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  • Ways to Redeem Sins according to the Quran and Sunnah

    • Publishing House : Akif Publications
    • Author : Osman Atak
    • Cover Quality : Paperback
    • Page Quality : 2.Dough
    • Number of Pages : 263
    • Size : 13.5 X 21 cm
    • Weight : 226 gr

    May Allahu, who has created us from nothing and informed us of his existence, have infinite praise for him. Billions of salutations and greetings to the Messenger of God. Allahu Tela has declared that he is a great forgiver of sins and who accepts repentance very much, and has declared to his sinful servants that they should never despair, no matter how many mistakes and sins, and that those who regret their sins and want forgiveness will forgive and forgive all of their sins.
    No matter the know-how, worship, deeds, spiritual situations, every person can make mistakes and sins. The best of those who make mistakes are those who turn away from their mistakes and ask Forgiveness from Allah.
    God has not destroyed any of his servants for sinning. The servant is not destroyed for sinning. What really destroys the person is not returning from his sins and not knowing the ways to redeem the sins. The servant is destroyed because he does not duly repent and does not know which sin he can forgive and how.
    No matter how many mistakes and sins, and no matter how great, His Hol has shown ways to redeem all sins. He reported some of them in the Qur'an, and some of them informed the Prophet in his hadiths. It is assumed that every Muslim learns the ways in which he can redeem sins and does as he pleases.
    He has offered so many conveniences, opportunities, opportunities and means to forgive us his sinful servants because of his mercy that there is nothing in the book of sin in the book of deeds of any Muslim who, by God's leave, has learned these ways of forgave and has done so.
    Every sin has a way of forgiveness and forgiveness. Our duty is to learn these ways of forgiveness and instantly intervene in the sins committed to redeem them before they are written into the book of deeds.
    The Muslim who most devastated the devil, broke his back, deceived him with his desires and traps and lured him to sin, immediately wished forgiveness and confessed his sin.
    it's his forgiver. This is only possible if he knows what his sin will be forgiven for and does so.
    Those who do not know the ways of forgiveness given according to the type and condition of sin in the Qur'an and circumcision, which are not duly done as the wrong medicine cripples, are just as crippled.
    For a Muslim, the most vital, top priority issue after faith is to learn ways to redeem your sins.
    The ideal Muslim is always who controls his own self, who can minimize his mistakes and imperfections, who abandons the mistakes and sins he makes as soon as he realizes that mistake and sin when he commits mistakes and sins, and wishes forgiveness from Allah.
    This book in your hands is a reassuring of sins. "How do I get rid of what sins? What I've processed
    How can I redeem sins?"
    God is looking for a reason and an excuse to forgive his servants. Therefore, the sinner
    He has offered so many forgiveness packages and alternatives to forgive his servants that it is not inconceupable for man to read these packages, alternatives and live with piles of sin.
    When you examine these packages, you will see that the devil is nothing. The only reason he defeated us is because we did not cling to the ways in which we forgave sins in the cause of their sins, and we did not know. Here's a forgiveness package that redeems you 2,500 sins a day. Let's review the package together:
    Hazrat Abdullah b. Amr (r.a.) said: "The Messenger of God said, "Subhanallah" ten times after each prayer, "Alhamdülillâh" ten times, "Allahuekber" ten times on the scales because it gives ten to < Rasûlullah,^, bu on sayısını eliyle gösterdi.) İşte bunlar günde beş vakit namazda söylendiği takdirde yüz elli eder. Allah :> one."
    Second feature: Thirty-three "Subhanallah" thirty-three "Alhamdulillahs" thirty-four "Allahuekber" when you go to bed. This. a hundred on the language, but on the scales. Which one of you committed two thousand and five hundred sins in one night and day? In a vote that continues this comedies only, 75,000 wins 912500 in a year, the sin of 912500 is f.inir. He deletes small sins, and he deletes great sins.
