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  • Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim
    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yasar Kandemir
    Analysis Publications
    Language Turkish
    Number of Pages: 504
    Skin Type: Hardcover
    Paper Type: Book Paper
    Size: 14 x 21 cm
    Where Did We Come From, Where Will We Go? ............................................ ..... 23
    How Did We Come to the World? .............................................. .................. 24
    Why Did We Come To The World? ............................................. ............ 24
    Last prophet ................................................ ............................. 25
    Raindrop / Invitation to the Banquet ............................................. ......... 27
    The Sunnah of the Prophet is Our Way .............................. 29
    Branch to Hold ................................................ ........................ 30
    He Brought Us the Quran and Explained ........................................ ... 32
    Obedience to the Messenger of Allah ........................................... ................... 33
    No Hadise Needed, The Quran For Those Who Say Enough To Us! ................... 35
    Warning to Those Who Ignore Hadiths! ....................................... 36
    Rain Drop / Is it in the Quran? ....................................... ....... 38
    The Commandment of the Prophet is the Crown of Our Heads ............................. 40
    What Happens If We Disobey the Prophet's Commandment? ........................... 42
    We Learned Our Religion From Him ............................................... ............. 43
    Raindrop / Sit down! ............................................. ........................ 44
    We Should Know Our Prophet Well ............................................... ....... 46
    The Value Allah Attaches to the Prophet .................... 46
    Allah Commanded Us to Obey Our Prophet .................... 47
    An Important Question ............................................... .............................. 48
    He is Our Savior ............................................... .............. 49
    We Must Read the Life of the Prophet ................................. 49
    Raindrop / Prophetic Legacy ............................................. .. 51
    We Must Love Our Prophet very much ............................................... ....... 53
    Loving and Counting Him .............................................. ............... 54
    and Acirc; stylish A Companion ............................................ ................................. 56
    Why Should We Love the Prophet? ............................ 57
    Raindrop / Do Not Curse Him ............................................ 59
    We Must Greet Salam to the Prophet ................................. 61
    Azan and Azan Prayer .............................................. ....................... 63
    Prayer to be Read when the Adhan is Heard .............................................. .. 64
    Prayer to be Read when the Adhan is Over .............................................. ........ 64
    Let's Use This Opportunity ............................................... ............ 65
    Raindrop / Azan Who Would Be Disturbed? ........................... 66
    Our Prophet Will Intercessor ............................................... ...... 67
    The Great Intercession ................................................ ................................ 68
    Other Intercessions of the Prophet ............................................ 69
    Who Will Interfere? .............................................. .................. 72
    The Case of Those Who Do Not Believe in Intercession ............................................... ..... 72
    A Strange Understanding ............................................... ........................... 73
    Against this situation............................................... ................... 74
    Raindrop / Child's Prayer ............................................. .......... 75
    We Should Love Companions ............................................. .................... 77
    Why Do We Love Companionships? ........................................... ...... 78
    We Do Not Speak Against the Companion ........................................... 80
    Rain Drop / Companions Like What? .......................... 82
    Principles We will Believe ............................................... ..................... 84
    The Jibril Hadith ................................................ ................................... 84
    Terms of Islam.............................................. .............................. 85
    Terms of Faith ................................................ .............................. 85
    Ihsân ................................................. .............................................. 86
    Two Signs of Doomsday ............................................... .................. 86
    Summary of the Jibril Hadith ............................................... ..................... 88
    Word of Martyrdom and Its Meaning ............................................ ........... 88
    We Must Believe in God ............................................. ........................... 90
    Esmâ-i Hüsnâ .............................................. .................................. 91
    We Should Know Our Lord as follows ............................................. .......... 93
    God Knows Everything .............................................. .......................... 94
    He Hears and Sees Everything ........................................... ................. 94
    He creates everything .............................................. ........................... 94
    He Does What He Wishes ................................................ ............................. 95
    His Power Is All Over ........................................... ............. 96
    Allah Speaks ............................................... ...................... 96
    Raindrop / Will We See Our Lord? ............................... 97
    We Believe in Angels ............................................... ......................... 99
    Each Has a Task ............................................. .............. 99
    Great Angels ................................................ ........................... one hundred
    There Are Jinn ............................................... ............................ 101
    An angel does not enter a house with a raindrop / dog ..................... 102
    We Believe in the Books Sent by our Lord ......................... 104
    Books sent by our Lord ............................................. 104
    The Quran and This Ummah ......................................... ......... 105
    Two Merits of the Prophet ..................................... 106
    Raindrop / The Faithless Man Who Lost Everything ... 107
    We believe in the prophets ............................................... ............. 109
