
Annotated Woman's Ilmihali - November Yayla - Merve Publications-1430

Merve Yayınları
Product Code : 9789758524174
It is the Book of Catechism that is the subject of the Provisions of Special Cases of Women in Details
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    Cover: Hardcover
    Paper Type: Book Paper
    Size: Normal
    Number of Pages: 496
    Edition: 2006
    Size: 17x245 cm
    Almighty Allah (swt) sent the religion of Islam to humanity as the last and most perfect religion. Just as there is no color, language, race or tribe discrimination in our religion, there is no gender discrimination. Allah (swt); "I have created jinn and people only so that they may worship me," he says. Fulfilling the obligations of servitude means to act according to the orders and prohibitions of Allah (swt) everywhere and under all conditions.
    One of the most important stages of human life in servitude to Allah (swt) is marriage. Our religion attached great importance to marriage. A happy marriage will cause people to spend their days in peace and happiness in the world and hereafter. Therefore, a peaceful marriage is the basis of the two world happiness.
    "Whether a man or a woman, whoever does righteous deeds as a believer, We will certainly give him a very good life and reward him with the better deeds he is doing." (Nahl, 16/97)
    For this reason, the institution of marriage is an issue that protects the woman in our religion and gives her the value and respect she deserves, legitimized by Allah (swt) and commanded to Muslims.
    One of the most important issues of today's people is marriage. Establishing a family, getting married, raising children, and achieving peace and happiness in the family is one of the first issues that societies deal with. Scientists, philosophers, and prominent people of every society constantly pondered the solution of this issue.
    If family relationships are not organized in a balanced and fair way, and if disorder occurs in this regard, people will suffer for a long time.
    Unless the nature of men and women and the purpose of creation are examined thoroughly and thoroughly, it is not possible to understand, let alone solved, its essence. For, man is a small sample of a huge and enormous universe with his body structure and composition, interests and abilities, strength and abilities, desires and needs, attractiveness and passions, and the necessity of being in constant contact with his own outer and countless elements in note. So, if man cannot grasp the truth and nature of his own existence correctly, he cannot, of course, establish his relations with his fellows and the outside world in a balanced and fair manner; can not handle the problems.
    Despite all these scientific discoveries and inventions, it is clearly understood that they are incapable of grasping the truth and nature of human beings, and therefore, they cannot regulate the relationship of human beings with their fellows and other beings in a balanced and fair manner. Wrecks themselves have begun to admit this fact.
    The woman, who caused the continuation of humanity because of being a wife and mother, was on the one hand turned into a slave and a servant, bought and sold like a worthless item, deprived of all rights and laws, turned into a living example of sin and disgrace, and human dignity was violated. On the other hand, the same woman was so magnified and exalted that all kinds of disgrace, irregularities and immoralities were exposed because of her; female sexual desires, animal! it is made an instrument for desires. In both cases, the woman was humiliated, despised, used and abused.
    When the age of progress begins in the West, we witness that some movements emerged on the pretext that women were equal with men and therefore should have the same rights, and as a result, the idea of ​​women and men to enter the business life in 1 marrow was advocated. Of course this was not the main purpose; This was another way of being used and abused. Finally, the claims of women's liberty and feminism shook the family establishment that formed the foundation of society. Free fall and rise of men and women; the abominable manifestations of prostitution, animal! It caused the spread of all kinds of desires in society and the disappearance of moral values.
    It is common knowledge that the bright, colorful, flamboyant, ornate, free and animalistic lives of European and Western societies dazzle Muslim societies. Muslims, who grew up far from their own religious and moral values ​​and blindly imitated the West, were attracted by this misleading and dazzling luminosity.
    From the beginning of this century, material and spiritual immorality, shamelessness and nudity spread everywhere in the Muslim world as well as in the West; it virtually eliminated religious and national traditions. As a result, generations of Western admirers and imitators grew up in Muslim societies, hostile to their own culture and values. They started to advocate for Muslim women to be like Western women and put forward some studies in this direction.
