
Envârü'l - Aşıkîn - Light of the Lovers of God-1706

Bedir Yayınevi
Product Code : 9789758514069
Envârü'l - ‘Aşıkîn - Light of the Love of the Right
295.00 TL
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  • Yazıcıoğlu Ahmed Bîcan
    Envârü'l - ‘Aşıkîn
    Light of the Love of the Right

    Bedir Publishing House

    Prepared for Printing by Simplifying: DR. ARSLAN TEKİN - MELEK TEKİN
    Release Date 1983-12-30
    ISBN 9758514069
    Number of Impressions 1st Edition
    Language Turkish
    Number of Pages 592
    Skin Type Bound
    Paper Type 3. Pulp Paper
    Size 16 x 24 cm

    In Envarül Aşıkın, religious and moral issues are explained in a very sweet language and style.


    After fulfilling their duty of basmala, praise, and salvele ... As you know, the most beneficial works for a wide range of people are the books of irşad, wasâya (advice), Sufism and ethics. It is described with a lively tahkiye that makes you cry and sometimes cry. These are such books that have kept the faith and Islamic enthusiasm of our people fit for centuries and have been instrumental in the eternal happiness and well-being of billions of people.

    Those who followed the publications of Bedir Publishing realized that our institution gave the weight of publications to such books. Ihyâü Ulû-mi'ddin ve Kimyâ-yı Saadet of Imam Ghazali, Tenbihül-Gafilin and Büstanü'l-Ârifîn of Ebl-Leys Semerkandi, El-Uhûdu 1-Kübrâ of İmam Şârâni are precious ; These are some of the Islamic guidance and advice books.

    A number of bid'atists and people who were surprised by the compass in our time despise and despise such books and aspire to some fildr snobbery. In their eyes, every Muslim should educate himself by reading modern or contemporary (!) Books bearing titles like these, "The Morphology of the Islamic Economy ... Mujahideen in Five Lessons from Seven to Seventy ... Legends of Ruhullah (!) Khomeini's Struggle with American Imperialism." .. Islam, Capitalism, Socialism, Syndicalism, Fascism, Fascism ... Conical Section of the Analysis Synthesis of the Structure of Islam ... "

    These snobs who deviated from the Ahl al-Sunnah and whose heads are smoky by reading these books in which true and false information, useful and harmful opinions, as if healthy and rotten apples are randomly stuffed into a bucket, do not like guidance books such as "Envâ-rü'l-Aşıkin". They find the avâmi. However, this Envâru 1-Aşıkin in your hand has enlightened Turkish-speaking Muslims for five centuries and taught them the sweetness of faith, the pleasure of worship, the necessity of the fear of Allah, the necessity of the love of the Prophet, and it is a very useful, very blessed, very sainted work. Since it was written for the people, a wide coverage has been given to the old stories, legends of the great, the blessings of Paradise, the torment and the glories of Hell. The work is generally a collection of information compiled from the Qur'anic verses of the Qur'an, the hadiths of the Prophet, the "works of the Salaf-i Sâlih", and the exemplary behaviors of Rabbani scholars and perfect murshid. It is not permissible to use religious and fiqh judgments from weak hadiths, but they are allowed to be used in the field of tahzib-i ethics and preaching to the public. There are already strong verses and powerful hadiths that threaten those who do not make them.

    The decree is like this for the stories and cases of the ancient tribes that are mentioned without reference, if they are beneficial for the people. As long as they do not have opponents to the Book, Sunnah, ijma, religion and sharia.

    This book in your hand has served faith, Islam, the Qur'an, Sharia, the Sunnah, and the path of radiant people of sunnah for a long time, more than five centuries. This book calls people to obey and surrender to God Almighty. The author of this book is a person from the Ahlullah. Those who read this book turn to the good, the beautiful and the right. This book is the enemy of blasphemy, shirk, devil, self-righteousness, curvature, ugliness, and evil. For these reasons, this book has been read for centuries. And after that it will come to its arrow. Although Bid’s dandies do not like it ...