    In order for satan to destroy these two thousand and five hundred deeds, he must sin you a thousand and five hundred. Now you tell me? Is it possible for the deeder to live with the sinner according to the packages of redeeming these sins?
    rraizi. Sünen Dua Hn: 3410; Nesai, Süneni Sağir Hn: 1348; Buhari, Edebül Müfred Hn: and others. Tirmizi: This hadith is the real thing.
    Good Deeds and Sin Tariffs:
    Reward For Good: At least ten good deeds are written in every good deed, and every reward deletes a sin.
    Punishment Of Sin: Every sin is punished with a sin, and every sin deletes a deed.
    Reward Tariff of Repentance: Every sincere repentance deletes a sin, and if it happens with tears, it deletes all sins.
    Repentance's Reward Tariff: Sincere and sincere repentance in accordance with its conditions deletes all sins. Except for the rights of the servants, he will come at the end of the book.
    Let the devil flutter right away. If we were to keep the daily report of sin and good deeds, and to account for them every day, and to make amends for them with little, a little forgiveness, a little repentance, or any kindness, by Allah's leave, satan will never prevail over us. We play with the devil like the cat plays with the mouse. We'll be destroyed.
    I would like to thank burdur Tu Ahmet Kılmç, who has been a great financial and moral support for the publishing of this book. I started writing this book in Vienna and finished it in Bursa.
    God bless all of my teachers. May the graves of the deceased be light, and his place be paradise. Endeavor is from us, and success is from Allah.
    Osman Atak 15.2.2017 Bursa


    Preface 11
    Part One
    The Door to Mercy Salvation from Forgiveness and Sins 15
    What is Forgiveness? 16
    It is the 18th month of the month to make a difference
    Virtues of Abuse 21
    The Devil of Remnance Ruins Kahr u 23
    Forgiveness is the Antidote to Sins 26
    Kulu Protects From God's Punishment 30
    The Second Deed that Will Make Sure of God's Punishment is Zikrullah 35
    Mercy Turns God's Punishment into Mercy 36
    Allah Forgives Those Who Make An Appeal 39
    Repentance Destroys Great Sins 42
    Survives All Kinds of Ongoing Troubles 44
    The Heart of the Invader Is Nured 48
    Forgiveness Inspired 50
    Forgiveness is the Healing of Those Who Can't Stop Sin 54
    Not the Multiming of Kulu Sins, But Repentance and Repentance
    Destroys Absence 59
    Let's Not Be Too Late in Accepting Sins 62
    Forgetting forgiveness Helak Alametidir 65
    Allah's Promise of Forgiveness For Those Who Do Not Repent 66
    How Should I Appeal? 67
    What should I start with? 67
    How Many Times a Day Should I Appeal? 69
    Who was the Most Discerning of People? 72
    Part Two
    Send To Redeem Newly Committed Sins: 75
    1-First Things to Do Immediately After Sin: 76
    1.Resenting Sins by Repenting Immediately 76
    2.To Make It Halal and Redeem if It Is Sin That Has The Right of Worship 78
    3.Redeeming Sins by Immediately Repentance 78
    4.Redeeming Sin Against Family Members 81
    5.Redeeming Your Sin Like Lies and False Oaths 82
    6.Forgave The Oath on behalf of Someone Other Than Allah 84
    7.Redeeming Sins Committed in Chat and Meeting Environment 85
    8.Redeeming Sins of The 8th And So on 87
    9.Forgave Bad Speech After The Past and the Dead... 90
    10.Forgave Eating and Drinking Something Haram 93
    11.Manslaughter, Wounding Vesair Redeem sins 94
    12.Redeeming The Sin of Rebellion to Allah and Parents 95
    2-Immediately A Good Deed 99
    1.Redeeming the Sin of Inviting People to Sin 103
    3-Two Rekats With Prayer Forgiveness 105
    4-Redeeming Sins by Praying with the Congregation 110
