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    The statement of His Holiness İsmâ‘îl Hakkî Bursevî (Kuddise Sirruhû), the owner of "Rûhu'l-beyân", vechile; In the work named "Mürşidü'l-müteehhilîn", Kutbüddîn İznîkî (Rahimehullâh) said:
    "A husband must first teach him the rules of hygiene, menstruation and prayer as much as he will fulfill the fard, after instilling the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah to his wife and saving him from the beliefs of the people of bidat.

    A woman whose husband does not fulfill this duty must leave the house to learn ilmihâl in order to learn these provisions, and her husband's permission and consent are not required in this regard. However, it is not permissible for a woman who has been taught ilmihâ by her husband to learn one of the sciences other than ilmihâl or attend a dhikr assembly without her husband's consent.

    A husband who does not teach his wife even a single provision that the woman is responsible for, or prevents her from learning, becomes a partner in her sin. As a matter of fact, in a hadith, the Messenger of Allah (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) said: 'On the Day of Judgment, the most severe punishment of the people is the one who leaves his people (wife and children) ignorant. 184)

    On this occasion, I can promise my readers that; This female catechism states that it is obligatory for a Muslim woman to know and act. Therefore, those who properly teach this work to their spouse and offspring will have performed an important duty.

    Product features

    NUMBER OF EDITIONS: 1. Printing

    Language Turkish

    PAGE NUMBER: 146

    SKIN TYPE: Paperback

    PAPER TYPE: Şamua

    SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm


    All praises are reserved for Allah, who guided us to the religion of Islam. Endless blessings, the Prophet who taught us our knowledge

    (Saiiâilâhu Aleyhi and Salam), and his Ehl-i Beyt and all his companions.

    Let it be known that the ilmihâl; In general sense, although it is a catechism, it is a part of the science of fiqh. The lexical meaning of the word fiqh is "Understanding". In the term of religion (usage), the science of fiqh consists of knowing the religious rules and religious decrees, which is divided into two parts, namely fard-ı ayn and fard-ı kifâye.
    The part of fiqh that is fard al-separate is to know the true beliefs. As for the decrees of the religion, it is to know the subjects that every taxpayer needs such as the decrees of taqâra, prayer and fasting.

    Since prayer is the most important issue of the religion and the knowledge of women's states is obligatory for prayer, such as wudu and guul, this book is basically one of the prerequisites of prayer, since the content of this book is actually a declaration of the conditions of prayer.

    Here is the Messenger of Allah (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam): "Studying knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and Muslim woman" (Begawi, Ma'âlimü 't- Tenzîl, 3/130; İsmâ'il Hakkî, Rûhu'l-beyân, 3/536), it has been clearly understood that knowledge of the content of this book, namely the state of women, especially about women is included in the science that is declared obligatory on every Muslim woman in the hadith.

    İsmâ‘îl Hakkî, owner of "Rûhu'l-beyân"
    By the statement of Bursevî (Kuddise Sirruhû); In the work named "Mürşidii 'l-müteehhilîn", Kutbüddîn İznîkî (Rahimehullâh) said:

    "After a husband first inculcates his wife's belief in Ahl al-Sunnah and saves her from the beliefs of the people of allegiance, the first thing to do is teach her the rules of hygiene, menstruation and prayer as much as she can fulfill the obligatory duties.

    If she does not know, she should ask and learn and convey the answers she received to her lady.

    A woman whose husband does not fulfill this duty must leave the house to learn ilmihâl in order to learn these provisions, and her husband's permission and consent are not required in this regard. However, it is not permissible for a woman who has been taught ilmihâ by her husband to learn one of the sciences other than ilmihâl or attend a dhikr assembly without her husband's consent.

    A husband who does not teach his wife even a single provision that the woman is responsible for, or prevents her from learning, becomes a partner in her sin. As a matter of fact, in a hadith, the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi ve Salam):

    He said, "On the Day of Judgment, the most severe punishment of the people is the one who leaves his people (his wife and children) ignorant." (İsmâ 77 Hakkî, Rûhu ’l-bayân 2/184)

    Abdullâh ibni Ömer (Radıyallâhu Anhümâ) said the following in a hadith that was inspired by the Prophet (Sal-lâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam):

    "Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for what is at your disposal. A man is a shepherd in his family, and he is responsible for those under his hands." (Bukhari, Friday: 10, no: 853, 1/304; Muslim, Imam: 5, no: 1829, 3/1459; Abu Dawud, Harâc.'l, no: 2928, 2/145)

    On this occasion, I can promise my readers that; this women's catechism describes the issues that are obligatory for a Muslim woman to know and act.

    Therefore, those who properly teach these words to their spouses and offspring will have performed an important duty. Effort is from us, and covenant is from Allah Almighty.

    23 January 2015/2 Rabîulâhir 1436


    Preface 3

    A Set of Terms Related to Rhythm 7

    Employment (Apology) 8

    Mu‘tâde (and Acirc; deti Thabit) Female 17

    Mübtedie (First Time) Woman 18

    Mudille (and Acirc; Surprised) Woman 19

    Continuous Blood Seeing Woman 32

    Nifas (Postpartum) 42

    Issues Regarding a Woman with a Miscarriage 47

    Provisions that do not apply to puerperal women but to women with menstruation 68

    and Acirc; The Woman Who Forgot His Detin83

    Rejection to Perverted Persons who Say "Woman with Menstrual Prayers, Fasts" Or "Cannot Pray, Fasts" 92

    M. İslamoğlu Accuses Mujtahids Who Say "Women With Hayız Can Not Enter The Mosque" Even The Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) Accusing The Jews For Harvesting The Jews 102

    M. İslamoğlu slanders the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) and Acirc; He slanders the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Sel! Em) and our Mother by claiming that he had sent our Vâlid to Ka‘be while he was in Hayız. 104

    Refusing M. İslamoğlu's Claim that "Nobody Can Read the Quran from Hayızlı and Junub" 110

    Indexes 119
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