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  • Gin, Magic and Magic

    Hasan Karakaya

    Nebevi Hayat Publications

    • Size: 13.5 x 21 cm
    • Pages: 255
    • Number of Prints: 1. Print
    • Skin Type: Cardboard Cover
    • Paper Type: Book Paper
    • Language: Turkish


    Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm and bihî netse'în alhamdulillâhi rabbi'l-âlemîn ve's-salâtu ve's-salâmu al-salah al-rasûlinâ Muhammadin and his scholarly and spiritual ecmaîn and ba'd...

    The best of words is the word of Allah. He said, "Do not call another god with God. There is no god but Him. Everything but His weakness will be destroyed. The judgement is his alone, and you will be returned to Him. (Kasas, 88)

    Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds. He is one, unmasked, unborn and unborn. He doesn't have any partners.

    He does not need anything. Everything needs Him. He created the whole universe in an unprecedented way. He is the one who illuminates the darkness, helps his servants, accepts his prayers, and forgives his sins. The sole owner of the universe is the Lord of the Throne and the sole prop of the beings. He'll do whatever he says. He is the victor of all things, and he will never be held accountable for what he has done.

    Oh, My God! We qualify you for every adjective of perfection and glorify you for all kinds of shortcomings. We have no knowledge except what you have taught us. Indeed, you know all things, and you have judgment and wisdom.

    Oh, My God! Salute to the Prophet Muhammad(sallallahu and sellem), the prophet Muhammad, who was the master of the Prophets, who informed us of what he had received from his Lord, and who followed in their footsteps until the apocalypse. Amen!

    Dear readers! This book, which we will present to you, is a modest work that contains the profanity section of the subjects. Today, at a time when thoughts are turned upside down, truth and western are mixed together, and believers who are sincere in their religion are tried to be misled by various evil means, there is a strong need to learn and defend the basic principles of the Islamic faith. Until blasphemy and faith and repentance and company are distinguished, and those created are not confused with the Creator. So that the believers may prosper in this world and in the Hereafter, and be happy.

    It's important to remember that we're not going to be able to do that. Matters of faith are the most important issues to be learned first. These are very serious and risky issues. It is necessary to examine them patiently and with fortitude, read them repeatedly in detail, understand and believe well, and then reach people with arousing and clarity. Otherwise, the subjects are confused, confused, people are dragged into useless Byzantine Cedels, resulting in unexpected confusion of faith. Accordingly, the person who touches on the issues of trust should adhere to precise and firm nass, know how to reconcile what seems contradictory to each other, be free from chastity and tambourine, avoid intellectual violence, not be prejudiced and should not speak without evidence. Otherwise, he may miss the measures of mercy and be dragged into the taassuba. He might even try to accuse those who don't think like him of blasphemy.

    Before we dive into the depths of the subjects, we would like to draw the attention of valued readers to the method that we will follow in this book: We have tried to convey various opinions on a subject as much as possible, together with the authentic evidence on which they are based, and not to mention the weak evidence. We tried to prefer the views that the nas openly supported, without leaning to a certain party and without being bigoted to a certain idea. By making our most modest efforts, we have tried to convey the issues clearly and clearly. So every reader benefits, not just elites; Let the people know the issues. We are also aware that our efforts are modest and too little to fill a core shell compared to the scholarly man.

    May Our prayer from the Almighty forgive us our sins, keep our feet steady, and forgive our mistakes. He is forgiving and forgiving.

    We hope that the reader brothers will correct our mistakes and inform us and not deprive us of their good prayers.

    May God bless us in this world and the hereafter, and make us say the end of our lives by drinking the sherbet of the city, which is the most precious of deaths, and place us in firdevs, the highest of all heavens. and Acirc;min!


