
Cübbeli Ahmed Hodja Congregation Prayer Book-1186

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Yayıncılık
Product Code : 9786054814107
A Valuable Book Explaining the Meaning and Nature of Continuing the Congregation
119.00 TL
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  • Congregational Prayer

    Language Turkish

    PAGE NUMBER: 320

    SKIN TYPE: Soft Cover

    PAPER TYPE: Şamua

    SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm

    Some virtues related to the congregation:

    A verse about the virtue of iftitah takbiri

    Hadith-i serîfs about the virtue of ifitâh takbîr

    The beautiful death of those who love the congregation

    The situation of those who love the congregation in the cellar

    The weight of prayer in congregation

    Prayer in congregation can only be continued by the lucky ones

    Sheriffs about the proper execution of ranks

    The virtue of the first saff

    The virtue of making in the first ranks

    Subjects of the virtue of performing in a neighborhood mosque

    It has been sold by Lalegül Publications and Arifan Publications.
    After the endless praise of Allah to Allah, the good prayers to the Companions of Allah and His companions until the Day of Judgment.

    While performing five daily prayers on time is a duty that is neglected by many Muslims today, it is a duty that is about to be completely abandoned for men.

    We, on this occasion, intend to have the honor of being promised to those who have killed a sunnah by compiling gospel and threatening verses and narrations: "Being honored in the vicinity of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallâhu Aleyhi and Salam)".

    It is our supplication from Allah Almighty that he does not let us down until our death, which is regarded as our own doom, that he does not deprive us of participating in prayer in congregation, and that many Muslims benefit from this work until the morning of resurrection.

    We also wish you to take the issue of participating in the congregation to which the Prophet (Sallallâlıu Aleyhi and Salam) carefully emphasized, read this booklet carefully and act, and for the lofty sake of everyone is your encouragement in the matter.

    As you will see in the hadiths you will read in this work; The evil of a person who leaves the congregation will reach his neighbors, and even the whole world, as well as the good of someone who continues in the congregation, and the collective torments of the world will be removed for the sake of the people of the congregation.

    May Allah make our sentence succeed in fulfilling all the conditions related to prayer, which is the first duty we will be asked about. Amine!

    In a hadith narrated from Ebu'd-Darda (Radıyallâhu Anh), the Prophet (Sallallâhu Aleyhi ve Salam) stated the following:

    "If three people are in a village or desert, and among them (adhan is not recited and) prayers are not performed in congregation, the devil will surely come to them (defeat them). Then go on in the congregation, because the wolf eats only the remainder. (Abu Dawud, Salat: 547, 1/371; Nasai, Imâre: 48, 2 / 106-107; Ahmed ibni Hanbel, al-Musnad: 5/196, 6/446; Beyhakî Shu'abu'1îmân, no: 2599 , 4/338; as-Sünenü 'l-kübrâ, 3/54; İbni Huzayma, as-Sahîh, no: 1486, 2/371; İbni Hibbân, no: 2098, 3/267; Judge, elMüstedrek: 1/246 ; Begawi, Sharhu's-sunna, no: 793, 3/347)



    Praying together with those who pray 11

    Substitution of prayers 13

    Compliance with the invitee of Allah 16

    17 where the steps of those who went to the congregation were written

    Those who perform the five daily prayers in congregation will inherit Paradise 18

    That praying in congregation is an indication of belief and guidance 19

    It is a sign of humility to continue prayers in congregation.

    Being with those who continue their congregation of five times 22

    The congregation of the five daily prayers is counted as the remembrance of Allah 26

    Performing prayers in congregation even in war 27

    Prayer in congregation is the thread of Allah 30

    Those who do not continue their prayers in congregation will not be able to prostrate during the Judgment 31

    Leaving the congregation is regarded as an insolvency of the earth 32

    Waiting for the congregation of the next prayer after prayer 33

    The catastrophic torment of those who lost the congregation 35


    Hadiths and narrations about the virtue of performing five daily prayers in congregation 37

    Prayer performed in congregation is twenty-five and twenty-seven degrees superior to that performed alone 43

    Going to the congregation of a daily prayer will earn a reward of pilgrimage.