    Main Characteristics of the Prophets .......................................... 109
    Our Prophet is the Most High of the Prophets .................... 110
    Raindrop / Who Does Not Know It? ........................................... 112
    and Acirc; We Believe in the Existence of Hereafter ........................................... ........... 113
    Signs of Doomsday ................................................ .................... 114
    What Will Happen When Doomsday Breaks? ........................................... 115
    The Resurrection and its Aftermath .............................................. ........ 116
    Kevser Pool ................................................ ........................... 117
    What Is Heaven Like? ............................................. ................... 118
    What Is Hell Like? ............................................. ............. 119
    Raindrop / Beauty Bazaar ............................................. ...... 120
    There is Penalty in the Grave ............................................... ............................ 121
    The Interrogation-Suâl in the Grave .............................................. ................... 121
    The Pain in the Grave That Disbelievers Will Suffer .............................. 122
    Does anyone go back and return? ............................................ ................ 123
    Hz. The Faith of Abu Bakr ............................................. ................ 124
    Showing the Existence of Azâb in the grave and Acirc; yetler ........................... 126
    Hadiths Concerning the Penalty of the Grave .............................................. ...... 127
    Final Word on this Subject .............................................. ..................... 129
    Raindrops / Two Sins That Cause Torment in the Grave .... 130
    We Believe in Destiny ............................................... ............................ 131
    Why Did Her Cheeks Get Red Like Pomegranate? .......................................... 132
    Everything is Written in the Lawh-i Mahfuz ................................. 133
    Raindrop / Saving Five Essentials ............................................ 135
    Our Intention Should Be Proper / Defined ............................................. ... 137
    We Must Do Everything for God ............................................. .. 138
    If something is not done for God ............................................. .... 139
    Raindrop / An Exemplary Doomsday Scene .................... 141
    We Should Increase Our Knowledge ................................................ ........................ 143
    How Should We Learn Our Religion? .............................................. ..... 144
    The Beauty of Learning Science ............................................... .......... 145
    Where Should We Learn From? ............................................... ............... 145
    Raindrop / İlmin ve ve Acirc; Limin Value .................................... 147
    We Must Read the Holy Quran ......................................... ................. 149
    We Should Not Drop Our Book ................................... 150
    We Should Try to Understand Our Book ....................................... 151
    What Should We Do When We Read The Holy Quran? ... 151
    We Must Read Hadith-i Sharifs ............................................. ........ 152
    Raindrop / Even the Disbelievers of the Holy Quran ...................... 154
    Ablution and Boy Ablution .............................................. ......................... 157
    Why Do We Make Wudu? .............................................. .............. 157
    The Beauties That Wudu Brings Us .................................. 157
    Our Prophet Will Get To Know Us By Our Wudu ...................... 158
    Must Pray When Beginning and Ending Wudu ........................... 159
    Boy Ablution ................................................ ................................. 160
    So what? .............................................. ........................ 161
    What is tayammum and when is it done? .................................. 162
    How to make tayammum? .............................................. ......... 163
    Raindrop / Wudu Must Take Beautifully ................................ 164
    We Must Pray ................................................ ............................... 165
    Prayer is the Supreme Worship .............................................. .......... 166
    Why Five Times of Prayer? ............................................. ............ 167
    We must perform prayers in a mosque with congregation ................................... 167
    Going to the Mosque and What We Have to Follow ................ 168
    How Should We Start Praying? .............................................. .... 169
    How Should We Be in Prayer? .............................................. ........ 170
    Like the Last Prayer ............................................... ........................... 171
    We Should Pray at the End of Prayer ......................................... 172
    Raindrop / Perform Prayer Like This! ........................................... ... 173
    We Must Perform the Friday Prayer ............................................ 175
    Preparation for the Friday Prayer ............................................... ........ 176
    While Listening to the Sermon ................................................ .......................... 176
    Friday and Salat al-Salam .............................................. .............. 177
    Raindrop / Friday is the Feast of the Believers ................... 178
    We Should Pay Zakat on Our Property ............................................... ....... 180
    What Does a Zakat Giver Cleanse Himself from? ................ 180
    Who Gives Zakat? .................................................. .................... 181
    Who Does Our Religion Consider Rich? ........................................... ....... 181
    What Goods can be given Zakat? ............................................. .. 181
    How Much Zakat Is Given From These? ........................................ 182
    Who Is Zakat Given To? .................................................. ............. 182
    Who Cannot Give Zakat? .............................................. ............. 183
    When Is Zakat Given? ............................................. .............. 183
    What Should We Pay Attention To When Giving Zakat? ............................... 183
    We Should Give Our Fit ................................................ ................... 184
    We must give alms ................................................ ..................... 184
    Raindrop / Goods for which Zakat is not Given ............................... 186
    We should fast ................................................ .................................. 188
    There is No Show in Fasting ............................................... ............... 188
    Ramadan Worship ................................................ ....................... 189
