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    Original, first-class, black and high-quality Liquid Riding. In a Single Protective Plastic Package. It is rumored that using riding is good for eye pain, as it is circumcision by our religion.

    DRIVING WITH ISMID from the Prophetic Treatment Procedures

    Jabir (r.a) he said that:

    I am the Prophet (p.a.v) I heard from as follows:

    "When you go to bed, continue ismid (pulling the so-called driving into your eyes). Because it cleanses the eye and increases the power of vision and grows hairs (i.e. eyelashes)." (Ibn al-Majah, Medicine, 25)

    Ibn al-Abbas (r.a) In the narration from the Prophet (p.a.v) he said as follows:
    "Continue to use Ismid, for he is the best of your driving. It gives brightness to the eye (makes vision clearer) and finishes the hair (eyelash)." (Tirmidhi, Libas 23)

    We know that today many medicines for diseases are produced from plants. There are many examples of the medical prophethood reported by our Lord in the Hadiths; however, it should be stated with regret that we, as Muslims, do not know that this is very valuable, it cannot be said that we have researched these recommendations to the extent of today's possibilities and presented them to people by revealing the healing elements in them. In fact, our efforts in this regard are also related to our efforts in following other sunnas.

    It is mentioned in the hadiths that some of the substances recommended as medicines for various diseases are herbal substances, and for diseases other than these, a number of medicines should be sought. Our Prophet (p.a.v) It is necessary to consider the ismid stone recommended by the eye in this context. Ismid is a sliding stone. It is black in color and plays to red. It is mentioned that the best came out in Isfahan. It is a bright stone that is easy to break down. When it is clean, it is white silver color.Jul.

    When rubbed between the fingers, it scatters Decoctions around. (Ali Rıza KARABULUT, Encyclopedia of Medicine, Mektebe Yay., c.2, p.624)
    Our Prophet (p.a.v) some of the benefits of ismid, which is especially recommended to drive before bedtime, are listed as follows:

    Riding gives brightness to the eye and allows the eye to see clearly.
    It strengthens the eye nerves.
    Riding absorbs tears and pus in the eyes, removes burrs.
    It finishes the eyelashes again, allows them to multiply.
    It strengthens the eye vessels -especially in the elderly and children.
    When rubbed together with honey in a thin liquid form, it relieves headaches.
    A riding stone with a little musk added to it is the most beautiful riding stone, especially for the elderly and those with weak eyes. (Ibn al-Qayyim, Medicine, p.459)
    Due to the fact that the main ingredient of the application is ‘antimony’, it blackens the eyelashes.
    Due to the fact that the ride is black, it retains the heat rays from the sun. Because the excessive order of heat rays to the eye, it is also mentioned that it damages the lens and retina in the eye.
    Some of the provisions about riding are as follows:
    It is makruh for men to take driving only to be decorated.
    Riding is pulled out before bedtime. Riding made of "ismid" stone is used as riding.
    On Fridays; smell crawling, washing, etc. as with circumcision, riding is a circumcision.
    Riding is driven by pulling three times to the right, three times to the left (so that the number is odd at each pull), or three times to the right twice to the left (so that the total number is odd).
    Riding does not break the fast, even if the taste is felt in the throat or if he sees his saliva colored when he spits.
    It is makruh to use silver continuance.
    Source: guidedergisi
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