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  • Basic Shafii Ilmihali Siraceddin Önlüer

    Release Date: 03.2018
    ISBN: 9786055455774
    Number of Impressions: Print
    Language Turkish
    Number of Pages: 190
    Skin Type: Hardcover
    Paper Type: Book Paper
    Size: 5 x 21 cm

    Praise be to Allah, who gave us the blessings of Islam with his guidance. For, if He (c.c) had not guided us to the right path, we would not have found the right path by ourselves. The most beautiful and perfect salute and salute of Allah, the best of those who are followed and followed, the most appropriate of all created, the lord of the prophets, Hz. To Muhammad, his dignified family, his dear companions, and those who followed in his footsteps until the clothing.

    Allah sent prophets to people to be happy in the world and in the hereafter, to be in peace and comfort, to unite their volunteers, to live in the brotherhood and to tell them how they will do their servanthood. people, this segment and sect, the most superior in all respects; He informed his servants the best oil and sect through people, but he sent them. Hz. He stated that Muhammad (as) is the Prophet of all the people who will come until the doomsday all over the world.

    Allah informed his beloved prophet, his orders and prohibitions in his great book called the Holy Qur'an, which he sent in twenty years through an angel named Gabriel.

    Since the Holy Qur'an tells about very fine information and sometimes unreasonable gays, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) cried all of this book to his chief (May Allah be pleased with all of them) from beginning to end. Islamic scholars, Hz. They heard the cries made by the Prophet (pbuh) from my Companions, expanded them as everyone can understand, and wrote them in their books.

    These scholars are called Ahl al-Sunnet scholars. According to the explanations of the Holy Qur'an of the Ahl al-Sinnah scholars and also Hz. The religious books written by the Prophet (pbuh) compiled from hadith-i feedback are called catechism books. The catechism means the dim duties required by a mummy every day after his arrival. These are issues that concern every candle closely until it happens.

    This catechism in your hand covers the prayers that every muslim should do and the important issues that will be confronted in daily life. Every Muslim's religion? It is obligatory to have enough knowledge to fulfill his duties and to distinguish between halal and haram, righteous and western. Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) pointed out the importance of learning science and said: "Learning science is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman." 1 For this reason, Muslims should have knowledge on all matters that concern them, and it is a liability for every Muslim to have sufficient knowledge about religion.

    This catechism in your hand deals with the most basic issues of our religion such as creed, cleanliness, ablution, prayer, zakat, orug, pilgrimage, sacrifice, votive and oath, which are necessary for achieving eternal bliss.

    In the copyright and sect of the work, we were based on the views of the afii sect and in the book, we were able to summarize the preferred gbrug and practices without going into controversial issues. While dealing with the subjects, without providing evidence and details; and sect; we have prepared and prepared the most prestigious intellectual books of the afii sect.

    I would like to thank the authorities of Semerkand, who have seen a service to be presented to the reader by printing this work, to our professors who have examined and corrected this work from the bag to the end, and to other brothers who have assisted in a long way.

    In addition, I commemorate our nuts that caused us to grow up in the path of knowledge, and I urge all of us to help Allah in the way of worshiping him.

    Our esteemed readers are to support this service by reading, understanding, practicing and praying. In addition, we would be pleased that our possible mistakes are reported to God without any delay.

    I hope that this victory will be a means of goodness to us and the whole ummet-i Muhammed.

    Guidance and success are from Allah.

    Endless praise and blessings to our Lord Almighty.