    A thousand rewards of martyrs will be given every day to those who continue their congregation of five daily prayers 54

    Prayer in congregation causes forgiveness of sins 57

    That going on in congregation will lead to death of the believer 61

    The virtue of the steps taken on the road to comrades 63

    The merit of the steps taken when returning from the congregation 71

    The virtues of going to the mosque before praying and listening to the adhan in the mosque 73

    Waiting for the congregation of the next prayer after one prayer 78

    The fact that prayer is performed in congregation causes it to be accepted 81

    Even if he misses the congregation who goes to the mosque, he receives the same reward 83

    Anyone who goes to the congregation is under the security of Allah 87

    The benefit of those who attend congregation for all living things 88

    The love of the congregation will save from misfortunes such as poverty and torment in the grave 91


    The support of the Prophet (Sallallâhu Aleyhi ve Salam) to those who attend the congregation 100

    Angels' help to congregation people 101

    102 where continuing to the congregation is regarded as jihad on the way of Allah

    The offer of Allah to those who attend the congregation l03

    The fact that prayer in congregation is more virtuous than pilgrimage and umrah and infaq on the way of Allah 105

    Some special benefits of attending congregation 107

    The virtue of attending the congregation for forty days 109

    The one who continues the congregation will enter paradise without calculation 111

    The seat of those who attend the congregation of the five daily prayers in Paradise 112

    The virtue of being an imam congregation who has taqwa, knowledge and qiraah 114

    The virtue of praying in congregation on a journey 116

    The importance and value that Salaf al-Sâlihî gives to the community 118


    Some suggestions for gaining the merits of the congregation 121

    The conditions of being valid to follow the Imam 124

    A person who performs prayers should obey the right to imam 129

    Avoiding coming to the mosque by eating foods whose scent is painful to people 136

    Saflan wound wound not going forward 139

    Not passing in front of the prayer 141

    Not stopping to pray with someone's face 142

    Not to torment a believer 143

    Not speaking the word of the world in the mosque 144

    Those who go to the congregation stay away from arrogance and pride 146


    The different virtues of each of the five daily prayers 151

    Congregation of the morning prayer 155

    Congregations of the morning and night prayers 159

    Noon Congregation 167

    Congregation of the afternoon 168

    Evening Congregation 169

    Congregation of the yacht 170

    The congregation of the five daily prayers 172

    The virtue of the congregation of the morning prayer on Friday 177


    Some virtues about the congregation 179

    A verse about the virtue of iftitah takbiri 173

    Hadith-i sharifs and narrations about the virtue of iftitah takbiri 173

    The narrations about the virtue of the takbirs 192

    The beautiful death of those who love the congregation 195

    The situation of those who love the congregation in the Armageddon 198

    The weight of congregation and prayer on balance 203

    Only the lucky ones will continue to pray in congregation 205

    The hadith about the proper execution of ranks 206

    The virtue of the first saff 213

    The virtue of performing at the right and left sides of the Imam 217

    The virtue of making in the first ranks 221

    The virtue of making it in a neighborhood mosque 223


    Hadiths and narrations about the grounds of being behind the congregation 225

    The devil will defeat those who leave the congregation 229

    231 The abandonment of the congregation caused mischief

    The fact that performing prayers without congregation causes refusal 233


    Twelve torments to be inflicted on those who loosen the congregation 238

    Being back from the congregation consists of signs of dispute 240

    The damnation of those who leave the congregation 242

    Leaving the congregation danger of dying unbelief 246

    Those who leave the congregation cannot see the heavenly face. 248

    Not to salute those who leave the congregation 251

    Those who do not come to the congregation will be punished in the grave 252

    That kidnapping the congregation is one of the calamities of the hereafter. 255


    Some facts about the congregation 257

    The decree of a person who performs obligatory duties in congregation 261

    With what excuses the congregation could be abandoned 266

    Causes of kidnapping and kaffarah 272

    The wisdom of prayer in congregation 274

    It is more virtuous for women to perform their prayers at home than to attend congregation 277

    Congregation reward with how many people can be gained 282

    Deeds sufficient to kidnap the congregation for legitimate reasons 289

    The provision of the congregation of the congregations 293
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