    As Bedir Publishing House, we are in the joy and happiness of presenting such a "misbahi münir" (a luminous lantern) to our religious brothers. Due to the anarchy of our culture and despite all our efforts, this word of Envârü'l-Aşıkin has been overlooked. and if we have defects, we request them to be forgiven to our good faith and to be kindly notified to us for correction in subsequent editions. On this occasion, we commemorate the author Yazıcıoğlu Ahmed Bican with mercy. We wish peace and happiness from God Almighty to all ummah Muhammad in two worlds. Tevfik and success are only from Allah.
    BEDİR PUBLISHER (1403 -1983)

    Envârül'-Aşıkîn is a blessed and fortunate work that has been read with great pleasure and enthusiasm by the Muslim Turkish people since the 15th century when it was written. Both Yazıcıoğlu Ahmed Bîcan's “Envârü'l-Aşıkîn” and his brother Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed's book “Muhammediye” were constantly read, memorized by Anatolian and Rumelia Turks, and even many places of Muhammadiye, mawlid. It was composed like.

    The first reason why Envârü'l-Aşıkîn is loved and loved so much is that religious and moral issues are explained in a very sweet language and style.

    While preparing Envârü'l-Âşıkîn to translate in today's Turkish, its already plain language has not been touched much, its sentence structures and orthographic features have been preserved as much as possible, only the grammatical rules, the root in the Old Anatolian Turkish, which is no longer used in today's Turkish, The idioms and terms have been translated into today's Turkish. However, the parts of Hamd ü Sena and Sebeb-i Te'lifi Kitab were left unchanged.

    While giving the translations of the verses in the work, the work of the late Haşan Basrî Çantay named "The Holy Quran and Meâli Kerim" was used.

    In order not to distract the reader and not to interrupt the integrity of the subject with frequent encyclopedic information, footnotes were avoided as much as possible, only indispensable explanations were made.

    The Envârü'l-Aşıkîn text we are working on is the Bulak (Egypt) edition dated 1300/1882.

    While preparing this book, the blame and responsibility of working on a religious book made us obliged to examine all previous studies on the work. The works of Mehmed Figânî (M. Faruk Gürtünca), H. Mahmud Serdaroğlu A. Lütfi Aydın, Ahmed Kahraman and Haşan Ege are some of them.

    While this book was being prepared, we sometimes hesitate, with one of the oldest known copies of Envârü'l-Aşıkîn registered in Tercüman Gazetesi Libraries (Y364) and in Süleymaniye Library (Manuscript donations 2033 and writing donations 2033 and 1593). Ha-sib Efendi 211), the manuscript copies (Date of copying: H. 938 / 1531-1532, H. 1026/1617) were used, and applications were also made to the Istanbul editions dated 1267/1850 and 1275/1858. has been.

    In addition to Envârü'l-Aşıkîn's text, we felt the necessity to examine the author's life in a wider context. For this reason, we have given the information we can gather about the family, personality and influences of Yazıcıoğulları by selecting and sorting out the information that often falls into disagreement with each other, by mentioning the name of the work and the author, in a separate section before the text of the work.

    At the end of the book, under the title of "Names and Terms", brief information is given about place names, personalities, religious and mystical terms in the work. In addition, the sources consulted during the preparation of the book are shown in the Bibliography section.

    During our work, we take refuge in the knowledge of the experts and ask us to notify us of the necessary corrections so that we can correct them in the following editions.