    Iftar and Suhoor ............................................... ............................... 190
    We must fast voluntarily ............................................... .............. 191
    Raindrop / Difference of Fasting ............................................. ......... 193
    We must pilgrimage ................................................. ...................................... 195
    The Beauty of Hajj ................................................ .......................... 196
    Umrah ................................................. ............................................ 197
    Visiting the Prophet's Grave .......................................... 197
    Raindrop / Hajj Makes Forgiveness of Previous Sins ................... 198
    We Must Mention Allah .............................................. ............................ 200
    What Dhikr Should We Say? .............................................. ...... 202
    Raindrop / Healing Dhikr ............................................. ..... 205
    We Should Pray ................................................ ...................................... 207
    What is Dua? ............................................... .................................... 207
    How Should We Start Praying? .......................................... 207
    When Should We Pray? ........................................... 208
    How Should We Pray? .............................................. .................... 209
    We Must Read The Following In Every Prayer .............................. 210
    Raindrop / How to Start Praying? ......................... 212
    We Must Have Good Ethics .............................................. ........... 214
    The Prayer of Good Morality ............................................... ....................... 215
    What Does Good Ethics Bring Us? ............................................ 215
    What is Good Morality? .................................................. .................. 216
    To have devotion ............................................... ................... 216
    What Does Allah Look For In His Servant? ............................................ ............... 217
    Beautiful Muslim ................................................ ........................ 218
    Raindrop / Anyone Precious in the Sight of Allah ....................... 219
    We must be merciful ................................................ ....................... 220
    Mothers and Offspring ............................................... ................... 221
    Let's Have Our Anger ............................................... .............. 221
    Our Lord's Affection for Animals ........................................... 222
    Do You Want To Kill Him Twice? .................................. 223
    Raindrop / Troubled Camel ............................................. ............ 224
    We Must Repent of Our Sins ............................................... ..... 225
    God's Forgiveness Is More Than Our Sins ................................. 226
    Let's not be in despair ................................................ ........ 227
    Sayyidü'l-istigfâr ............................................. ............................ 229
    Let us not belittle our sins ........................................... 230
    Until When Can We Repent? ..................................... 231
    Raindrop / From Forgiving Allah's Servants ..................... 233
    We Should Keep the Middle Way in Every Work ............................................. ........... 235
    Must Avoid Both Ends ............................................... ............... 235
    Excessive Worship Is Not Acceptable ........................................ 236
    A Young Devoted to Worship .............................................. ............ 237
    "Hanzala is a Disputed!" ............................................ ............ 239
    Raindrop / Middle Way in Everything ........................................... 241
    We Must Pursue Halal Sustenance ... * .......................................... ........ 244
    He must earn his sustenance by working ............................................. 245
    Ambition to Earn Much ............................................... .................... 245
    Raindrop / Who Owns the Golds? ................................... 247
    We Must Put Our Trust in Allah ............................................. ................ 249
    Measure First, Then Submission ............................................. ...... 250
    Hz. Moses' Mother .............................................. ................... 251
    The Trust of the Prophet ....................................... 252
    Raindrop / Who Is It Seventy Thousand? .................................. 254
    What Should We Pay Attention to in Eating and Drinking? ....................................... 256
    Enough Sustenance ............................................... ................... 256
    Neglected and Acirc; detler ............................................ ...................... 258
    Not necessarily the Basmala ............................................... ............................. 259
    Must Eat and Drink with the Right Hand .............................................. .................... 260
    Prayer After Eating ............................................... .................. 260
    When to leave the table? ............................................. .261
    These Three Things Should Not Be Forgotten .............................................. ............ 261
    What Should Be Considered While Drinking Water? ....................................... 262
    Raindrop / Believer - Unbeliever Difference ......................................... 263
    What Should Be Considered While Wearing Dresses? ........................................ 265
    Silk Dress, Gold Ring ............................................. ............... 266
    Female - Male Difference .............................................. ........................ 266
    Dress Must Be Plain ............................................... .................. 267
    Raindrop / Trace of Blessing ............................................. ............ 268
    How to Clean the Body? ............................................. ..... 269
    Tooth Cleaning ................................................ ................................. 269
    Mustache and Nail Care .............................................. .............. 270
    Other Organs to be Cleaned ............................................... ..... 270
    Eye Care ................................................ .................................. 271
    When Entering and Exiting the Toilet .............................................. .. 271
    What to Pay Attention to While Ablution? ............................ 272
    Raindrop / Beautiful Appearance ............................................. ... 274
    What Should We Do When We Leave and Return Home? ........................ 275
    What Should We Pay Attention to While Walking? ......................................... 275