    Gin, Magic and Magic
    Topic One
    Grace and The Meanings of Magic
    Second Topic
    Differences Between Magic and Other Wonderful Things
    The difference between magic and miracle
    The difference between magic and charity
    Third Topic
    The Effect of Magic Is Right
    The Hadiths
    Alliance of the ummah except for a small group
    Fourth Topic
    Those Who Deny That Magic Has Real Effect
    Fifth Topic
    Types of Magic
    Part One: Untrue deceptions
    Cheating with sleight of hand
    Deceiving by being a clairvoyant or fortune teller
    To turn people against each other by being cold
    Part Two: The magic that really affects the mind and body
    The magic that causes people to get sick or even die
    Sixth Topic
    Tools Used in Magic
    Seventh Topic
    Classes of Magic Makers
    Eighth Topic
    The Verdict of Going to the Magic Makers and Believing in Them
    Ninth Topic
    The Religious Judgment of the MagicIst
    Issue One: The views of sectarian scholars
    Issue Two: Evidence of sectarian scholars
    Tenth Topic
    The World's Punishment for the Magic Performer
    Issue One: Punishment for a man who performs magic even though he is a Muslim
    The opinion of the president
    Their evidence is as follows:
    Issue Two: The punishment of the non-Muslim magician
    Eleventh Topic
    Repentance of the Magic Performer
    Twelfth Topic
    Provision of the Fee Given to the MagicIst
    Thirteenth Topic
    Magic Learning and Teacher's Verdict
    Fourteenth Topic
    The Provision and Way to Break the Magic
    Fifteenth Topic
    The Meanings of The Word Gin and Reclamation
    The meaning of lugat
    Meaning of correction
    Sixth Topic
    The Existence of Demons Is a Right
    Issue One: Evidence declaring the existence of demons
    The Hadiths
    and Acirc;lim's alliance
    Issue Two: Those who deny the existence of demons
    Part One Deniers: Those who don't respect the jinn
    And the evidence of those who disbelieve in the jinn will be answered as follows.
    Part Two Deniers: What to say about the jinn
    The jinn are the powers of the malignant souls.
    Demons are wild people living in forests, deserts and mountains
    Demons, germs and viruses
    Issue Three: The verdict of denying demons
    Twelfth Topic
    The Original of Iblîs
    First sight: Demons are demons, not angels
    Second opinion: Demon is one of angels, not jinn
    EighteenTh Topic
    Whether Demons and Demons Are the Same Sex
    First sight: Demons and demons are the same sex
    Second opinion: Demons and demons are separate sexes
    Nineteenth Topic
    Common Adjectives of Demons
    First adjectives: They are made of fire
    Second adjectives: They have reason
    Third adjectives: They have genders
    The Hadiths
    Fourth adjectives: They eat and drink
    The Hadiths
    Fifth adjective: Demons can take various shapes
    Sixth adjective: Demons cannot take the form of the Prophet
    Seventh adjective: Demons see people, people can't see them
    The Hadiths
    Eighth adjective: Demons don't know the unseen
    Ninth adjectives: Demons and demons prefer to live in certain places
    Houses that are not recited in the Qur'an and are not mentioned by God
    Temples of the unbelievers
    Unintended and dark places
    Holes and caves
    Market markets
    Tenth adjectives: They spread around at certain times
    Eleventh adjectives: Demons climb the skies
    Twelfth adjectives: Demons do very hard and hard work
    Thirteen adjectives: The jinn have no control over the righteous servants.
    Fourteen adjectives: Demons can't do mind-boggling things like miracles and deeds
    Fifteen adjectives: Demons die too
    The Hadiths
    Sixteen adjectives: Demons are also obliged
    Issue One: Who are the prophets of the jinn?
    The Hadiths
    Issue two: What provisions of religion are the jinn obliged to?
    Matters of Faith:
    Question Three: What will be the punishment of the jinn in the Hereafter?
    The Fourth Question is, is there a reward for the believers of the jinn in the Hereafter?
    Issue Five: Where the believers of the jinn will stay in the Hereafter
    Twentieth Topic
    How demons have to do with humans
    Part one relationships: The gin's friendships with people
    Marriage relations
    The fact that it actually happened
    The religious rule of marrying demons
    Defense relations
    Part two relations: The jinn's relations of hostility towards humans
    First kind of persecution: The spiritual harm that jinn and demons inflict on humans
    The Hadiths
    Second kind of persecution: The financial damage that jinn and demons inflict on humans
    Point one: The reasons why jinn and demons persecute people from matter
    Point Two: When jinn and demons torment people
    At birth:
    When we were fighting:
    When engaging in sexual intervention:
    When praying:
    At the time of his death:
    Point Three: The types of persecution of humans by jinn and demons
    Tormenting by spreading germs and bacteria
    Tormenting them by setting fires
    Taking one's own life
    Causing epilepsy
    Twenty-First Topic
    Contributions of Demons in Epilepsy
    Issue One: Types of sara
    Issue Two: Treatment for epileptic disease
    First: Treatment of epilepsy caused by financial factors
    Secondly: Treatment of epilepsy caused by devils' bumps
    Recite the Quran
    Reading the Baccarat Sûre
    Reading the Surahs of Nas and Felak
    Reading the Surah of Violations
    Reading the Fâtiha Surah
    and read Acirc;yete'l-Kursî
    Remembrance of God
    To seek refuge in God from the evil of Satan
    Removing the genie from the Epileptic Patient
    Third Issue: It is not permissible to treat sarali through unlawful means
    Issue Four: Those who deny that goblins cause epilepsy
    Twenty-Second Topic
    Animals of demons

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