
History of the Prophets (Diyanet Foundation Publications)-1684

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Product Code : 9789753890342
The Exemplary Life Stories of the Prophets Written in Chronological Order
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  • The History of the Prophets
    2 Volumes / One Book

    695 Pages
    Hardcover Cover
    1. Pulp Paper
    16.5 x 24 cm
    All praise is due to Almighty Allah, who created us and everything and made us live in his inexhaustible blessings; our beloved Prophet, the world and its Suffering; our greatest Guide and Leader in hirette Hazrat. I greet Our Master Muhammad and all the Prophets who came and passed before Him, the household of our Prophet and his descendants, those who chat with Him and serve the cause of Islam with love and respect.

    What we have written about the life of our Prophet Aleyhisselam (History of Islam Hazrat. In our explanation at the end of the eleventh volume of the Medina Era of the book (Muhammad Alayhisselam and Islam): After rewriting the concise one-volume Mecca Era in the style of the Medina Era and in a wide way, and Acirc;dem Alayhisselam, the lives of the well-known and famous Prophets who came and went until our Prophet Alayhisselam, he promised that we would also write, and fulfilled the first of this promise with the new Mecca Era of 6-7 volumes, and the second one, by attempting to write, today, with the help of Almighty Allah, replenish the lives of the famous Prophets who came and went from dem Alayhisselam to our Prophet Alayhisselam. we have done it.

    Since the procedure that we follow and apply meticulously in our books is obvious to our readers, we do not see the need to make an explanation on this issue.

    As it is known, in many suras and verses of the Noble Qur'an, the stories of some of the Prophets before our Prophet Muhammad are mentioned briefly or for a long time to be taken as a lesson and a lesson.

    For this reason, in the History of the Prophets; The Lineage of the Prophets (Salat Peace be upon them), their lives and Personalities, their outstanding personalities, the tribes to which they were sent, what they communicated, how they were received, what kind of fate their people suffered according to their attitudes and behavior.It has been explained based on our sources; so much so that from the point of view of the subject of our book, it has been deemed necessary to contact some issues that are useful to know first.

    Repentance and grace are only from Allah.

    Prophethood, Prophethood and the Messenger 7
    The Fact that Prophethood and the Messenger of Allah are a Tax on 7-8
    Some of the Attributes and Virtues of the Prophets 8-9
    The first and Last of the Prophets, the Number of Prophets and Messengers 9
    The Fact that Muhammad Was Both the Prophet and the Messenger of Peace 9-10
    10 the names and Stories of Every Prophet Sent to people are Not Reported
    Prophets whose Names are Mentioned or Whose Stories are Told in the Noble Qur'an 10-11
    The Most High and the Most High of the Prophets 11
    The Ulul'azm of the Prophets and Their Sayyid 11-12
    Vaby and Revelation Styles 12
    The History of the Prophets
    Dream and Rü'a Types, Mübeshşirat and Salih Rü'a 13-14
    Those from Revelation Styles 2-7 to 14-18
    The Divine Book and the Scriptures Revealed to the Prophets 18-19
    Religion and Nature 19
    believers and Believers 19-20
    types of faith 20-21
    Kalb and Its Variants 21-22
    The Difference Between a Muslim and a Muslim is Dec.22
    Hypocrisy, Wickedness and Infidelity 22
    The Religion Acceptable in the Sight of Allah is the Religion of All the Prophets 22-23
    The Creed of Tawhid 23
    The Efforts of All the Prophets to Inculcate the Creed of Monotheism to their Ummah and the Greatness and Greatness of the Duty of Our Prophet Muhammad Aleyhisselam 23-24
    Explanation of How and Why the Heavens and the Earth and What is Between Them were Created in the Noble Qur'an Dec.25-26