    To prevent the Islamic awakening seen in the world in recent years. Circles across the Islamic world brought the issue of "the place, position and rights of women in Islam" as one of the tools used in the field of ideas and propaganda.
    Some Eastern and Western writers, who thought this subject as the weakness and weakness of Islam, distorted the issue as much as possible and presented it to the people of the age.
    It is the religion of many people in Muslim countries who play their pen and express their opinions in the media and print media! Every day, you see how they judge them despite their lack of knowledge and not the slightest opinion on this matter, and that the easiest subject for some pen owners is religious issues. Many writers are able to reveal their personal ideas without hesitation as if it was the order of our religion.
    According to these views, a Muslim woman; He is a creature who is oppressed, pushed and pushed, has no rights and freedoms, receives only half of the inheritance he has the right, has a prisoner behind a cover and a cage, and has a long hair and a short mind. Again, according to their superstitions, the only reason why women fall into this bad situation is the religion of Islam.
    Many valuable scholars of the Islamic world warned Muslims by writing books and articles against these claims. They revealed the true position, value, rights and freedoms of women in Islam.
    For the same purpose, we tried to reveal the issue with all its aspects and evidences by trying to review the books written by both Muslims and Batiks as far as we can.
    If we can be of some benefit to Muslims, the happiness of this is enough for us. Although we made our best efforts, of course we had some shortcomings and mistakes.
    We ask Allah (swt) to forgive our mistakes and sins. Effort is from us, tawfiq from Allah (swt).

    Preface 5
    The Importance and Virtue of Fiqh 10
    Human Creation Purpose and Wisdom 10
    "Who is your lord?" Question 11
    Allah (swt) and Acirc; Will Ask 12
    The Creation of Man. 13
    Woman Before Islam 15
    Woman in Ancient Iran 15
    Woman in Babylon 16
    Woman in Ancient China 16
    Jewish Woman 16
    Woman in Ancient India 16
    Woman in Ancient Greek Civilization 17
    Woman in Roman Civilization 19
    Women in Christianity and Christian Europe 21
    Woman in Pre-Islamic Arabia 23
    Woman in Western Civilization 23
    Equality of Men and Women 24
    Economic Independence of Women 27
    Free Relationship Between Men and Women 28
    Family in Islam 31
    Women's Rights in Islam 33
    Being Soft-Spoken and Soft Towards Women 33
    No Violence Against Women 34
    Women Should Not Torture Their Husbands 35
    Prohibition of Killing Women and Children in Islam 35
    Women and Science 35
    Two Stages of Education Should Be Followed 35
    Hz. Lessons Mulıammed Devoted to Women 36
    The Foundation of Happiness is the Family Home 37
    Conditions to be sought in a woman to be married 43
    Conditions to be Required for a Man to be Married 47
    Issues in which the Obligations of Men and Women are Different 52
    Heritage 52
    Testimony 53
    Some Major Sins We Encounter in Daily Life 54
    Duties of Mother and Father 57
    Ensuring a Good Marriage for Your Children 57
    Helping with Setting Up a Home 60
    Man's Duties in the Family 61
    Duties of Women in the Family 81
    Duties of Children to Their Parents 90
    Duties to Relatives and Neighbors 94
