
Language Scourge-1813

Product Code : 9786055455668
In Imam Ghazal's Book, The Trouble of Language, the sins that drove people to hell on their faces but earned by their tongues are told
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    In his book, it is drawn to the sins that we have committed, knowingly or unk knowingly.

    He created man in the best way, balanced his soul, and poured the light of faith into his heart, and decorated him with it, and made him beautiful.

    Almighty God taught man to speak, and with it He put him before other beings and granted him virtue, and poured the hearts of glory into his heart, bringing him to maturity.

    Then God poured his mercy into man. He bestowed upon him a language that explained what his heart and mind contained, and opened the hidden things. He was given the opportunity to speak to his Lord so that he may praise him and be grateful for his blessings. The knowledge that man obtains by the means of speech and language is one of the blessings to be rewarded.

    I testify that there is no god .c God( c.c). He is one, and he has no partners. I testify again that Mu-hammed (p.a.v) is the servant and Messenger of Allah (c.c). He is a prophet, and Allah (c.c) sent him down with the Quran, glorified his honor, and explained to him the ways to him.

    As longas there is a servant on earth who says Allah and "lâ ilâhe illallah", may Almighty God bless and bless our beloved Pey-gamber (p.a.v),his people, his ashab, and the past righteous.


    Features of the language

    The tongue is one of the great blessings of God, and of the bounty of god. It is a small organ of its greate, but its obedience and sin. Because faith and blasphemy are revealed by the sha-hitness of the tongue. Faith is the pinna point of obedience, and blasphemy is the pinna point of rebellion.

    Language speaks about all things that are not present, that are creative and created, that are wobbly and known, that are thought to be, and that are not known; he accepts them or disbeies them. Whatever the matter reaches, the truth or the language speaks for it. The area of il-min is very large; it stretches almost every way. This feature in the tongue does not exist in any other limbs. The eye can only see colors and shapes. The ear hears lonely voices. The hand can only touch objects. All limbs have limited work and can't reach everything.

    The language has a wide field and no boundaries. There's nothing to stop it. The language has a ge-niche field in charity and evil. The devil takes anyone who releases the rein of the tongue and neglects it everywhere. He brings her to the edge of the abyss to bring her down.

    It is the sins earned by their tongues that lead people to hell on their faces. The evil of the language is saved by the one who decorums him with Islam and keeps him limited to the helix.


    The one who pays attention to the deed speaks only what is useful in the world and the heremy, and holds his tongue from what harms his religion and the world.

    Not everyone can easily understand where speech is useful or harmful, they are difficult to know. It's hard for the knower to talk only in useful places.

    The language is the most sinning of man's deeds. Indeed, he is not tired of talking, and there is no difficulty in his movement. Man is also negligent in avoiding the disasters and traps of language, and does not care about controlling it.

    In short, language is the devil's greatest tool in deflecting people.


    Topics We Will Tell In This Book

    We will explain in this Book the grace of the tongue with the help of God almighty. By describing them one by one, we will describe their causes and disasters. We'll tell them how to avoid them. We will transfer the verses, hadiths and the words of the greats.

    These topics are, respectively:

    The virtue of silence.

    Malayani and the chastity of fuzulî speech.

    The burdens of diving into words, struggle and debate, getting into conflict with each other, talking in literature with contrite and fancy words.

    The chastity of those who speak and those who claim to speak.

    The chastity of bad words, repentance, bad speech, nest of good deeds, possessions or people, poetry and words.

    The burdens of making humor, mocking, revealing secrets, false promises, lying, false oaths.

    The burdens of lying, tickling, gossiping, using two languages, praising, by going back and forth between two hostile people and saying things that every bi-rinin likes against the other.

    Especially when talking about the adjectives of God and the basic principles of religion, the burdens unknowingly fall into.

    The deeds of God and the Qur'an, which the people have fallen into in their speeches.

    These are all twenty chastity.

    We ask God almighty to destroy us with his bounty and bounty.




    The Words of the Greats on This Issue 24

    Parts of the Word 28

    FIRST and Acirc; Fet

    M and Acirc; L and Acirc; Y and Acirc; WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 31

    Hadith and News on This Issue 32

    Five Golden Advices 35

    Measures and Examples of Fuzûlî Speech 37

    Reason for Speaking 40

    The Divine Word of Speech 40

    SECOND and Acirc; Fet


    News on This 41

    THIRD and Acirc; Fet

    B and Acirc; TILA DIVE 48

    Hadith and News on This Issue 49

    FOURTH and Acirc; Fet


    Description of the Altercation 56

    Forms of The Debate 57

    Description of the Struggle 58

    58 of the struggle

    Treatment of Struggle Disease 59

    FIFTH and Acirc; Fet

    FOE 63

    Hadith and News on This Issue 64

    Claimant 65

    GOLD AND Acirc; Fet


    Hadith and News on This Issue 71

    Places where Decorating the Word Is Câiz 74

    YEDİnCI and Acirc; Fet


    Hadith and News on This Issue 75

    What is Bad Talk? 78

    The Reason For Bad Speech Is 80

    FIFTH and Acirc; Fet

    L and Acirc;NET TO 83

    Hadith and News on This Issue 83

    Lânetin Mâna 85

    Adjectives Requiring The Deed 86

    Lâneting the Living for Blasphemy 87

    Lâning to the Dead as a Disbeliever 89

    Lâneting the Kerbela Killers 91

    Lâneting the Dead 92

    Lâneting the Killer of Hussein (r.a) 93

    Preferring Silence OverLânetin 94

    Bedouin 95

    NINTH and Acirc; Fet


    Hadith and News on This Issue 96

    Praising with Poetry 97

    TENTH and Acirc; Fet

    MIZAH/JOKE 100

    Measure of Joke 101

    Harms of The Joke 101

    Like Those Who Don't For Years 102

    Words of Those Who Do Not Like To Laugh and Acirc;lims 103

    Measure of Laughter 103

    Joke Destroys The Case 104

    The Messenger of Allah's Jokes 107

    The Messenger of Allah's Joke with His Wives 108

    ELEVENTH and Acirc; Fet

    MOCKING 115

    Hadith and News on This Issue 116

    ON SECOND and Acirc; Fet


    THIRTEEN and Acirc; Fet


    Promise Procedure 123


    PER LYING 127

    What The Greats Say About Lying 137

    Places Where Lies Are Allowed 139

    To Encourage Children to Education

    Lying 147

    Every Lie Is Recorded 147

    To Encourage Worship and Avoid Sin

    Is it okay to make up hadith? 148

    Avoiding Lies with Târiz (Closed and Kinâyeli Words) 149

    FIFTEENTH and Acirc; Fet

    WEARING 157

    WEAR M and Acirc; NASI and RECIPE 166

    About His Body Gıybet 166

    About His Lineage Gıybet 166

    Morality Related Gıybet 166

    Religious Gıybet 166

    It's about the world of Gıybet and n

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