    and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam
    and Acirc; The Creation of dem Aleyhisselam 29-32
    and Acirc; On the Day when dem Aleyhisselam was Created and Placed in Paradise, 32
    The Angels and the Mercy; Prostration to dem Aleyhisselama and the abstinence of Iblis 32
    the True Attitude of Iblis to good and Evil 32-33
    and Acirc; The Demonstration of dem Aleyhisselam's Superiority over Angels in Knowledge and Generosity 33
    the first Greeting in human History 33-34
    Hz.The Creation of Eve 34-35
    The Happy Paradise Lives of the First Spouses and the Trap of Iblis to Remove Them from Paradise 35-37
    The Descent from Heaven to Earth 37-38
    and Acirc;The Fact that dem Aleyhisselam Has Three Things with Someone He has Chosen from 38
    and Acirc; The Duration of dem Aleyhisselam's Stay in Paradise is 38
    Crying, Begging and Forgiveness 38-41
    and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam's Building and Circumambulation of the Kaaba 42-44
    The Boundary of the Mecca Harem is 44
    The explanation of the Noble Qur'an and Ajirc;dem Aleyhisselam 45-50
    and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam Hazrat.Children Born to Eve 50-54
    and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam's Firing of Kabul! 54-55
    Kabul and Ajirc; kibeti 55
    and Acirc; The Fact that he was the first Prophet (Prophet) of dem Aleyhisselam 55
    Our Prophet Aleyhisselam's Greeting with dem Aleyhisselam in the Sky on the First Floor and Ajirc on the Night of Miraj 55 -56
    and Acirc; dem Aleyhisselama The Offering of His Descendants who will Come until the Day of Resurrection and the Taking of the Covenant and Covenant from Them and the Prophets 56-58
    and Acirc; The revelation of the Prophet's Pictures 58-50
    The History of the Prophets
    and Acirc;The Number of Sons and Grandchildren that dem Aleyhisselam Saw in His Health, and and Acirc;The Death of dem Aleyhisselam 59-60
    and Acirc; The Day and Age of dem Aleyhisselam Passed Away is 60-61
    and Acirc; The Figure and Schemail of dem Aleyhisselam 61
    A Necessary Explanation 61-64
    Şis Aleyhisselam
    The Family of Shis Aleyhisselam 67
    The Birth of Shis Aleyhisselam 67
    The Prophetic Light that Passes from Forehead to Forehead 67-68
    Some Virtues and Prophethood of Shis Aleyhisselam 68-69
    The Death of Şis Aleyhisselam 69-70
    The Genealogical Decal Between Şis Aleyhisselam and idris Aleyhisselam Ancestors 70-73
    and Acirc;When and How Did Idolatry Begin Among the Sons of Dec? 73-75
    Idris Aleyhisselam
    the Lineage of Idris Aleyhisselam 79
    the Reason It is Called idris Aleyhisselama Idris is 79
    the Figure and Schemail of idris Aleyhisselam 79
    Some of the Characteristics of Idris Aleyhisselam 79-80
    the Prophethood, Struggle and Struggle of idris Aleyhisselam 80-81
    idris Aleyhisselama The Demonstration of Heaven and Hell 81-82
    Greeting of Our Prophet Aleyhiselam with Idris Aleyhisselam on the Night of Miraj 82
    the Genealogical Decal Between Idris Aleyhisselam and Noah Aleyhisselam Ancestors 82-84
    Noah Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage of Noah Aleyhisselam 87
    The Figure and Schemail of Noah Aleyhisselam 87
    The Sending of Noah as a Prophet 87-90
    The Invitation of Nuh Aleyhisselam to His People to Tawhid and What Happened to Him 90-92
    Noah's Prayer for refuge from Allah and the Destruction of His People 92-93
    Preparation of the Deluge Ship 93-95
    The Plan of the Ship 95-96
    When the Ship was Boarded, Who Boarded and the Number of Those Who Boarded 96-97
    and Acirc; The Coffin of dem Aleyhisselam Was Brought and Placed on the Ship 97-98
    The Arrival of the King to Burn the Ship and Those on Board 98
    News of the Deluge denial and Agitation 98-99
    The Spread of the Deluge 99
    The History of the Prophets