    The Importance of Child Dressage 101
    Stages of Child Upbringing 102
    Child Dressage During Pregnancy 102
    Child upbringing after birth 103
    First Food 103
    Reading Azan in the Ear of a Child 105
    Sacrifice for a Child 105
    Dressage After Milk Circuit 106
    Useful Behaviors in Child Dressage 109
    Parents Moving Together 112
    Negative Factors in Child Discipline 112
    Bad Environment 112
    Indiscipline 113
    The Virtue of Raising Girls 114
    What is Marriage? 115
    Encouragement to Marriage 115
    Getting along is the goal, if divorce is the last resort 117
    Before Marriage Contract 117
    Engagement 118
    Marriage License 118
    Marriage Rise - Adolescence 119
    Custody in Marriage 119
    Guardian's Right to Algebra 120
    Equivalence Between Parties 120
    Those whose marriage is unlawful (Muharramât) 121
    Marriage Permanently Haram 121
    Men Elaram Due to Blood Ties 121
    Differences of religion 123
    Woman Divorced by Three Talks 123
    Getting Married More Than Four 124
    Married With Another Person 124
    Unfinished Woman 124
    Woman, Sister, Aunt or Mahram
    Having a Marriage with Someone 124
    Marriage Contract 124
    Marriage Contractual Validity Conditions 125
    Conditional Marriage 125
    Claims 125
    Custodial Conditions 126
    Types of Marriage in Terms of Reliability 126
    Sahih Marriage 126
    Debts of Husband to Wife 126
    Debts of Women to Her Husband 127
    Reasons Concerning Both Husband and Wife 129
    Fasit Marriage 129
    Superstition 130
    Mevkuf and Gayr-i Lazım Marriage 130
    Sahih Halvet 130
    Marriage to Mut 131
    The Consequences of Authentic Marriage 132
    City 132
    Owner and Payment Time 132
    Mehr-i Misil 132
    Mehr-i Müsemma 133
    Alimony 133
    Conditions and Fall of Child Support 134
    Public Affairs 134
    The Nature of the Place where the Private Room will be Valid 135
    Is Marriage Held When A Bride Is A Girl? 135
    Decorating for Her Husband in the Women's Home is a Merit 135
    Conditions of Decoration 136
    Plastic Surgery 136
    How to Manage Husband and Wife from Different Sects? 137
    Marriage Refresh 137
    Leaving Her Home Without Her Husband 138
    How and For What? , 138
    The Way of Punishing the Rebellious and Serkeş Woman 139
    By beating; In Which Conditions He Can Beat a Male Lady 140
    Characteristics of Saliha Hanimlan 141
    Women of Heaven and Hell 142
    Women's Avoidance of Men 143
    Woman's Respect for Man's Invitations in Bed 143
    Shaking Hands and Kissing with Women 143
    A Journey with An Anyone's Wife or His Sister's Wife
    Can I Do It or Stay Alone? 144
    Where are the Places of Jewelry that a Woman Can Show to Her Privacy? 144
    The following are the privacy of women 144
    Divorce (Talaq) 145

    What is Talaq? 145
    Differences Between Talâk and Termination 145
    The Place of Divorce in Religion 146
    The Wisdom of Allowing Divorce 146
    Divorce License 148
    Difficult and Threatened Divorce 148
    Drunk Divorce 148
    Divorce In Anger And Anger 149
    Death of the Patient (Patient on Death Bed) 149
    Joke 149
    Types of Divorce 149
    150 to Muhâla
    Judge's Termination of Marriage Bonds 151
    Illness and Defect 151
    Cutting Alimony 152
    Misconduct and Incompatibility 152
    Results of Termination of Marriage 153
    Termination of Marriage 153
    Results of Alternating Divorce 153
    The Consequences of Irreversible Divorce 154