    We Should Greet ................................................ ....................... 276
    Who Should Greet Whom .............................................. ........... 277
    Entering the House ................................................ ............................... 278
    Raindrop / A Unique Prayer ............................................ ......... 279
    What Should We Pay Attention To While Talking? .......................................... 281
    The badness of talking too much ............................................... ....... 281
    The Beauty of Silence ................................................ ..................... 282
    A Muslim Does Not Lie! .............................................. ...... 284
    Muslims Won't Backbite! .............................................. ........... 286
    Listening to Backbiting ............................................... .......... 289
    A Muslim Has No Promise! .............................................. ............ 290
    A Muslim Does Not Say Bad Words! ............................................ .. 291
    A Muslim is Not Called "Unbeliever"! ............................................ ...... 293
    Muslim Does Not Say Null Words! ............................................. .... 294
    A Muslim Does Not Praise Anyone Against His Face! ........................... 295
    A Muslim Makes a Joke in Measure ....................................... 296
    A Muslim Does Not Mock Anyone! .................................. 297
    Muslim Must Speak in Measure! ............................................. ... 297
    Must Talk to Everyone Understandably ............................... 298
    Raindrop / 5 Rules ............................................. 300
    What Should We Pay Attention To When Lying To Bed? ............................ 301
    Bed Pray ................................................ ................................. 302
    Waking Up From Sleep ................................................ .................... 303
    When I Wake Up At Night ............................................... ........... 304
    Night Prayer ................................................ ............................... 305
    When I Dream ................................................ ............................. 306
    Raindrop / In Angel's Protection ...................................... 309
    How Should We Treat Each Other? .............................................. .. 311
    Relieving the Distress of the Muslim .......................................... 312
    They should not be offended ................................................ .............. 313
    Must Reconcile ................................................ ............... 313
    Defending Your Brotherhood ............................................... ........... 314
    Covering the Disgrace of the Brotherhood .............................................. . 315
    Getting along with the wicked ............................................... ............... 316
    Holding His Anger ................................................ ......................... 318
    Treating Everyone According to His Level .................................... 318
    Humility Against Brotherhood ........................... 320
    Respecting the Elders ............................................... ...... 322
    Raindrop / Conflict of Two Friends ........................................ 324
    We Must Love Our Religious Brothers ............................................... ........ 326
    Those Who Love Each Other for God .............................................. ........ 326
    Saying You Love ................................................ .................... 327
    Choosing Your Correspondent ...................................... 328
    Loving Your Religion Brother ............................................... ................. 329
    Being Measured in Love ............................................... ................. 330
    Gifting ................................................. ............................. 331
    Keep a secret................................................ ............................... 331
    Showing Loyalty to Your Beloved ............................................... ......... 332
    Raindrop / The Beauty of Love for Allah ................ 333
    What Should Be Considered When Sitting and Standing With People? ............. 334
    When Entering a House Must Request Permission from the Landlord ................... 334
    Things to Do When Interviewing People ....................... 335
    When Leaving an Assembly ............................................... .............. 337
    Raindrop / To Enter ....................................... 339
    Nobody Should Not Spill Facial Water .............................................. .......... 340
    Wing is a Treasure ............................................... .................. 340
    It should be a Giver, not a Receiver ............................................. .............. 341
    Thanking Those Who Do Good .............................................. ..... 342
    Raindrop / Didn't Get Anything From Anyone ................................. 344
    We should be grateful to Allah .............................................. .......................... 346
    How should we be grateful? ............................................... .................... 347
    The Beauty of Gratitude ................................................ ................ 348
    Raindrop / Thanksgiving Kul ............................................. .......... 349
    Guest Must Serve ............................................... ....................... 350
    How to Treat Guests? .............................................. ....... 350
    What Should a Guest Do? .............................................. .................... 351
    It must comply with the invitation ............................................... .............. 352
    Raindrop / God-pleasing Behavior .................... 354
    We Should Observe Neighbors' Rights ............................................... ........... 356
    Shouldn't Disturb the Neighbor ............................................... ... 357
    Choosing the Neighbor to Himself ............................................. 358
    Raindrop / Way to Get Rid of the Bad Neighbor .............. 359
    Good Livelihood of Spouses ............................................... .......................... 361
    Man's Responsibility ................................................ .................. 362
    What kind of lady should you marry? ............................................. ..... 362
    What kind of man should you marry? ............................................. ....... 363
    How to Treat a Man Woman? ..................................... 364
    How should a wife be treated with her husband? ..................................... 364
    Raindrop / Some Advice for Spouses ...................................... 367
    We Should Treat Our Parents Well .......................................... 370