    The Five Idols Were Dragged by the Waves to Jeddah and Buried There and Remained There 99
    Drowning of People Other Than Those on the Ship in the Flood 100
    Mother and Child Who Could not Survive Drowning Even at the Top of the Mountain 100
    The Sitting of the Ship on Mount Cudi is 100
    How Far Did the Ship Travel On the Water and When Did She Get off the Ship? 100
    The Foundation of the City of Semanin 100-101
    Where is Mount Cudi Located? 102
    The Three Mountains Honored by Almighty Allah 102
    The Tufah Ark of Noah Aleyhisselam and its Result 103
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation of the Deluge 103 -105
    The Advice of Noah to the Sons of Aleyhisselam and His Death 105 - 107
    The Great Ones and the Nation of the Prophets 107
    The Generosity of Noah Aleyhisselam and the Procreation of All People from His Sons 107-108
    The Division of the Land of Noah Between His Three Sons Dec.108-109
    The Genealogical Pillar Between Noah Aleyhisselam and Abraham Aleyhisselam Decrees 109-113
    Hud Aleyhisselam
    Hud Aleyhisselam Lineage and Profession 117
    The Form and Schemail of Hud Aleyhisselam and Some of its Virtues 117
    The People of Hud Aleyhisselam 117-118
    The Homes of the People of Hud Aleyhisselam and the People of Ajirc;d and Their Bad Attitudes and Behaviors 118-119
    The Sending of the Prophet to the People of Hud Aleyhisselam and Ajirc; 119
    Description of the Noble Qur'an and its Explanation about the People of Ajirc;d 119 -122
    Hud Aleyhisselam's Departure to Mecca and His Death There 122
    Salih Aleyhisselam
    The History of the Prophets
    The Lineage and Profession of Salih Aleyhisselam 125
    The Figure and Schemail of Salih Aleyhisselam 125
    The People of Thamud and Their Homes 125-126
    The Sending of the Prophet Salih Aleyhisselam to the Thamud People 126 - 128
    The Fact that the Thamud People Killed the Miracle Camel and Tried to Kill Salih Aleyhisselam 128-129
    The Destruction of the Thamud People 129-130
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation about the Thamud People 130 -133
    Salih Aleyhisselam's Address to His People and His Departure to Mecca 133 - 134
    Abu Rigal and and Ajirc; kibeti 134-136
    Abraham and Ishmael Aleyhisselams
    Ibrahim Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 141
    The Father of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam and His Homeland 141
    The Mother of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 142
    The Figure and Schemail of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 142
    King Nemrud and His Works 142
    Dealing with the people's knowledge of the Sky 142
    Nemrud's Rü'ya and His Resort to Terrible Measures 142 - 144
    The Birth of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam and His Growing Up in a Cave 144 - 145
    The First Questions of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam to His Parents 145 -146
    The Removal of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam from the Cave 146
    Ibrahim Aleyhisselam's Questions About the Animals He Saw And Was Surprised 146
    The guidance of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam and the Discovery of His Lord 147
    147 When Ibrahim Began to Warn the People Aleyhisselam, 147
    and Acirc; Zer's Selling of Idols Together With the Brothers of Ibrahim Aleyhisselama 148
    and Acirc; zer's Taking Ibrahim Aleyhisselam to Nemrud 148-149
    The Being of the Prophet Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 149-152
    Breaking the Idols of Ibrahim Alehisselam in the Idolatry 152-153
    The Interrogation of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam and Throwing Him into the Fire 154-157
    The Fact that the Fire is Coolness and Peace to Ibrahim Aleyhisselama 157-158
    Ibrahim Aleyhisselam's Meeting with His Mother in the Fire 158
    Ibrahim Aleyhisselam's Coming Out of the Fire and Talking to Nemrud 158-160
    The First Believers and the Migration 160
