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  • Letters Full of Verses and Hadiths Sent by Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Efendi to His Lovers from Madrasah-i Yusufiyye
    Mektûbât-ı Ahmediyye: 41 Letters • Metris Cezâevi 2011-2012
    Tuana Press Release
    Language: Arabic - Turkish
    Number of Pages: 928 Pages
    Skin Type: Hardcover
    Paper Type: Chamois Paper
    Size: 20 x 28 cm
    Endless praise for Allah, who gave me my freedom after a year of painful imprisonment due to cruelty, slander and conspiracies.

    Unlimited blessings to the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam), his Ehl-i Beyti and his companions, who are the only means of our blessings and freedoms.

    The aspect that many of you are made of; In the past, everyone thought they were Muslims, even pilgrims, some suspected after we threw us in, state officials could only awaken after the judicial coup of 17-25 December 2013, and finally, after the military coup attempt of 15 July 2016, every sane person was convinced that they were definitely enemies of religion and citizens of the country. I was detained in the last days of 2011 due to the great conspiracies established by the Fethullah terrorist organization against me and accusations that nobody believed, such as "Human trafficking", "Freedom restraint", "Sexual assault" and "Cooperation with the Karagümrük gang". I was detained in.

    Of course, this devastated organization must have managed to deceive the government officials about me as well as everything else that my detention lasted so long as it should have ended in a few months. However, this crowd is the acceptance of the abusive prayers I made about these dialogue hajjis who tried to change our religion in the prostration of the prayers I performed in Ka'be-i Mu'azzama and Ravza-i Mutahhara, which I made when I entered the prison. When he started to deal with the Undersecretary of Myth and the Prime Minister of the time, about two months after entering, the gap with the government started to open up.

    Earlier (in 2011) I challenged them in the program Habertürk Sansürsiz and shouted that I would continue to oppose the interfaith dialogue, even if they did their best. In addition, in that program, I stated with the inspiration of Allâh-u Ta'ala that these would begin to collapse in 2012.

    Praise be to Allah, by not making me a liar, at the very beginning of 2012, he showed the dignity of them to the government officials.

    However, it must be because it was because we had to pay a price in this regard, that our Lord deemed it appropriate for us to be sentenced to one year of imprisonment, and as a result:

    "Allah Almighty definitely increased the honor of a person who is patient with any injustice he has suffered."

    (et-Tirmidhi, az-Zühd: l7, 4/562) the miracle of the hadith appeared and the honor and dignity of this poor person increased day by day.

    The world-wide reputation of these conspirators did not only fade, they were even declared terrorists and started to be sought with red bulletin.

    Of course, if I had not been on interfaith dialogue, if I had not interfered with the TV series of Stv, which is the channel of these terrorists, and the articles of Zaman Newspaper, they would not have dealt with me to this extent.

    Of course, I could not have known at that time that they, like everyone else, had taken over the state to this extent, but I knew that they were very powerful in the government and I also felt that they could do harm. For this reason, I could not speak against such a powerful organization by acting on a license.

    However, I have been in constant conversations until after 2008 until I was imprisoned in order to wake up Muslims against them by acting with perseverance. I wrote works, so I became the clear target of this organization.

    This work in your possession consists of 41 letters that I wrote and sent to you during the imprisonment process, which were generally read to you by Mustafa Özşimşekler Hoca Efendi at Ahmet Yesevi Association, and also conveyed to all the audience from Lâlegül FM.

    In these letters; There are 285 verses of verses, 554 tane hadiths and works, stories of wisdom and exemplary speeches from the words of the great, my memories that you cannot find in any of my books and even in my speeches, my memories about our Prophet, some important letters from you. has also been offered to you. This work will offer you many useful sciences that you cannot find in any book.

    He hopes that you will read these letters with interest so that I will not hesitate to offer you knowledge for a year, day and night, and he expresses my gratitude to Haşan Kuduoğlu Hodja Efendi and his wife who worked hard to bring these letters to you every week, and to you cherished community who did not leave me without a letter. I praise again and again to my Lord who cut the back of the Fethullah terrorist organization, which sees cruelty as a revolt.

    17 Zilhicce 1438/8 September 2017
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