    Hülle and Analysis 154
    Customs 155
    Reason and Wisdom of Iddah 155
    Circumstances that Require Duties 155
    Mourning 157
    Chapter 8
    Neseb 159
    Meaning of Genealogy 159
    Nesebin Subutu 159
    Results of the Subutine of the Object 160
    Care and Discipline of the Child (Hidâne) 160
    Hidâne License 160
    Right to Residence 161
    Duration of Hidâne 162
    Breastfeeding (Radâ) 162
    Breastfeeding Obligation162
    Alimony 163
    Heritage 163
    Sources of Heritage 163
    Heritage Distribution 164
    Psychological Veiling and Nudity 167
    Indifference in Clothing Leads to Sexual Indifference 167
    Psychology of Open Woman and Hijab Woman 169
    The Importance of the Environment in Woman's Desire for Beauty 170
    Dress Reflects Human Personality 171
    Psychological Consequences of Obscenity 172
    The Unseen The Way 173
    Economic and Social Crisis in Beauty 174
    Contrary to the Faith System 175
    The Consequences of Sexual Liberation 176
    Sociological Veiling and Nudity 177
    The Link Between Clothing and Culture 177
    Western Style Clothing in Our Times 178
    Relationship between Islamic Covering and Islamic Culture 179
    Changing Clothes Brings Culture Change 180
    Veiling and Nudity in Education 180
    Falling Student Headache 181
    Increasing Sexual Crimes With Mixed Education 182
    Economics of Veiling and Nudity 182
    Abuse of Women in the Capitalist System 182
    Marketing and Product Promotion 185
    Cinema and Television. , 186
    The Prostitution Industry Whipping its Nudity 188
    Nudity and the Consequences of Sexual Liberation 189
    Is Nudity Necessary for Modernity? 189
    Western Society Becoming a Prisoner of Lust 190
    Social Decline as a Result of Sexual Liberation 191
    Prostitution Climbing 192
    The Future of the Family in Mixed Life 193
    The End of Obscenity The Moral Collapse 194
    Attire of Westernization in Turkey 194
    Dress Reforms in the Ottoman World 194
    Dress Reforms in the Republic Period 196
    CHAPTER 10
    ISL and Acirc; COVERING IN M 199
    The Provisions Based on Hijab 199
    Asking Permission 201
    Covering a Woman Next to Her Privacy 203
    The Principles of Curfew 204
    Meeting Women and Men 204
    Cover Required Properties 207
    Purposes of Hijab 209
    Benefits of Hijab 211
    Hijab and Freedom 217
    Muslims Far From Hijab 218
    The Target of Hijab is Forgotten 218
    Disappears Embarrassment 219
    Chapter 11
    SEXUAL LIFE, 221
    Prostitution in the View of Islam 221
    Immorality and Prostitution 223
    Relationship Between Spouses 227
    Prohibited Sexual Intercourse 227
    Adultery 227
    Affectionate 229
    Livata (Homosexuality) 230
    CHAPTER 12
    The Veiling Problem 233
    Duties of Women and Problems of Working Women 234
    Political Rights of Women 236
    CHAPTER 13
    Marriage With Multiple Women 239
    Individual necessities of multiple marriage 240
    Multiple marriage is a moral and human system 245
    About Taaddüt-i Zevcat and Talâk
    CHAPTER 14
    The Rule of Contraception 257
    Legitimate Reasons for Contraception 257
    Various Aspects of Contraception 258
    Economic Independence of Women 259
    The Results of Contraception 260
    Prostitution and Contagious Diseases as a Result of Birth Control 262
    Reaction to Birth Control 265
    Harms of Birth Control 266
    Social Effects 268
    Effects on Morality 269