    Nemrud's Desire to Turn Away the Emigrants 160-161
    Ibrahim is the Prophet of Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him.He's In Trouble Because Of Sare 161 -162
    Hz.Sare in the Presence of Pharaoh 162-164
    Hz.Treats Made to Sara 164-166
    Departure from Egypt 166
    Acquisition of Seb's Dormitory 166
    166-167 The People of Seb Want to Turn Away from Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 166-167
    Ibrahim Aleyhisselam in His New Homeland 167 Ibrahim Aleyhisselam's Greeting to Lot Aleyhisselam and Saving His Property from the Hands of the Enemy 167-168
    Abraham is the Prophet of Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him.Marriage with Hajjar 168
    Hz.Hacer's Identity 168-169
    The Circumcision of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 169
    The History of the Prophets
    Some Provisions of the Sunnah 170
    The Birth of Ismail Aleyhisselam and the Prophet.Sarenin, Hazrat.His Jealousy and Oath about Hajjar 170 -171
    Hz.Hajar and Ismail Aleyhis Salaam (Mecca Life)
    Hz.The Taking of Hajar Ismail Aleyhisselam to Mecca 175-177
    Zamzam's Output is 177 -180
    A Necessary Explanation is 180
    The Djurhumis Came and Hazrat.Being Neighbors with Hacer 180-181
    The names of Mecca and Their Meanings 181-182
    Mecca Harem Border 183
    Erection and Repair of Harem Boundary Stones 184 -185
    The desire of Ismail Aleyhisselam to be sacrificed 186-190
    The Explanation of the Incident of Sacrifice in the Noble Qur'an 190-191
    The Reason why the Jews wanted to Attribute the Incident of the Sacrifice to Isaac 191 -193
    Ismail Aleyhisselam's Arrow Shooting and Hunting 193
    The Husbandry of Ismail Aleyhisselam 193
    Horsemanship and Horse Riding of Ismail Aleyhisselam 193 -194
    Ismail Aleyhisselam's Circumcision and Arabic Learning 194
    The Marriage of Ismail Aleyhisselam and Hazrat.The Death of Hajar 194-195
    The Coming of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam to See His Son and His Family 195-197
    The Remarriage of Ismail Aleichissselam 197
    The Return of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam to Mecca 197 - 200
    200 - 203 When Ibrahim Aleyhisselam Built the Kaaba Together with Ismail Aleyhisselam
    The first Pilgrimage of Ibrahim and His Son with Aleyhisselam and the Calling of people to the Pilgrimage 203 - 206
    Hajj Emirate 206
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation of the Kaaba 206-208
    The Kaaba and the History of the Kaaba 208-211
    The Covering of the Kaaba, By Whom, What Kind and How is it Covered? 211-220
    Incense Smoking of the Kaaba 220
    Abraham is the Prophet of Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him.Hajar and Hazrat.Sons Born to Sarah 221
    The Death of the Prophet Sarah 221
    The Marriage of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam with Katura and Hajj and the Children Born from Them 221-222
    The Dispersion of the Children of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam to Countries 222
    The Death of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 223
    The Divine Scriptures Revealed to Ibrahim Aleyhisselama 223 - 224
    Some Virtues of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam 225 - 227
    227 - 229 Greeting of Our Prophet with Abraham by a Miracle
    Ismail Alayhisselam
    The Lineage of Ismail Aleyhisselam 233
    The Birth of Ismail Aleyhisselam 170
    The Removal of Ismail Aleyhisselam to Mecca with His Mother 175-177
    Ismail Aleyhisselam's Desire to Be Sacrificed 181 Ismail Aleyhisselam's Circumcision 194
    Learning Arabic by Ismail Aleyhisselam 194
    Ismail Aleyhisselam's Arrow Shooting 193
    Horse Riding of Ismail Aleyhisselam 193
    The Husbandry of Ismail Aleyhisselam 193
    The Marriage of Ismail Aleyhisselam 194
    (The Bets of Ismail Aleyhisselam Making the Kaaba Together with His Father are in the Ibrahim Aleyhisselama Section.)
