.a.) 55

    Uthman bin Affan (r.a.) 64

    Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.) 73

    The First Position of the Fourth Lem'a is 88

    The fourth joke 88

    Other Companions who are Given the Glad Tidings of Paradise 93

    Abdurrahman bin Awf (r.a.) 95

    Abu Ubaidah bin Surgeon (r.a.) 99

    Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas (r.a.) 102

    Saeed bin Zayd (r.a.) 109

    Talha bin Ubaidullah (r.a.)_ Zubayr bin Awwam (r.a.)

    3. section: Companions-i Kiram

    Abbad bin Bishr (r.a.)

    Abbas bin Abdulmuttalib (r.a.)

    Abbas bin Ubadah (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Ubayy (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Amr (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Amr bin and Ajirj;s (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Atik (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Jahsh (r.a.) and mdash;

    Abdullah bin Jubayr (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Abi Bakr (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Abi Awfa (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Khuzafah (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Mahrama (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Mas'ud (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Umar (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Rawaha (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Salam (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Suheyl (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Unays (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Zayd (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Zubayr (r.a.)

    Abdullah bin Dhulbijadayn (r.a.) _ Abdurrahman bin Abi Bakr (r.a.)

    Adiy bin Hatam (r.a.)

    Aqil bin Abi Talib (r.a.)

    Ala bin Hadrami (r.a.)

    Ammar bin Yasir (r.a.)

    Amr bin Abasa (r.a.)

    Amr bin and Ajirc;s (r.a.)

    Amr bin Awf (r.a.)

    Amr bin Jumuh (r.a.)

    and Ajirc;mir bin Abi Waqqas (r.a.)

    and Acirc;mir bin Fuheyre (r.a.)

    and Acirc;sim bin Constant (r.a.)

    Ayyash bin Abi Rabia (r.a.)_ Bera bin and Acirc;zib (r.a.)

    Bera bin Malik (r.a.)

    Bara bin Ma'rur (r.a.)

    Bashir bin Hasasiyya (r.a.)

    Bashir bin Sa'd (r.a.)

    Bilal-i Abyssinian (r.a.)

    Büreyde bin Husayb (r.a.) Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a.)_ Jafar bin Abi Talib (r.a.)_

    Jabbar bin Sahr (r.a.)

    Jarir bin Abdullah (r.a.) _ Jüleybib (r.a.)

    Dihyatul-Kelbi (r.a.)

    Dimad bin Sa'laba (r.a.)

    Aban bin Said (r.a.)

    Abu Aqil (r.a.)

    Abu Barza Aslam (r.a.)

    Abu Jandel (r.a.)

    Abu'd-Derda (r.a.)

    Abu Dujane (r.a.)

    Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (r.a.)_ Abu Fukeyhe (r.a.)

    Abu Humayd al-Saidi (r.a.)

    Abu Huzayfa (r.a.)

    Abu Hurayra (r.a.)

    Abu Qatada (r.a.)

    Abu Qays (r.a.)

    Abu Kuhafa (r.a.)

    Abu Lubaba (r.a.)

    Abu Mas'ud al-Badri (r.a.)

    Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (r.a.)

    Abu Rafi (r.a.)

    Abu Ruhm al-Gifari (r.a.)

    Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (r.a.)

    Abu Salama (r.a.)