    Siraceddin Onluer


    ONSOZ 13

    DiN 17

    ISLAM 17

    Foundation of Islam 18

    people of faith 19

    iMAN 19

    Faith in God 21

    The Subliminal Attributes of Allah 21

    SubutT Aspects of God 23


    The Gorillas of Angels 25



    Number of Prophets 30

    NebT and Rasul 30

    Ulu'l-azm Prophets 31

    Attributes of the Prophets 31

    Miracle 32

    Miracle 32

    istidrag 33

    Faith in the Hereafter 33



    Taxpayer's Deeds 36


    Qegit of Waters 40

    Parts of Water 40

    Symbols of Water 41

    ABDEST 43

    Toilet Manners 44

    Ablution Fards 46

    Wudu and sect; the conditions of 49

    Ablution of the Ozurlu 49

    Sunnets of Wudu 50

    Wudu Prayers 52

    Makruhs of Ablution 54

    Nullifying the ablution and sect; things 55

    It Is Haram to Perform Without Ablution and the Sects 56


    Mesh and sect; conditions 57

    Meshi Bozan & sect; ayler 57

    Meshin Muddeti 57

    Amount Obligatory to Annihilate 58

    Mesh Suitable for Sunnet and sect; attached 58


    Conditions that Require Ghusl 58

    Menu Features 59

    Fards of Ghusl 61

    Sunnets of Ghusl 62

    It Is Haram to Perform While Junup and the Sects 64


    Tayammumu Mubah Kilan Reasons 64

    Tayammum and sect; conditions 64

    The Fards of Tayammum 65

    Sunnets of Tayammum 65

    Teyemmumii Bozan & sect; eyler 66


    Hayiz 66

    Hayzin Muddeti 66

    Nifas (Postpartum) 67

    Nifasin Muddeti 67

    Work and sects that are prohibited to be done in the state of duty and consent 68

    Istihae (Disease) and Oziir Kam 68

    EZAN and KAMET 69

    Athanin Hukmij 71

    Ezan and Kametin and sect; conditions 72

    The conditions of being muezzin and sect; 72

    Azanin Sunnets 72

    Makruh of Azan 73

    Ezana Kar & sect; Making a Buttonhole 74

    Reciting Azan from Salat with Ba and sect; Ka Purposes 75


    Times of Fard Prayers 76

    Time of the Morning Prayer 77

    The Time of Ogle 78

    time of the afternoon prayer 78

    Aq and sect; The Time of Prayer 78

    The Time of the Night Prayer 78

    Times when it is permissible to pray 78

    Namazin Body and sect; conditions 79

    Namazin Sihhat ve sect; conditions 80

    Prayer Ruktinleri (Fards) 80

    Namazi Bozan & sect; Eyler 81

    Prayer Sunnets 83

    Sunnets Performed Before Prayer 84

    Sunnets Made in Prayer 84

    Sunnets After Prayer 89

    Namazin Makruhlari 94

    The Opposition of Ancient Men to Men in Prayer 96

    Namazin Kilim and sect; & sect; attached 97


    Obligatory Nafs 109
    1- Rejected Nafs: 110

    2- Unimpaired Nafs 110

    Vain prayers that do not depend on obligatory duties 110
    Ku & sect; luk Namazi 111