    Using a spiral and its rule 270
    Abortion and Related Provisions 271
    Verbs that Cause the Fetal to Leave from the Womb 272
    Spiritual Causes 272
    Drug Given to Women for Fetal Lowering 274
    Verses About Abortion 274
    Hadiths Concerning Abortion 275
    If Mother Dies After Dropping Child 275
    Who Is Given The Diet Required For Fetal Abortion? 276
    CHAPTER 15
    Faith and Islam and Acirc; M 277
    What is Faith? 277
    Faith in Completion and Explanation 278
    Islam 278
    People of Faith 279
    Terms of Faith ^ (Principles) 280
    Faith in Allah (swt) 281
    Self-Attributes of Allah (swt) 281
    Subutî Attributes of Allah (swt) 282
    Faith in the Angels 283
    Great Angels and # Missions 284
    Faith in the Prophets 285
    Who Is the Prophet Called? 285
    Number of Prophets 286
    Attributes of the Prophets 287
    Miracle. . . . 287
    Faith in Books 289
    What is the Divine Book? 289
    Features of the Quran 291
    Faith in the Hereafter 291
    The Hereafter 291
    Doomsday 292
    Signs of the Apocalypse _ 292
    Accident and Faith in Destiny 295
    CHAPTER 16
    Life of our Prophet (saas) 297
    Arabia before Islam 297
    The Birth of our Prophet (saas) 297
    Childhood and Youth 298
    Participation in the Ficar Wars 299
    Joining Hilfu'l-fudul 299
    Marriage 299
    Prophethood 300
    Invitation to Islam and the First Muslims 301
    The Persecution of the Polytheists 302
    Hijrah to Abyssinia 302
    Reasons of Mecca's Hostility 303
    Complaints of the polytheists to Abu Talib 303
    Hz. Umar (ra) becoming a Muslim 304
    Taif Journey 305
    Aqaba Baaths 306
    Isra and the Miraculous Miracle 307
    308 Hijrah
    The Migration of our Prophet (saas) 308
    Welcomed in Medina 309
    Ansar-Immigrant Brotherhood 309
    Construction of the Masjid an-Nabawi 310
    Madina Era 310
    Battle of Badr 310
    Battle of Uhud 311
    Me Rare raid 312
    Trench war 312
    Me Kurayza Expedition 313
    Hudaybiye treaty 313
    Conquest of Khaybar 314
    Battle of Mûte 315
    Conquest of Mecca 316
    Battle of Hunayn 317
    Battle of evtas 317
    Tabuk expedition 317
    Vedâ Hajj 317
    Farewell Sermon 318
    Hz. The last time the Prophet (saas) prepared 320
    The death of our Prophet (saas) 320
    CHAPTER 17
    The Prophet's (saas) Marriage with More Than Four Women 321
    The Prophet's (pbuh) Marriage and Wisdom 324
    Hz. Marrying Hatice (r.anh) 325
    Hz. Marriage with Shevda (r.anh) 328
    Hz. Marrying Aisha (r.anh) 329
    Hz. Hafsa (r.anh) 332
    Hz. Marrying Umm Salama (r.anh) 333
    Hz. Marrying Umm Habiba (r.anh) 336
    Hz. Marrying Zaynab (r.anh) 337
    Hz. Marrying Zeyneb bint Huzeyme (r.anh) 343
    Hz. Marriage with Juvirya bint al-haris (r.anh) 343
    Hz. Marrying Safiyya bint huyey (r.anh) 344
    Hz. Marrying Maimonides (r.anh) 345
    Hz. Prophet (saas) Among His Wives
    How Did He Get Justice? 346
    Spending the night with his wives 346
    Attitude in their travels 346
    Getting permission from his wife when necessary 346
    CHAPTER 18
    CHAPTER 19
    Types of Bidet 357
    Istinca 357
    Istinca and Etiquette 357
    Adâb about the Places where Hajj will be Performed 358
    CHAPTER 20
    ABDEST 361
    Fards of Ablution 361
    Sunnah of Ablution 362
    Wudu Manners 362
    Ablution Makruhlan 363
    Things That Do Not Prevent Wudu '363
    Things That Nullify Wudu 363
    Things That Do Not Break Wudu 364
    Mesh on Mest 365