    5-To Do All These Counts Within 6/7 Hours at the Latest 114
    6-To Redeem by Following the Last Call for forgiveness of the Sin of the Day.... 116
    7-To Redeem Sins by Starting the Day with a No and Finishing with a No... 118
    Part Three
    Ways to Redeem and Get Rid of All Past Sins
    Is it possible to forgive and get rid of all sins? 120
    We need to be careful when we eat and drink as much as worship 121
    1-Worships That Redeem All Past Days:
    1.To Be Forgiven by Starting the Day Auspiciously and Finishing Auspiciously 123
    2.To Forgive Sins with Ablution ,,,.. 123
    3.Forgiveness by Reading the Quran and Some Surahs 124
    4. To be forgiven by praying even when alone without abandoning the adhan. 125
    5.Redeeming Sins with Five Time Prayers 126
    6. To Be Forgiven for Their Sins by Continuing the Congregation 130
    7. Forgiveness by Filling the Gap Between The Ranks 133
    8.Forgiveness by Saying Amen at Prayer with The Congregation 133
    9.Forgiveness by saying "Rabbena lekel raw" at prayer 134
    10.Getting Rid of Sins with Nafle Prayers 134
    11. To Be Forgiven by Continuing The Bird Prayer 135
    12.Being Forgiven with Friday Prayer 137
    13.Forgiveness by Bringing Salavat to the Prophet 137
    14.To Redeem All Sins by Holding the Ramadan Fast 138
    15.Donating by Praying at Night during Ramadan 139
    16. To Be Forgiven by Evaluating the Night of Almighty 140
    17th Feast of Sacrifice Isfesi To Be Forgiven by Fasting 142
    18.Ashure Day To Be Forgiven by Fasting 142
    19.Being Forgiven by Worship in Half of the Sabbath 142
    20.To Redeem Other Sins by Avoiding Great Sins... 143
    Joker Worship Hajj and Umrah Sweeping Away All Sins
    21.To Be Forgiven by Going on a Pilgrimage 144
    22.To Be Forgiven by Touching Hacer'ul Esved and Rukni Yemani... 147
    23.Forgiveness by Umrah 147
    24.To Be Donated by Entering the Export Masjid Aksa 148
    2-Forgiveness of All Past Sins:
    When The Exception Is Most Virtuous, It's Dawn 149
    1.Forgiveness by Istifar at Dawn 151
    2.Forgiveness in the Ravza of the Prophet 154
    3.Forgiveness of Great Sins 157
    4.Repentance That Forgives The Very Extreme Sinner 160
    5.The 160th Anniversary that Won The Reader Paradise
    Redeeming 700 Sins with 70 Exceptions on Day 6 161
    7.Who Donated Three Readers Before Friday Morning Prayer
    Discernance 162
    8.Forgives the Sins of the Reader on Friday 162
    9.Friday Post-Afternoon Forgiveness 163
    10.Forgiveness by Making An Exception as the Sun Sets 163
    11.70 Years of Sin Forgiven in 70 Years of Abuse in The Evenings 164
    12.Forgives All Sins of the Reader In Bed 164
    13.Forgives the Reader When He Goes to Bed 165
    14.Istiğfar, which forgives the reader as a newborn when he wakes up on the night... 165
    15.Istiğfar Who Forgives the Reader When He Wakes Up in the Morning 166
    16.Forgiveness of Evening and Morning Reader 167
    17.Collective forgiveness 168
    18.Forgiveness by Food Prayer 169
    3-Remembrances and Prayers That Redeem All Past Sins:
    1.Forgave Sins with The Word-i Martyr 170
    2.Remembrance That Forgives The One Who Says While Reading Ezan 171
    3.Morning After Prayer, The Reader Is Forgiven and Remembrance 171
    4.Remembrance That Forgives Sins As Much As Sea Foam 172
    5.Remembrance That Forgives The Reader When Entering the Market 172
    u.Other Remembrances That Forgive Sins:
    A) Ten Slaves Freed and Face And Face
    Sin-Singing Chant 173
    B) Remembrance That Forgives Sins As Much As Sea Foam 1 173
    B) Remembrance That Forgives Sins As Much As Sea Foam 2 174
    C) Zikir 174, Which Won a Thousand Good Deeds and Deleted a Thousand Sins
    D) Remembrance atOne for Sins 175