    Evil Son ................................................ ............................. 371
    Parents' Rights Are Not Paid ........................................ 372
    Where is Heaven? ............................................... ............................ 372
    Abu Hurayra and his mother .............................................. ................ 374
    Forms of Respect for Parents ............................................. .. 374
    Raindrop / Mother's Right Not Paid ...................................... 376
    We Should Protect and Take Care of Our Relatives ............................................... 377
    The Case of Those Who Dismiss Their Relatives ........................................... 378
    We Must Protect Our Relatives ............................................ 380
    Raindrop / Watching Relatives.: ........................................ 381
    We Must Command the Good and Avoid Evil ..................... 383
    Fighting Evil ................................................ ................. 384
    What Happens If We Don't Do Our Duty? ............................................ 384
    We Are All On A Ship! .............................................. .............. 385
    Telling the Truth ................................................ ................... 386
    How Should This Task Be Done? ............................................. ......... 387
    Appears to be Right Wrong .............................................. ......... 388
    Raindrop / Bedouin Polluting the Mosque .................................. 390
    We Must Jihad in the Way of Allah .............................................. ......... 392
    The Value of Jihad ................................................ ............................ 393
    The Value of Martyrdom ................................................ ........................... 395
    The Muslim Difference ................................................ ......................... 396
    Raindrop / Umm Harâm's Desire for Jihad .................... 398
    We must be patient with the disease ................................................ .................... 400
    It is necessary to be treated ............................................... .................. 400
    Is Illness a Punishment? .................................................. ....... 400
    Sin Treatment Machine ............................................... ............ 402
    Man with no headache ............................................... .............. 403
    How Disease Clears Sins? 404
    Do Bad People Get Sick? ............................................. ..... 405
    If the Kindness of the Servant Is Insufficient .............................................. .. 407
    Let's not complain ................................................ ..................... 408
    Don't Want to Die! .............................................. .................. 409
    Raindrop / The Suffering of the Prophet ................ 412
    We Must Visit Patients ............................................... ............... 414
    Patient Waits for Visitors ............................................... ................ 415
    Reward of Patient Visit ............................................... ........... 416
    How to Pray to the Patient Visited? ............................ 417
    Raindrop / The Patient Is Also Profitable, The Visitor Also ..................... 420
    Let's Not Be Afraid of Death ................................................ .................... 422
    Everyone Will Taste Death ............................................... ......... 422
    Feeding Hosnizan to Allah ............................................. ........ 423
    Raindrop / The Beautiful Death of the Believer ................................... 426
    We Must Visit the Graves ............................................... .............. 429
    How to Visit the Grave? ............................................. ........ 430
    Raindrop / If You Need A Warning .......................................... 432
    My Rose Muhammad ................................................ .............................. 435
    In the Nursing's House ................................................ ..................... 438
    First Pain ................................................ .......................................... 439
    Journey to Syria ................................................ ......................... 440
    The Youth and Marriage of the Prophet ....................................... 441
    Reconstruction of the Kaaba ............................................. ...... 442
    The Prophetic Period Begins ............................................... .443
    The First Revelation ................................................ ....................................... 443
    First Believers ............................................... ......................... 446
    On the Roads to Medina ................................................ .......................... 447
    Tough times................................................ ..................................... 450
    Hz. Hamza Becomes Muslim ............................................... .. 451
    The Order of Migration is given ............................................... .................... 452
    Hz. Umar becoming a Muslim ............................................. ..... 453
    Boycott................................................. ......................................... 453
    Year of Sorrow ................................................ .................................... 453
    Taif Journey ................................................ ............................. 454
    Oath of Allegiance ................................................ ........................... 455
    Migration to Medina .............................................. ........................... 455
    From the Kaaba to the World .............................................. ................................ 459
    The Battle of Badr ................................................ ............................... 461
    The Uhud Campaign ................................................ ............................... 463
    Trench Campaign ................................................ .......................... 463
    Hudaybiye Agreement ................................................ ................ 464
    Muslims are Getting Stronger ................................................ ........... 466
    An Interesting Event ............................................... ............................... 466
    Conquest of Mecca .............................................. ............................ 467
    Huneyn Campaign ................................................ .......................... 469
    Towards the Farewell Pilgrimage ............................................. ................... 470
    Utilized Resources ................................................ ................... 472
    Footnotes ............................... 477

    Praise be to our Almighty Lord, who honored us with Islam, as many as the number of tree leaves on earth.