    Surah An-Meshin 365
    Dressing and Mesh on Wound 365
    The Disruptors 366
    Some Issues Related to Women Related to Wudu 366
    CHAPTER 21
    Ghusl and Circumstances Requiring Ghusl 369
    Parts of the Ghusl 370
    Fards of Ghusl 371
    Sunnah of Ghusl 372
    Things That Are Unlawful to Those Who Have Fard 372
    Those Who Are Fard to Make Ghusl 373
    Things that Block the Gusle (Nail polish, paint, mud, etc.) 373
    Filling and Coating with Gusül 374
    CHAPTER 22
    TEYEMMÜM 375
    Fards of Tayammum 375
    Sunnah of Tayammum 375
    Terms of Tayammum 376
    Situations That Make Tayammum Permissible and Not 378
    The Things That Ruined My Tayammum 379
    CHAPTER 23
    FOR WOMEN 381
    Hayiz 381
    Age of Puberty 381
    Period of Menstruation 381
    Nias 383
    Time of Passage and Issues Related to Admission 383
    Prohibited Things for Women with Menstruation and Nifas 384
    Rage 385
    Matter Related Issues and Related Provisions 385
    Junk Things Forbidden to Anyone 386
    Menstrual End, Symptoms and Its Detection in Elderly Women 386
    Does Pregnant Woman Have Menstruation? 387
    Women of Hayız and Nifas Cannot Tawaf Kaaba 387
    Can Women with Menstruation Sa'a Safa and Merve in Hajj? 388
    Using Drugs to Prevent Menstruation 389
    It is Obligatory for Men of Menstrual and Nifasti to Grasp when Their Blood is Cut 389
    Woman With Menstruation Is Not Dirty 390
    Can Menstruated Woman Wash a Funeral? 390
    Perspective of Islam and Medicine in the Formation of the Fetal 391
    The Places Where the Decree of Nifasm is Different 392
    CHAPTER 24
    NAMAZ (SAL & Acirc; T) 395
    The wisdom of prayer 395
    Nawis of Prayer 396
    Fards (Conditions, Rukuns) of Prayer 396
    Terms of Prayer 397
    Hadesten bidet 397
    Prayer of Impurity 397
    Setr-i Avret 397
    Avret 397
    The limit of the awrah in prayer is 397
    Istikbal-i qibla 397
    Time 399
    Intention 399
    Rukes of Prayer 401
    Iftitah Takbiri 401
    Kıyam 402
    Recitation in Prayer 404
    Ruk 405
    Ruk's Terms 405
    Prostration 405
    Conditions of Prostration 405
    Last Sit in Prayer (Ka'de-i Ahire) 407
    Complying with Ta'dil-i Erkâna 407
    Leaving Prayer of Your Own Will 408
    408 Fundamentals of Prayer
    The Sunnahs of Prayer 409
    Prayer Makruhlan 411
    Nullifiers of Prayer 414
    Things That Do Not Break Prayer 415
    Prayer and Purification 416
    Do You Pray With Thin Socks? 417
    Veiling in Prayer 417
    Congregational Prayer 417
    Some Matters in Prayer Eiakkm 418
    Do You Pray With Painted Lips? 418
    Do you pray with a dress contaminated with dishwater? 418
    Prayers of Pregnant Women 419
    Can women sit in the field and pray? 419
    Alcoholic Deodorants and Cologne with Ablution
    Is it possible to worship while using it? 419
    Abandonment of Prayer by Women in Mentality 419
    Other Prayers Other Than Five Times Prayers 420
    Friday Prayer 420
    Eid Prayers 420
    Funeral Prayer 420
    Tarawih Prayer 420
    Accident Prayers and Edası 420
    Performing the qada prayers 421
    Passenger (Expedition) Prayer 421
    Tahiyyet al-Masjid Prayer 422
    Tahajjud (Night) Prayer 422
    Prayer of Tasbih 422
    Regaib Night Prayer 423
    Prayer on the Night of Mi'ıac 423
    Prayer of the Night of Berat 423
    Prayer of the Night of Power 423
    Night of Power 423
    Qushluk (Duha) Prayer 424
    Prayer of Hajat 424
    Prayer of Thanks 424
    Prayer of Resignation 424