    E) Remembrance That Sheds Sins As The Wind Sheds Leaves 175
    F) Remembrance That Redeems Forgiveness Even If It's Sinned Again 176
    G) Remembrance That Forgives Sins Committed Day and Night 176
    7.Forgiveness of Sins by Collective Remembrance 177
    8.Prayers That Forgive Sins 179
    4-Behaviors That Redeem All Past Sins:
    1.Being Forgiven by Doing Good to Parents 181
    2.Being Forgiven by Being Merciful to living things 186
    3.Adultery Mercy Donating 187
    4. Redeeming Sins by Catering orphans 189
    5.Forking The Hair of Orphans to Redeem Sins 190
    6.Being Forgiven by Treating Girls, Sister Well 191
    7.Forking Sins by Feeding the Hungry 192
    8.Forgiveness by Giving Alms 192
    9.Forgiveness with Some Behaviors That Replace Charity 194
    10.Charity Replacement Chant 195
    11. Forgiveness by Eliminating Things That Cause Distress to People 196
    12.To be Forgiven by Being Tolerant when Selling While Buying 197
    13. Forgiveness by Breaking the Treaty to Avoid Forthcoming Muslim 197
    14.Forgiving Sins by Saluting 198
    15.Forgiveness with Musafaha (Hands-On) 198
    13.Forgiveness by Ingring the Forgiveness of religious brothers 200
    5-Redeeming Sins by Requesting Forgiveness:
    l.Forgiveness by Appealing to the Right Holder 202
    2.To Be Forgiven by Spite of Salih Kullara 204
    6-Redeeming Sins by Keeping Sin Secrets:
    1.Redeeming By Hiding His Sin 207
    2. Describing His Sins, He Tops The Blessing of Allah's Forgiveness 210
    3.Redeeming Sins by Concealing The Sins of Others 212
    7-Exponentially Redeeming Sins with Disease, Trouble, Scourge, and Troubles:
    1.If Allah Wants No to His Servant, He Will Give The Punishment of His Sin in the World 214
    2.Forgiveness with Trouble scourge and Health Problems 215
    3. Forgiveness with Blind Eyes 221
    4.Patient forgiveness for their dying children 222
    8-Redeeming Sins as a Martyr 224
    9-Forgave Sins by Correcting What I Broke 225
    10-Redeeming Sins related to Kul Rights:
    1 . Information about Kul Rights 227
    2.Redeeming Sins by Being Halal 228
    3. Allah Pays and Forgives the Debts of Those Who Cannot Find The Opportunity to Pay... 230
    4.Debt, and Other Servants Without Doing Anything to Redeem Their Rights
    The dead go bankrupt in the hereafter 232
    11-Forgiveness by Paying for Sins in the World:
    1.Topic Description 234
    2.Forgiveness by Court Order 235
    3. To be embarrassed in public with the revealing of sin
    Status of The Fallen 236
    12-Repentance in the Hereafter, The Situation of Those Who Go Without Deeds 237
    13-Affolunmak in the Hereafter:
    Description on the Subject 238
    Affolans with God's Forgiveness:
    1.Forgiven by God's Unforgiving Forgiveness 239
    2.Those Who Are Forgiven by God's Forgiveness:
    A) Forgiveness of Those Who Have No Deeds Other Than Fear of Allah 243
    B) 245 For which He Donated the Word in Tribute to Shahadet
    C) Donated for Making It Easier to Lend and Buy... 246
    D) 248 Forgiven for Being Lenient in Shopping in His Business
    E) Forgives the One Who Beautifies His Morals 248
    F) By Granting the Reward to the Creditor who has the Right of Use on it
    Forgiveness 249
    2.Affolunans with Intercesses
    1.Intercessal Statement 250
    2.Intercessing will not be intercessed to those who do not believe in intercesses 251
    3.Intercessed by Resplending the Prayer of Ezan 251
    4.Intercesses of Martyrs and Affolunans 254
    5.Intercessing Believers' Intercesses and Affolunans 254
    6. Affolunans with The Intercess of the Believer He Did Good 254
    7.Affolunans with intercess of the Quran 257

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