    May the blessings of Muhammad, the Prophet Muhammad, whom he sent us as mercy, as many raindrops.
    The world is abroad for us. We did not even want to come to this expat. Our Lord sent us to this pilgrimage to get ready for our afterlife.
    Our Prophet, and then our inheritors, always reminded us of this fact. Since they felt responsible to their religious brothers, they produced various works to teach them about their religion:
    Hanafi jurist Imamzade Muhammed, who lived about 800 years ago, wrote his work called Şir'atü'l-Islam for this purpose.
    Imam Birgivî, who lived about 400 years ago, wrote his et-Tarikatü'l-Muhammediyye and his Will to teach our people to live in Muslims.
    The author of Mızrak-lı İlmihâl, who lived later than them, but had so much destiny and humility that could not even give us his name, wrote his work in a plain language that even children can understand.
    and Acirc, our limbs tried to keep their religious brothers alive both with their works and their conversations in mosques. Our people lived their religion with more enthusiasm thanks to their works.
    Time has chased time. Foreigners who see Islam and Muslims as a threat and danger to them first distorted our language in order to distance us from our religion and deprive us of our spiritual food. When our language got spoiled, we could not understand the books our scholars wrote for us, and therefore we could not learn our religion.
    So what should we do now?
    In order for our people not to experience such troubles again, those who receive religious education should protect them and write works in the form of handbooks in their own fields.
    With this in mind, I have reviewed many books once written by our scholars to teach Muslims their religion. Then I tried to identify today's troubles and needs. I saw that:
    Those who do not dare to speak to the Quran, try to discredit the Prophet and his hadiths and destroy the love of the Prophet in our hearts. E.g:
    They claim that there is no intercession and no penalty in the grave.
    Companions are trying to discredit our masters.
    They find the moral principles that our Lord and our beloved Master taught us out-of-date, and they want to alienate our people from them ...
    Keeping our religion alive is possible by protecting and educating our Muslim people. With this in mind, I tried to write the book in your hand as much as I could in a simple style and conversation style.
    I have transferred some hadiths, some good examples and narratives that I have chosen in relation to each subject, under the title of "Rain Drop", with the idea of ​​leaving good examples in the reader's mind.
    Some readers may think that footnote books are scientific work and may not be interested in them. Essentially, a book must have footnotes to give confidence to the reader. We thought it appropriate to put some 700 footnotes at the end of the book, with the idea that our people can benefit from this book easily.
    We added my previously published book, Gül Muhammedim, to the last part of the work.
    I wish my brothers and sisters, who have read and benefited from this book, to pray for me.
    May my Lord be our muîn.
    Mehmet Yasar Kandemir
    September 2017, Uskudar

    The world is abroad for us. We did not even want to come to this expat. Our Lord sent us to this pilgrimage to get ready for our afterlife.
    Our Prophet, and then our inheritors, always reminded us of this fact. Since they felt responsible to their religious brothers and sisters, they produced various works to teach them about their religion.
    and Acirc, our limbs tried to keep their religious brothers alive both with their works and their conversations in mosques. Our people lived their religion with more enthusiasm thanks to their works.
    With this in mind, I have reviewed many books once written by our scholars to teach Muslims their religion. Then I tried to identify today's troubles and needs.
    Keeping our religion alive is possible by protecting and educating our Muslim people. With this in mind, I tried to write the book in your hand as much as I could in a simple style and conversation style.

    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yasar Kandemir
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