    The Figure and Schemail of Ismail Aleyhisselam 233
    The Prophethood of Ismail Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 233 - 234
    A Testament and Death of Ismail Aleyhisselam 234 - 235
    The Encounter with the Coffin of Ismail Aleyhisselam while digging Hatim 235
    The Sons of Ismail Aleyhisselam 235
    The History of the Prophets
    Who were the Kaaba Services administered by After Ismail Aleyhisselam? 236
    Some Features of Kaydar 236
    The Dispersion of the Sons of Ismail from Mecca and the Transition of the Administration to Jurhumis 236
    Isaac Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage and Birth of Isaac Aleyhisselam 239
    The People's Surprise at the Birth of Isaac Aleyhisselam 240
    The Figure and Schemail of Isaac Aleyhisselam 240
    The Prophethood of Isaac Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 240
    Isaac Came to Mecca with His Mother and Performed the Hajj 241
    The Sons of Isaac Aleyhisselam 241
    The Death of Isaac Aleyhisselam 241
    Lot Aleichisselam
    The Lineage of Lot Aleyhisselam 245
    The Figure and Schemail of Lot Aleyhisselam 245
    Lot Aleyhiselam's First faith in Ibrahim Aleyhiselam and His Emigration with Him and Some of His Virtues 245 - 246
    The Settlement of Lot Aleyhisselam in Sedum and Amur 246
    Disgusting Vices of the People of Sedum and Other Cities 246-248
    The Prophethood of Lot Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 248
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation about the People of Lot 248-249
    249-250 The Messengers of the Angels Who Went to Destroy the People of Lot were Visited by Ibrahim Aleyhisselama
    The Discussion of Ibrahim Aleyhisselam with the Angels 250-252
    The Arrival of the Messenger Angels to the Homeland of Lot Aleyhisselam and Their Being Guests to Him 252-254
    Lot Aleyhisselam Is In Trouble 255 -256
    The Destruction of the People of Lot 256-257
    The Destruction of Lot's Wife 258
    Going to the Sam Sides of the People of the House with Lot Aleyhisselam 258
    The Residence and Death of Lot Aleyiselam in Palestine 258
    Yaqub and Yusuf Aleyhisselams
    The Lineage and Names of Yaqub Aleyhisselam 263
    The Figure and Schemail of Yaqub Aleyhisselam 263
    isaac Aleyhisselam Yaqoob Aleyhisselam Communiqués and Recommendations 263-265
    The Travels of Yaqub Aleyhisselam, His Becoming a Prophet and Some of His Virtues 265
    Delivery of Tabutussekine to Yaqub Aleyhisselama 265- 267
    The Fall of Yaqub Aleyhisselam into Sorrows Due to Yusuf Aleyhisselam 267-268
    (Yaqub Aleyhisselam's Prayer to Egypt with All the People of His House, Yaqub Aleyhisselam's Supplication to Allah for His Guilty Sons, Yaqub Aleyhisselam's Bequest to His Sons, Yaqub Aleyhisselam's Death, Yusuf Aleyhisselam's aid is in the Section.)