    Arslan TEKİN - Melek TEKİN Istanbul 1982

    Presenting the work
    About the work
    Yazıcıoğlu Ahmed Bîcan and family
    Ahl al-Sunnah Path
    The order and order of assets
    Arrangement of assets
    What is said about the earth, names and creatures
    What is said about the heavens and their contents
    Explanation of the words revealed by Allah
    The words of Allah to the prophets
    Blowing a soul to Adam (as)
    The repentance of Adam (a.s.)
    The explanation of God's taking the word of people
    The deaths of Adam (AS) and Eve (AS)
    The Prophethood of Seth (as)
    Idris' prophecy
    Noah's prophecy
    The prophecy of Hud (a.s.)
    The prophecy of Salih (as)
    The prophecy of Abraham (as)
    Making Ka'be
    The death of Abraham (a.s)
    Ismail's prophecy
    The prophecy of Isaac (as)
    Prophecies of Yakub (as) and Yusuf (as)
    The deaths of Yakub and Yusuf (as)
    Eyyub (a.s.) 'S mention
    The prophecy of Shuayb (as)
    The prophecy of Musa, the son of Misha
    Prophecies of Moses (AS) and Aaron (AS)
    The descent of the Torah and Moses' desire to see God
    Written in the Torah
    The prophecy of Isaiah 'bin Nûn (as)
    The prophecy of Hazkil, son of Nuri
    God's advice to His servants
    The prophecy of Ilyas (as)
    The prophecy of Dawud (as)
    The argument of Dawud (as)
    Revelations of Allah to Dawud (as)
    Encouragement of Dâvud (as)
    The death of Dawud (as) The prophethood of Solomon (as)
    Conducting the Beyt-i Makdis
    Belkıs Short
    The prophecy of Lokman (as)
    The Zûlkarneyn story
    Prophecies of She (AS) and Ermiya (AS)
    The prophecy of Üzeyr (a.s.) m
    The prophecy of Yunus, son of Metta
    The prophecies of Zechariah (AS) and Yahya (AS)
    The deaths of Zechariah (as) and Yahya (as)
    The prophecy of Jesus (as)
    Attributes of the bible
    Table descend from heaven
    Jesus' ascension to the sky
    Order of the prophets
    The prophecy of Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh)
    Descent of the Holy Quran
    Seeing by Allah (swt) of the Prophet
    Secrets of revelation
    Holy words
    Divine Hadiths
    The Migration of the Prophet (pbuh) from Mecca to Medina
    The arrival of the Prophet (pbuh) in Madinah
    The Jihad of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
    Battle of Badr
    Uhûd gas
    Conquest of Mecca
    The story of Huneyn
    The death of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)
    The virtues of the Companions and the death of Fatimatu'z Zehra (r.anha)
    The death of Abu Bakr (r.a)
    The death of Hazret-i Ömer (r.a)
    The death of Osman (r.a)
    Ali's (r.a) death
    The deaths of Hasan and Hüseyin (r.anhum)
    The words God revealed to the angels
    Various matters
    Death angel
    Seat of spirits

    Addresses of Allah on the Day of Judgment
    Different beliefs
    Actual provisions
    Night of Power
    The virtues of science
    The virtues of the scholars
    Emrbi'l-Ma'rûf ve Nehy ani'l-münker (commanding good and prohibiting evil)
    The virtue of poverty
    Grave and the dead
    Signs of apocalypse
    Dajjal's exit
    Jesus (as) descending from heaven to the ground
    Dabbetü'l-Arz'm output
    The Sun Rising from the West
    Closing the door of repentance
    Blowing the sur
    The change of the earth and the heavens
    Doom stops
    Big fear
    Bring Hell in Judgment
    Intercession in the Judgment
    The Intercession of the Prophet
    They will enter Paradise without calculation Book (deed book)
    Trial balance
    Hostilities and courts
    Other strange deeds on the day of judgment
    The conversation of Allah with the angels
    Hell and its degrees
    They will go into the fire
    States of heaven
    The words of Allah in the Supreme position
    Enter heaven
    In raf'raf
    Seeing Allah the Exalted
    The places of Hülefâ-i Râşidin in Paradise
    The situation of those who committed great and minor sins
    Wisdom of fire
    Strangling death
    Tbâ Tree
    Heaven rivers
    The ranks and supreme values ​​of the people of Paradise
    The blessings of the people of heaven
    End of the book
    The history of the book
    Names and Definitions
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