    Tahiyyetu'l-Masjid Namazi 111

    Ablution Prayer 111

    Getting Up and After Freezing the Journey

    Prayer Prayer 111

    Teheccud Namazi 112

    Prayer to the Prophet 112

    Prayer of Hajat 112

    Vitir Namazi 113

    Prayer of Tarawih 113

    The Prayer of the Day 114

    Adaptations and Sunnets of the Eid 116

    Excuse (Rain) Prayer 116

    Gune and sect; Eclipse (Kusuf) Prayer 117

    AyTutulmasi (Husuf) Prayer of Prayer 117

    Fear Prayer (Salatu'l-havf) 118

    Tovbe Namazi 117

    The Prayer of Ihram 119

    Prayer of Evvabin 119

    Prayer of Rosary 119

    The accident of futile prayers 120

    Performing Vain Prayers at Home 120

    SEHiV SECDESi 121

    The Reasons for Bow Prostration 121


    Rukuns of Recitation 122

    The terms of the recitation and sect; 123

    The Structure of Recitation and sect; i 123

    Verses of Prostration 124

    & sect; UKUR SECDESi 125


    The Fard of the Friday Prayer and its Sect; 125

    The Validity of the Friday Prayer and its sect; its conditions 127

    Friday 128

    Pillars of the Sermon 128

    The sermon and the sect; terms 128

    Sunnets of the Sermon 129

    Sunnets of Friday 130

    Friday Gununtin General Manners 130


    Being an imam and sect; terms 131

    To comply with the imam and sect; terms 132

    Order of Preference for the imam 133


    Shortening and sect of prayer 134

    End of the Journey 135

    CEM‘-i TAKDIM and CEM‘-i TEHIR 135

    Cem'-i Takdimin and sect; terms 136

    Cem‘-i TehTrin and sect; conditions 136

    Prayer of a Sick Person 136


    Actions and Options During Death 138

    What should be done to a well-known Muslim 139

    Funeral Washing 139

    Wanted and Sect for Washing the Funeral 140

    Shrouding the Funeral 141

    Funeral Namazm Kilmi ve sect; i 141

    Funeral Namazin Ruins 143

    Funeral Prayer and sect; 144

    Defending the Funeral ....... 144

    Suggestion 144

    Condolence 146

    Visit to the Grave 146

    The Manners of the Tomb Visit 147

    Zakat 148

    Goods Subject to Zakat 149

    Obligation of Zakat and its Sect 149

    The Necessary Nisab Amount for Zakat is 151

    Altin, Gumij and sect; and Money Zakat 151

    Zakat of Animals 152

    Necessary and sect for zakat; terms 152

    Sheep-Kegi Zakat 153

    Zakat of Sigir 154

    Zakat of Camels 154

    Zakat on Agricultural Products 154

    The Nisabi of Agricultural Products 154

    Expenses on Agricultural Products 156

    Feasible Amount 156

    Zakat of Trade Goods 156

    Required and Sect; Requirements for Commercial Goods 156

    Zakat of Mines 157

    Zakat of Hoards 157

    The Edasi of Zakat 158

    Zakati Payment Time 158

    Places of Zakat 159

    Those Who Will Not Be Given Zakat 159


    Amount of Filter 161

    ORUQ 161

    Detection of the Ramadan Rite 162

    Being Necessary of Fasting and Choosing Its Conditions 162

    Whether the fast is valid and its sect; its conditions 162

    163 of the Fasting

    Orugta Intention and sect; terms 163

    Breaking the fast and sect; things 163

    Manners and Sunnets of Fasting 164

    The Makruhs of Fasting 165

    Orug Do Not Keep Mubah Kilan Ozurler 166

    Orug Tutamayana Needed and sect; things 166

    Atonement 167

    Ransom 167


    The Days When Eclipse of Orug Is Makruh 169

    Days With Orug Eclipse Flaram 169

    iTiKAF 170

    itikafin Qegitleri 170

    Itikafin Ruins 171

    Itikafi Bozan and sect; ayler 171

    HAC 171

    No Fard of Hajj and its sect; its conditions 171

    Flaccin Edasin and sect; conditions 172

    Whether Flaccin Is Valid and its Sect; its terms 172

    Rukuns of Hajj 172

    Pilgrimages to Hajj 173

    Hajj Qegitleri 173

    ifrad Hajji 174

    Kiran Hacci 174

    Temettu 'Hajj 174

    iHRAM 174

    ihramin & sect; conditions 175

    The Fiduciary of ihramin 175

    Ihramin Sunnets 175

    Prohibitions of ihram 175

    Not forbidden in ihram and sect; ayler 177

    UMRE 178

    Fards of Umrah 178

    VICTORY 178

    My Victim & Sect; Conditions 179


    NEZiR (ADAK) 181

    Nezrin Qe & sect; itleri 181

    Rukun of the Nezrin 182

    Nezreden Ki & sect; get down & sect; under 182

    Pardoned and sect; sect and sect; conditions 182

    FEED 183

    The Oath of Hiikmu 183

    Yemin Qe & sect; itleri 183

    Olu ve sect; um and sect; conditions of the oath 184

    Parts of the Oath 184

    Atonement for the Oath 185

    Bibliography 187

    istinca and istibra 43


    Istincanm Sunnets 44
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