    Yusuf Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 271
    The Figure and Schemail of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 271 What Happened to Yusuf Aleyhisselam 271-280
    Yusuf Aleyhisselam Is In Trouble From The Lady Master 280
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 281-292
    The Arrival of All the Household to Egypt with Yaqub Aleyhisselam 293
    The Realization of Yusuf Aleyhisselam's Dream 293-294
    Asking forgiveness for the Guilty Sons of Yaqub Aleyhisselam 294-295
    The Will and Death of Yaqub Aleyhisselam to His Children 295-297
    The Vizier of Finance of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 297 An Application of Yusuf Aleyhisselam that Feeds the People to the Government During the Famine Years 297-298
    Marriage of Yusuf Aleyhisselam and His Children Born 298-299
    The Prophethood of Yusuf Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 299
    The Death of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 300 The Greeting of Our Prophet with Yusuf Aleyhisselam on the Night of Miraj 300-301
    Ayyub Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage of Ayyub Aleyhisselam 305
    The Figure and Schemail of Ayyub Aleyhisselam 305
    The Wealth of the Homeland of Ayyub Aleyhisselam and His Sons 306
    The Prophethood of Ayyub Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 306-307
    The Visit of Ayyub Aleyhisselam to Ibtila 307-310
    Ayyub Alayhisselam's Praise to Allah Almighty is 310
    Sad Speeches of Ayyub Aleyhisselam 310-314 Ayyub Aleyhisselam's Taking His Wife Away from Him 314
    The Abolition of Ayyub Aleichisselam's argument and disagreement with Allah 314-316
    Leyya Hatun's Fussiness and Running to Ayyub Aleyhisselam's Side 316-319
    The Fall of Golden Locusts from the Cloud 319
    Ayyub Aleyhisselam's Fulfillment of His Oath about His Wife 319-320
    Death and Age of Ayyub Aleyhisselam 320
    Dhul-Kifl Alayhis-Salaam
    The name and Lineage of Zulkifl Aleyhisselam 323
    The Prophethood of Dhu'l-Kifl Alayhis-Salaam and Some of His Virtues 323 - 324
    The Death and Age of Zulkifl Aleyhisselam is 324
    Shuaib Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage of Suayb Aleyhisselam 327
    Shu'ayb Alayhis-Salaam the Prophet was Sent to Midian and the Medians 327-328
    328 The Sending of the Prophet Shu'ayb Aleyhisselam and Some of His Virtues 328 - 329
    The Destruction of the People of Midian and the Wood 329 - 330
    The Explanation of the Noble Qur'an about Shu'ayb alayhis-Salaam and the People to whom the Prophet was Sent 331 - 334
    The Migration of Shu'ayb Aleyhisselam to Mecca with the Believers 335
    The Figure and Schemail of Suayb Aleyhisselam 335
    BIBLIOGRAPHY 339 - 341
    The Blessings of Moses and Aaron
    The Lineage of Moses Aleyhisselam, Figure and Schemaili 7
    Figure and Schemail of Harun Aleyhisselam 8
    The History of the Prophets
    The Atrocities Committed against the Children of Israel in Egypt and the Birth of Moses Aleyhisselam 8-11
    Moses Aleyhisselam Was Adopted as a Son and Raised in the Pharaoh's Palace 12-14 Moses Aleyhisselam Became a Young Man and An Accident Came Out of His Hand 14 -15
    The Taking of Musa Aleyhisselam to Madyan 15 -18
    The Son-in-Law of Moses Aleyhisselam Shuayb Aleyhisselam 18-20
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation of the Events Related to Moses Aleyhisselam 20 - 23
    The Departure of Musa Aleyhisselam from Midian on the 24th
    The Fact that Moses Aleyhisselam became a Prophet and a Prophet of Divine Manifestation, Revelation 25-28
    The Explanation of the Noble Qur'an about the Observances and Rewards in the Valley of Tuwa 29-32
    The Family of Musa Aleyhisselam was Taken to Madyan 32 - 33
    The Journey of Moses to Egypt 33 - 34