    Abu Sufyan bin Harb (r.a.) 323

    Abu Talha (r.a.) 329

    Abu Umama al-Bahili (r.a.) 332

    Abul-Yeser (r.a.) 334

    Abu Zar al-Gifari (r.a.) 336

    Anas bin Malik (r.a.) 343

    Anas bin Nadr (r.a.) 346

    Erkam bin Abial-Erkam (r.a.) 348

    As'ad bin Zurara (r.a.) 350

    Asma bin Harisa (r.a.) 352

    Fairuz bin Deylemi (r.a.) 354

    Habbab bin Eret (r.a.) 356

    Habib bin Zayd (r.a.) 359

    Hajjaj bin Ilat (r.a.) 361

    Khalid bin Said (r.a.) 362

    Khalid bin Walid (r.a.) 364

    Hamza bin Abdulmuttalib (r.a.) 370

    Haram bin Milhan (r.a.) 376

    Harith bin Hisham (r.a.) 378

    Haritha bin Numan (r.a.) 381

    Hassan bin Sabit (r.a.) 383

    Khatib bin Abi Beltea (r.a.) 386

    Hisham bin and Ajirc;s (r.a.) 390

    Hubayb bin Adiyy (r.a.) 391

    Hubayb bin Yassaf (r.a.) 395

    Huzayfa bin Yeman (r.a.) 397

    Huzayma bin Constant (r.a.) 401

    Hüreym bin Fati (r.a.) 403

    Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl (r.a.) 405

    Imran bin Husayn (r.a.) 408

    Irbad bin Sariya (r.a.) 411

    Ka'b bin Malik (r.a.) 413

    Ka'b bin Ucra (r.a.) 417

    Ka'b bin Dhuheir (r.a.) 418

    Qatada bin Numan (r.a.) 420

    Malik bin Sinan (r.a.) 422

    Mey sere bin Mesruk (r.a.) 424

    Mikdad bin Aswad (r.a.) 426

    Muammar bin Abdullah (r.a.) 430

    Mu'az bin Jabal (r.a.) 431

    Mugire bin Shu'ba (r.a.) 436

    Mus'ab bin Umayr (r.a.) 440

    Numan bin Muqarrin (r.a.) 443

    Uthman bin Maz'in (r.a.) 445

    Uthman bin Talha (r.a.) 448

    Rabi' bin and Ajirc;mir (r.a.) 449

    Sa'd bin Mu'az (r.a.) 451

    Sa'd bin Rabi (r.a.) 455

    Sa'd bin Ubadah (r.a.) 458

    Constant bin Dahdaha (r.a.) 460

    Constant bin Kay s (r.a,) 461

    Said bin and Ajirc;mir (r.a.) 463

    Salim (r.a.) 466

    Cephine (r.a.) 469

    Sahl bin Sa'd (r.a.) 471

    Salama bin Ekwa (r.a.) 473

    Salama bin Hisham (r.a.) 476

    Salman al-Farisi (r.a.) 479

    Sevban (r.a.) 490

    Suheyb bin Sinan (r.a.) 493

    Suhail bin Amr (r.a.) 497

    Sumama bin Usal (r.a.) 500

    Sheddad bin Aws (r.a.) 503

    Şeybe bin Uthman (r.a.) 506

    Shuca bin Wahb (r.a.) 509

    Tamimal-Dari (r.a.) 510

    Tufayl bin Amr (r.a.) 512

    Tulayb bin Umayr (r.a.) 515

    Ubadah bin Samit (r.a.) 518

    Ubaidah bin Haris (r.a.) 521

    Ubay bin Ka'b (r.a.) 522

    Ukba bin and Ajirc;mir (r.a.) 525

    Ulba bin Zayd (r.a.) 529

    Umayr bin Humam (r.a.) 531

    Umayr bin Abi Waqqas (r.a.) 533

    Urwa bin Mas'ud (r.a.) 534

    Utba bin Ghazwan (r.a.) 536

    Usama bin Zayd (r.a.) _539

    Usaid bin Hudayr (r.a.) 542

    Wild bin Harb (r.a.) 547

    Vasile bin Eska (r.a.) 549

    And a thousand Nightmares (r.a.) 551

    Walid bin Walid (r.a.) 553

    Zayd bin Desinne (r.a.) 555

    Zayd bin Erkam (r.a.) 557

    Zayd bin Harisa (r.a.) 560

    Zayd bin Khattab (r.a.) 562

    Zayd bin Sabit (r.a.) 564

    27) section: Ahl al-Bayt 571

    Hashan (r.a.) 575

    Hussein (r.a.) 580

    Fatima (r.anha) 589

    Zaynab (r.anha) 595

    Rukiyya (r.anha) 598

    Umm Gülsüm (r.anha) 600

    28) section: Ezwac-ı Tahirat 601

    Hatice bint-i Huwaylid (r.anha) 603

    To Shawda bint-i-Zem (r.anha) 608

    and Acirc;hire bint-i Abi Bakr (r.anha) 610

    Hafsa bint-i Umar (r.anha) 618

    Zaynab bint-i Huzayma (r.anha) 620

    Umm Salama (r.anha) 621

    Zaynab bint-i Jahsh (r.anha) 625

    Juwayriya bint-i Haris (r.anha) 630

    Umm Habiba (r.anha) 633

    Safiyya bint-i Huyey (r.anha) 636

    Maymuna bint-i Haris (r.anha) 638

    29) section: Lady Companions 639

    Asma bint-i Abi Bakr (r.anha) 641

    Asma bint-i Umays (r.anha) 647

    Asma bint-i Yazid (r.anha) 650

    Fatima bint-i Asad (r.anha) 653

    Fatima bint-i Khattab (r.anha) 656

    Halima (r.anha) 658

    Hamne bint-i Jahsh (r.anha) 661

    Hind b
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