
Cübbeli Ahmed Hodja Moral Nebi Book-1187

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Yayıncılık
Product Code : 9786054814411
The subject of the Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.v) moral, literary, asceticism and taqwa is the Book of Ahmet Hoca by Cübbeli
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    Number of Impressions 1st Edition
    Language ARABIC, TURKISH
    Number of Pages 151
    Skin Type Hardcover
    Paper Type Book Paper
    Size 13.5 x 19.5 cm
    Endless praises are reserved for Allah, who said: "Surely you are about a great morality". In the Book of Ahlakı Nebi;
    Unlimited salât-ü greetings: "I was sent only to complete good morals," to the Prophet Muhammad (Salâlâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam), to the âl-i companions who exemplify His moral values, and those who follow them duly in good deeds until the day of punishment.
    While I was imprisoned: I promised Allah-u Ta'ala that "I will compile a work about the Prophet (Salalahu Aleyhi and Salam) every year when I come out of prison."
    Except for the year I underwent bypass surgery, my Lord made me manage to stop in this so-called. This year, it was the chance to bring this work in your hand to the Mevlid night.
    It is my Lord that he will make me do such a beneficial deed every year in my remaining life, and he will invite you to my readers day by day in terms of the love of the Prophet (peace be upon him). and Acirc; min.
    This epistle in your hand, and Acirc; the book titled "al-Ahlâku'l-Metbyeliyye", which belongs to rif-i billâh Abdü'l-Wahhâb Eş-Şa‛rânî (Kuddise Sirruhu), Azher Şeyhi Abdü'l-Halîm Mahmud (Rahimehullâh). ), the translation of the first chapter of the 1975 edition of the Hassân Printing House in Cairo.
    The same section is also in the work named Hasen el-‛Adevî (Kuddise Sir- spirit) yaâit "en-Nefehâtü'ş-Şâzeliyye fî sharhi'l- Bürdeti'l-Bûsiyriyye", who is the teacher of Yusuf en-Nebhânî (Rahimehul- lah), It is also included in the copy of Mâü'l-ayneyn (Rahimehullâh) titled "Na‛tü'l-bidâyât ve tawsîfü'n-nihâyât" that we declared the volumes and pages of them at the end of our treatise.
    May Allah-u-Ta'ala moralize our sentence with the ah-word of His Habibi and attribute it to him.

    Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü - Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca
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