    The Arguments of Moses and Aaron against Allah and their Encounters with Pharaoh 34-37
    The Formation of the Staff of Moses Aleyhisselam as a Dragon 37 - 39
    The Scourge of the Deluge 39-40
    The Scourge of Locusts 40
    The Kummel Scourge 40-41
    The Scourge of the Frog 41-42
    The Scourge of Blood 42
    The Manifestation of Blasphemy and Insolence 42
    The Scourge of Destruction of Property and Wealth 42-43
    Explanation of the Punishments Suffered by the Egyptians Due to Their Disbelief, Bad Attitudes and Behaviors in the Noble Qur'an 43-44
    The Encounter of Moses and Aaron with Pharaoh Again 44-46
    Pharaoh's Attempt to Shoot Allah with an Arrow 46 Magic Met with a Miracle and Suffered a Heavy Defeat 46-53
    The Believers in Pharaoh's Palace and What Happened to Them 53-55
    The Secret Departure of Moses Aleyhisselam from Egypt with the Children of Israel 55-56
    When Did They Get Out of Egypt? Which Way and in Which Direction is it Going? 56-57
    The Finding and Removal of the Coffin of Yusuf Aleyhisselam 57 - 59
    How the Armies of Pharaoh Pursued the Children of Israel 59
    Anxiety, Excitement and Fear among the Children of Israel 59 - 61
    The Salvation of the Children of Israel through the Paths Opened in the Sea, The Drowning of Pharaoh and His Armies in the Sea 61 - 64
    The Showing of Pharaoh's Lifeless Body to the Children of Israel 64 - 65
    The Sea where Moses Passed the Children of Israel in Peace and where Pharaoh and His Armies Drowned in the Sea 65
    3000-Year-Old Miracle Article Published by Zafer Magazine About a Body That Is Likely to Be the Body of a Pharaoh 65-67
    The Sending of Yusha and Kalib to the Cities of Egypt 68
    68- 69 When the Children of Israel asked Moses for an Idol to worship, 68- 69
    The Journey of Musa Aleyhisselam to Mount Tur 69-70
    The Samaritan made the Children of Israel Worship the Calf 71 - 72
    The Explanation of the Incident by Almighty Allah in the Qur'an-j Karim 72 - 75
    The Fate of Samiri and the Calf Statue He Made 76
    The Behavior and Fate of the Seventy People Chosen to Repent at Tur 76 - 78
    The Stay of the Children of Israel in the Tih Desert for Forty Years 79- 81 The Resurrection of a Victim and the Announcement of His Murderer 83 - 84
    Qarun and Qarun's slandering of Musa Aleyhisselam and his Being Swallowed by the Earth 84-89
    The Noble Qur'an's Explanation of Qarun 89 - 90
    Musa Aleyhisselam to Meet And Befriend Khidr Aleyhisselam 90
    The Death of Harun Aleyhisselam 90-92
    Our Prophet Muhammad Aleyhisselam's Meeting and Greeting with Harun Aleyhisselam on the Night of Miraj 92-93
    The Pilgrimage of Moses Aleyhisselam 93-94
    The Forced Acceptance of the Provisions of the Torah to the Children of Israel 94
    Some of the Explanations of the Noble Qur'an about the Children of Israel 95 - 96
    Some Questions and Wishes of Musa Aleyhisselam from Almighty Allah 96 - 98
    According to the Noble Qur'an and Other Books, the Attributes of Muhammad Aleyhis-Salaam and Ashabin and the Reason for the denials of Jews are 98-101
    The Death of Moses 101-102
    The Book and the Scriptures that were revealed to Moses Aleyhisselama 103
    Muhammad Aleyhisselam's Meeting and Greeting with Musa Aleyhisselam on the Night of Miraj 103-104
    Hızır Aleyhisselam
    The Lineage, Name and Some Virtues of Hızır Aleyhisselam 107
    The Meeting And Companionship of Moses Aleyhisselam with Khidr Aleyhisselam 108 -116
    The Explanation of the Noble Qur'an about the Meetings of Moses and Khidr Aleyhis-Salams 116-118
    Yusha' b. Nun Alaihisselam
    Yusha' b.Nun's Lineage, Form and Schemail of Aleyhisselam-Being a Prophet and Some of His Virtues 121-122
    Calibre b.Yüfenna Aleyhisselam
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