    The Form of the Prayer of Istihare 425
    Prayer of Repentance 425
    Prayer Performed on the Way and Returning 425
    Prayer of the New Groom and Bride 425
    Prayer of a Hajj When Leaving Home 426
    Prayer of Isra 426
    Awwabin Prayer 426
    CHAPTER 25
    Morning Prayer 427
    Midday Prayer 428
    Afternoon Prayer 429
    Evening Prayer 430
    Isha Prayer 430
    Witr Prayer 431
    Prayer of the Patients 431
    Woman's Journey 431
    Table Chair 432
    Nafile Prayers 434
    Muakakad and non-muakakkad sunnahs 434
    Muakakad sunnahs 434
    Non-muakkadah sunnahs 434
    Times of Prayer Makruh 435
    CHAPTER 26
    ORUC 437
    Recipe for Fast 437
    Dissolving Fasting 437
    The Wisdom and Benefits of Fasting 437
    Conditions of Obligatory Fasting 438
    Time of the Fast 439
    Nullifies the Fast 439
    Things That Do Not Break The Fast 440
    Not Fasting or Breaking Up After Holding
    Disease Excuse 442
    Life Danger. 442
    Pregnancy and Lactating Women 442
    Unable To Endure Fast 442
    Affection and Old Age 442
    Ransom 443
    Can Lipstick Be Used On Lips While Fasting? Is Fasting Invalidated? 443
    Tooth Extractor, Filling, Miswak Teeth
    or Washing with Putty, Injection ... Does it Break the Fast? 443
    Confession of Women 444
    CHAPTER 27
    ZEK and Acirc; T 445
    The Meaning of Zakat 445
    Enabling Zakat 445
    Wisdom and Benefits of Zakat 445
    Conditions for Zakat to be Obligatory 446
    Goods Subject to Zakat 447
    Goods Not Subject to Zakat 448
    Animals Subject to Intelligence 449
    Zakat of Camels 449
    Zakat of Cattle 450
    Zakat of Sheep and Goats 450
    Zakat on Trade Goods 451
    Zakat of Gold and Silver 452
    Zakat on Paper Money and Banknotes 453
    Zakat on Land Products 454
    Zakat of Mines 454
    Zakat of Hoards 455
    Places of giving zakat 456
    Those Who Will Not Be Given Zakat 457
    CHAPTER 28
    What is Fitrah? 459
    Who Gives the Fitrah? 459
    To whom is fitra given? 460
    CHAPTER 29
    HACC and UMRE 461
    The Meaning of Hajj 461
    Meaning of Umrah 461
    Difference Between Hajj and Umrah 461
    Wisdom and Benefits of Hajj and Umrah 462
    Parts and Types of Hajj 464
    Hadjj-i frad 464
    Hacc-ı Kemettu 464
    Hajj-i Kiran 464
    Rûkunlan of the Hajj (Fards) 464
    Waiting for a Time in Arafat 464
    Tawaf the Kaaba 464
    The Nature of Tawaf 465
    Types of Tavaf 465
    Qudum Tawafi 465
    Visiting Ceiling 465
    Sader Tavafi 465
    Nafile Tawaf 466
    Tawaf of Umrah 466
    Conditions of Hajj to be Fard 466
    Conditions that Make the Eda of Hajj Obligatory 466
    Conditions of the Health of the Hajj 467
    Wajibs of the Hajj 468
    Sunnah of the Hajj 469
    The Completion of the Fard Pilgrimage 470
    How Umrah Is Made 472
    Making the Dividend Volume 473
    The Making of the Kıran Pilgrimage 474
    474 If Her Husband Does Not Permit A Woman Who Is Fard For Hajj
    Is it permissible for a woman to marry if she does not have a Mahram for Hajj ?. 475
    Can a woman go on pilgrimage alone? 475
    Wawah 476
    Episode 30
    What is the victim? 477
    Distribution of Sacrificial Meat 47 "
    Sacrifice Time 478
    Who Makes Sacrifices 478
    Animals to Sacrifice 478
    Victim's Verdict 479
    Preventing the Victim 479
    How to Slaughter the Sacrifice 480
    Sacrifice for the Dead 480
    Is it eaten when a woman cuts it? 480
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